Chapter 4

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He fell asleep in a small pile of overgrown grass, snuggling down among it and letting the combined softness of the blades and the warmth they had captured from the sun that beamed down onto him lull his tired and fatigued body to rest. When his eyes opened once more, he was quite content to find himself in the exact same spot, not a blade rustled. His electricity felt settled, calm, sated, something that was new and yet, loved all the same. He pushed himself up and looked to the sky, seeing the blackness of it. Stars twinkled above and the trees seemed to shift away, allowing him to peer up at the stars and the moon. His body, although still somewhat aching, felt much better than it had. It no longer screamed at him but moaned, like trying to rouse a child from their rest to attend school. It was not as if he could not move, he just didn’t want to. Fireflies began to dance in his vision, flying past with their lights blinking, entrancing him and drawing his attention away from the distant stars to these seemingly closer ones. He reached out gently, letting one rest on his finger. It blinked at him before flying off, back to join its kin in the sky. He sighed in contentment and his eyes slipped shut once more as the gentle chirping of crickets reached his ears and serenaded his rest.

The morning came much too fast for his liking as the chirping of birds caused him to rise. His eyes opened slowly and he yawned, stretching out the best he could. He left his place, walking through the trees until he found a small pool filled with water. Instantly, he was on his knees, cupping his hands and basically inhaling the liquid, letting it move down his dry throat and letting it soothe his pained body. Looking up, he noticed a lake just a few metres away. He looked at it nervously before sighing, letting out anything he worried about. Approaching, he quickly disrobed, setting his tattered clothes in a pile before slowly lowering himself into the clear water. He smiled in content as he dived below the surface, swimming underneath in search of something he could use. Something sparking caught his eye and he swam towards it, cupping the shiny thing in his hand before swimming towards the surface. He brushed away the dirt from the strange thing and stared at it. Gold. He knew what that was at least. He hastily cleaned himself and swam back to the bank, drying himself off and getting clothed before holding the small lump of gold in his hand and racing off, hopefully towards civilization.

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