10.Flying Ass Monkeys.

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The Doctor's pov

Riley drank the blood of Castiel and began to change instantly. Her eyes opened, flashed purple,then started to glow white. I became able to see two large wings with white and gold feathers. Then a wave of energy exploded from her that sent everything(including Cass and I) flying. The room shook and the remaining glass shattered with a ear-busting noise.

I sat up and Riley was standing on her own. She staggered towards me as the others rushed in.

"Are you ok?" I was a little afraid of the answer.

"Never better. Castiel, get the others prepped we go to save Hailey in an hour."

"Are you a pure Angel now?" Natasha asked.

"No. I still have powers of a demon, they are just less powerful than the angel. I still have two hearts." She smiled at me as her eyed dimmed to the beautiful blue-green they were before.

"She has grown a grace, and now can handle anything an angel can. Shall we go now? "

"Let's do this." She bound Loki and pushed him to the other room with a flick of her wrist. Cass and Riley held out their arms for the rest of us to grab.
1..2..3! Their wings swooped and we landed on concrete outside a small office building.

"Go break the sigils, there is one on the north, east, and south walls. To keep almost any angel out. Banner, go crazy, but leave the guy in the big office to me." She commanded the Avengers then turned to me.

"You be careful. You don't have any regenerations and I don't know where you go when you die. I love you."

"I'll be ok, I'm the king of ok. I love you more." I ran off to join the others, an angel blade in one hand and a mallet in the other.

Banner,Thor, and Tony were dealing with the outside seals, Clint, Natasha and I are inside breaking the more complex signs.

An angel ran towards us Clint fired a few arrows into his side and smirked.

"Your sticks can't hurt me you stupid little monkey!" The Angel laughed then disintegrated as the arrows exploded.

"Arsen Arrows dipped in Holy Oil. Works." We ran smashing every sign along the way.

Three more angels surrounded and grabbed us, we'll they tried. Natasha knocked the feet from under one of them, I plunged the knife into the back of the woman that grabbed me. She staggered backwards, lights under her skin reminded me of Riley's veins, and slumped against the wall. Black burn marks were visible behind her, her wings.

"I just killed an angel." I was disgusted with myself. How could you kill her? She is your fiancé's kin.

"Hey Doctor! Earth to John. Come on help with this one!" Clint was still in a choke hold, and Natasha was trying to plunge an arrow into him as I turned.

Suddenly a series of cracks issued from the right. We ducked as Thor's hammer struck the Angel, killing it. Clint rolled towards me, yanked the knife out of the dead and 'took care of' the other celestial being.

"This isn't right." I mumbled as we jogged deeper into the building.

"One more!" Clint affirmed and nodded to me. I raised the mallet and smashed the most intricate carving on the last door. It opened and a large man sitting at a desk looked up, unamused.

"Well, I suppose you are the Weapon's shield? It won't do you any good to hide her. She will come to us..if she wants her daughter's soul and her friends back." He waved a finger and we were in heavy chains our weapons gone. Tony, Thor and a now human Banner were there chained and disarmed.

"Oh yeah. What are you going to do, force Angel blood in her?" Tony remarked.

"Never force. Trade your lives for her taking blood, and her baby's soul for her service."

"Well you are a little slow on the draw there, Raphael." I turned and saw Castiel and Riley, full glow, with angel blades out.

"How? How are you not burning? Even with archangel blood you would burn."

"I am her celestial parent. Our blood is...almost the same"

"In other words. Give me my baby's soul, or kill I you and every angel that serves you."

"Riley, be careful." I muttered. Raphael stood and walked around his desk.

"I would love to, but as it turns out your 'baby' is a Niphilim. Her real mommy was a human, and her daddy was an angel. She is an abomination. There fore must be destroyed."

The Angel was dragged forward, he started to sweat blood.

"So where is her soul? Tell me or I-"

"Kill me."

"No." She leaned forward a few inches from his face and dropped her voice to a deadly pitch. "First i remove all the souls you have ever collected. Next, I take my fingernails and I carve your grace out, then I take your grace and keep it within me. Then when you are merely a dying human, I drop you on earth in a mental institute for the criminally insane. You will live amongst the worst of the mud monkeys for the rest of your days. So how about that soul?"

The Angel looked like he just messed himself as he shakily pulled a bright white light from his chest and held it out to Riley.
"Rabid Bitch." He whispered as she held the soul.

"No, your the bitch I'm the master with a shotgun." She plunged her hand into his chest a bright light swarmed out of him and into her.

I looked away as she did as she said.

She stood, broke our bonds, and walked over to us.

"I'm sorry about that. I had to be sure that he wasn't lying. Besides I know where to find Crowley now."

"So...what now? We go fight some demons and get the kid. Right?" Tony asked as he rubbed his wrists.

"No." She raised her hand and we were back at the Tower.

I looked up at the sky.
"Really Riley? Come on!"

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