15.A strange new world.

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I opened my eyes, suddenly able to see. I am in a dark forest, but it isn't purgatory. There are three moons and many stars lighting a path. I was wearing a dark trenchcoat and a white dress, my funeral clothes.
I look around and it appears that I just regenerated here. Scorch marks on surrounding trees suggest that it was a whopper.

"Momma!" I turned around to where the girl cried.

"Mommy!" Hailey. I tore through the forest in search of my child.

She started crying as I approached a steep cliff. I could see a campground.

I flap my wings. Hope I can still fly with seven. And dove off the face of the cliff. I didn't fly, I coasted as I fell.
I cant stop! Ahh!

I hit the ground and tumbled right on top of their now smoulderimg campfire a little dazed.

"Ahh Daddy! Momma!" The little girl screamed.
"Get inside the tent." A man's voice echoed through the canyon. I felt a blade on my neck.

"Who and what are you?" I look up and he has dark blue skin and blue eyes.

"I'm...umm I'm-not from around here."

He looks me over.
"Are you ok? You are sitting on hot coals like they are a warm bed."

"Oh!" I shot up and he aimed a gun at me. I stuck my hands up.

"Umm, there are knives in both pockets of my trenchcoat. And a short sword in the inside pocket. I did not mean to frighten you. I do not mean to harm you. I just.. impossible though...thought I heard something."

The man disarmed me.

"What did you think you heard?"
"Someone who is now twice dead. Someone that I couldn't bring with me, even though I would give up my life to get her back. My daughter. I heard yours and thought..."

The man lowered his gun a bit.

"And you fell off that cliff to get to her?" He beckoned me to sit down.

"Well, I didn't fall, exactly... I was trying to fly. My wings haven't been used in a year though, so it didn't go as planned."

"Wings? You don't have wings." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Yes I do. I can show you, please allow me to clear this up." He nodded and I let my wings be shown.

"Calistoga! Bring Hailek she is gonna want to see this."

The mother and daughter , whose skins were a lighter blue, ducked out of the tent. Their jaws dropped when they saw my wings.

"Pwetty!" The girl was the same size as Hailey, and was being held back by her mother.

"What is she?" She asked her husband.

"I don't know. I don't think she wants to hurt us."

"No. I don't. I just thought that somehow my daughter had passed through here. I was wrong. Where is here?"

"The Grand Canyon of Archmedis."

"Umm, sorry I still don't know. Planet, galexy, constelation, star date?"

"Planet Braswell of the Rowling galaxy, in the constelation of Paolini. Star date is 5962.71. Where are you from that you don't know these things?"

"Mainly earth, milky way galaxy during 5960... but I've been locked away for over 7 years." The mom pulled her child back.

"Prison?" She asked.
"No, I wish it was prison. The first five and a half were in Hell. Literally Hell. Tortured every day by black eyed demons. The other year and a half was in purgatory. Where the souls of non-humans go when they die. Humans are the main sentient lifeforms on earth."

"Hell? Purgatory? I have heard of these places in a book." The man pulled out a bible from his bag. It had pictures, he turned to one of hell.

"Is this where you went?" It had fire everywhere and was full of chaos.

"Not exactly, but that same place yeah. I was held captive. I am not human. I am an angel." The man flipped through the book to a picture of a baby faced man in a white robe with two wings.

"Hey, that looks like Castiel. Yeah, except I'm the most powerful angel. I am an archangel. Or I was, I'm not so sure what I am now. I am also a Timelord." They gasped.

"You are from Galliffrey? Us too! We are visiting this planet." The girl squeaked.

"Yeah. I regenerated and I'm not sure what power I still have."

"Can you heal people? Heal my son?" The woman asked.

"I can see if that ability stays with me." The man lowered his gun and led me to the smaller tent. A small boy was sleeping. He was hooked up to medicine bags.

"What is wrong with him?"

"We met a few travellers and they passed him a sickness they called stripped throat. He has been sick for a month. None of the healers can help." I couldn't help it, I laughed a little.

"It isn't funny!"

"Your kid has strep throat. I used to get it twice a year, every year. Let's see if I can heal him." I touched two fingers to his forehead. His fever broke, his skin darkened in color, and he opened his baby blue eyes.

"Mom. Who is this?"
"I am the Angel of Time." I turned around, to face the father.
"May I have my blades back?" He handed them over. I pushed up my sleeve.

"What is that?" He asked.
"A vortex manipulator. My husband dressed me for my funeral. He gave me a way back." I felt around in an inside pocket. I found a sonic screwdriver and a piece of psychic paper. "Wow he really hoped I would regenerate. Off I go."

"Where are you going?" The woman asked.

"Asguard to get my husband. Earth to notify my family. Hell to kill the King. And heaven to rally angels to go to purgatory and get my friends."

"Good works be with you, and may your blades stay sharp."

"May you be warded from harm, and may your family always be together." I said as I pressed the go button.

I landed facing the inside of two very familiar doors.

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