20. What did I miss?

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I landed in an empty court and put my wings away. Then made my way to the living quarters of the palace.

It must have been late because there weren't many people out.

I made it to my hallway and noticed the two Tardis blue doors that were right across from eachother.

I opened mine and went in. There were two memorial shrines in the living room. One for me, one for my daughter. I wondered through the apartment stopping at my ipod which was stuck on repeat of Carry On My Wayward Son I changed it to The Dance be Garth Brooks , and began singing into my sonic. I sung and danced through the rooms...until I got to Hailey's.

There I broke down. I sat on her tiny bed and hugged the stuffed duck, and I cried. No angel can feel emotions. No demon knows love or loss. But the mix with two hearts has twice the emotion as a human. Twice the love. Twice the pain.

When the music stopped I stood and left the room, not bearing to be in there.

I pop into John's apartment. It is a complete mess. Not trashy and furniture thrown about, but like he just doesn't care to pick up. Or finish much of anything. Several half done projects littered the floor. I look around and decide that I am going to surprise him.

I clean the entire apartment. I straighten and put together many projects. I do laundry and dishes. Then about nine in the morning, I start on breakfast. Jammy Dodger Pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

While I'm frying I hear him stir. I make myself presentable in a blink.

"Who is that? Frey I swear if that is you I'm telling Thor that you broke into my-" He came into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. His frame was a bit skinnier. He had slept in his clothes. His bowtie and suspenders hung loosely and his shirt was crumpled. His bangs were sticking straight up.

"Watch out. Your hair is trying to become like your tenth self." I smiled as I put the last of the bacon on a plate and placed it on the table with the rest of the food.

"Sit. You look like you haven't eaten in days. Go ahead, dig in."
He sat and started piling his plate while I munched bacon. The after taste was molecules, but I kept eating because it was bacon.

After he ate a couple bites he put his fork down and folded his hands in front of his face.

"Who are you? How do you know my favorite pancake recipe?"

"Your wife." I smile.

"My wife is dead. She died with my daughter." I look down to hide a tear.

"One hundred twenty three years, and he won't get it." I mumbled. "How long has it been for you? Since she passed."

"Two years. And not a minute goes bye that I don't wish she was here." He ate a bacon strip.

"What do you miss most about her?"

"Her smile. Even though she knew she was doomed she still smiled. Just like that." He was looking at my face intently.
"Sorry. I thought ... nothing. Just an old mad man."

"Without your box." I whisper.

"Yes. Who are you?" He was concentrating too hard.

"I wont tell you, because you know me."

"How well?"

"As well as your own hearts."

"Just as me? Or do you know the genuine article too?" I smile.

"Both." He still was thinking.

"Who are you? Please just tell me."

I could feel the disappointment on my face.

"You can't see me can you? I'm sitting right in front of you and you don't even know. You either can't see me or you won't believe it's me. Please just see me. Please. If you don't know, then forget it. I'll leave and you won't see me again."

His face was still blank. I stood and turned to grab my coat. I hear him gasp.

"No. You can't be. That's impossible." He stood and ran a finger on my back between my wings.

"She said she would find you even if she died first. I guess she was serious about the death part." Now I was confused. "She must have given you a regeneration and Crowley a copy. Oh your mother was clever like that. Hailey."

I turn around and let him see my tear stained face.

"No. Your not even close. Goodbye." I run out the door, then the palace. I run into the bifrost where Heimdal stopped me.

"Lady Riley. You have returned."
"No . Apparently I haven't. Please don't let anyone know."

"No ma'am. I will not. Where are you going?"

"Back to an old friend." I say before I fly to the TARDIS.

The twelfth Doctor was laying under the consol. Unconcious and very bloody.

"Doctor! Oh no. I just left didn't I ? I'm so sorry." I kiss his head and heal him.

"Riley. Why did you just attack me?"

"She was controlled by Crowley. No emotion or thought process except for what he put there. Except for the deep rooted soulmate gene that he had no idea of."

"So because that gene she stopped?" He sat up and looked me in the eyes.

"No, because she loves you with both her hearts she spared you." I wipe my face from earlier. The tears had turned silver on my face.

"The return to your husband didn't go too good?" His eyebrows turned up.

"He thought that I was Hailey, and that I had stayed dead so that I could save her. He couldn't see me. I. Was. Right. In. Front. Of him. He couldn't. See me." I curled up and the Doctor put his arm around me. I covered us with my wings.

"I see you. I have always seen you for the amazing woman you are." He set his forehead on mine and whispered into my hair.

"You've been with me for over a hundred years,and we're there when I regenerated, you don't exactly count."

"Of course I count. I love you, that makes me count."

"Whatever you say... so what did I miss?"

"Well...*time skip through season 8 to prevent spoilers*...and that's about it. I haven't seen Clara again since that day in the shop. It's been lonely. What about you?"

"Ah, well turns out that Dean and Cass got out of purgatory without me. They also kind of saw me in nothing but my wings, but that's all they saw. Hey what is on my back? John saw it and thought he remembered."

I furl my wings and turn so my back was to the Doctor.

"There is a star shaped scar that looks like where your blade stabbed through. No wonder he thought it was little Hailey back from the dead. She had the same scar."

I choked on air at the realization.

"I- I stabbed her? No nono I couldn't have. I stopped from killing you because of love, I should've stopped with her. Mother instinct."

"I'm sorry, but no. It wasn't you, exactly. Crowley actually possessed you and killed her in order to break you."

"How do you know?" I yell at him.
"Because we found sulfur in the wound, and he told us that is was the first thing he made you do." His voice was steady and his hand was light on my shoulder.

"Don't beat yourself up over his actions." He whispered.

"If I would have killed him when I first met him, then none of this would have happened."

"That would create a paradox of terrible dimension. Canceling out why you kill him, which in turn makes you not kill him because you have no reason why you are killing him."

"So it would be for nothing. Your right. I just wish things would go my way sometimes." I sighed as I stood up.

"Hey, I'm here. I'll always be here." He stood in friendly defense. I wrapped my arm around his bony frame.

"I know. That's why I keep you around. Haha!" I stole his Sonic and ran up the stairs.

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