18. Family Reunion...of sorts.

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I woke up to screaming and a crashing Tardis.

A skinny, old man with hoot owl eyes was fluttering around the consol. I stood and stumbled over to him, my wings dragging the ground.

"Oh,River, good your awake. Can you fly this thing?"

"I ain't River...I don't know how....Oh wait yeah I do." I looked at the buttons and years of training came back to me. I pulled buttons and pushed levers, landing us somewhere on earth.

I stand back amazed at my own ability to fly this machine.

"Who are you?" The Doctor asked.

"Yer wife." My southern drawl was worse than before. I then wispered his name to him. His new eyebrows shot up.

"OH! How come you get to be ginger and I don't?" He asked as the Tardis was suddenly shaken, I tripped over long, soft feathers.

I pretty much fall on the consol, trying to see what was going on. Darkness on the screen.

I ran to the door and opened it. Darkness there too.

I checked my wrist, I still have my manipulator.

"I'll be right back. Don't press anything!" I left the Tardis and entered a prehistoric jungle. There was a T-rex where the Tardis should be.
"What?" I say as I hear the sounds of the engines from inside the dinosoar. I hit the return button, nothing happens.

She dissappears.
"Crap." I try my V.M. again. Nothing. I sonic it... still nothing.

"CRAP!" I wonder around a bit after that. I hear some shuffling and some form of language.

I go towards it and find a family of three clothed in sheepskin, eating fruit.
They are startled by my appearance.

I put up my hands, showing that I wasn't armed.

"Hello. My name Riley. Riley." I pint to myself as I say my name.

"Ok. Riley, we aren't dumb. We know how to talk." I straightened as the father spoke. Apparently I now knew prehistoric languages too.

"Sorry, I just. I'm new around here and was wondering if I could stay for a while." I stepped through the trees and the parents gasp. They are staring at my wings.

"You are an Angel of the Lord. Please sit and stay as long as you like."

"Thank you. What are your names?"

"I'm Adam, my wife Eve, and my son Seth."

"Adam and E- OH The Adam and Eve. Wow. I have officially met the first humans. Ahh ow." My head split open, not literally. Angel Radio.
Apparently this is the night that Lucifer falls.

"Hey, remember that snake? He was actually Lucifer, and he is going to fall and be locked away tonight for going against out father. Huh." They nodded like they understood the pieces about Lucifer, but we're confused by my small scoff.

"What is wrong?"

"It's so weird. Lucifer, the Devil himself, is my little brother. I gotta find Cass."

"Cass? What is Cass?"
"Castiel, another angel."

"Castiel. If you can hear me, come get me. I know you have no idea who I am, but in about 9 thousand years you will know." I looked around no Cass, just some confused people.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked.

"Prayin'. Come On Castiel! Get your feathery arse down here! I don't have time for any of yer horse sh-"

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