Chapter 15

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Meatballs were not oatmeal. That was something Cry was grateful for as he practically inhaled the plate. Felix snickered gently as he watched the man across from him drag his tongue across the surface, eager to take every little drip of the delicious tasting meal.

“Would you like something else?” Felix asked, taking the plate from Cry’s hands. The younger nodded furiously, taking the plate back from Felix and holding it up in a begging motion. The Swede laughed heartily, standing and moving over to the kitchen bench. He placed down some slices of bread and removed the spreads from the fridge, pasting them across the bread slices in a thin layer. He placed assorted foodstuffs on the bread too before placing a slice on top, denoting the sandwich was complete. The three sandwiches that had been crafted were sliced into triangles and set in a tower formation, causing them all to sit on the plate steadily.

“Enjoy” Felix said, setting the plate down. Cry grinned and leapt forward, taking two sandwiches in his hands and bringing them to his mouth with incredible speed. The Swede chuckled lightly as he moved into the hall, opening the linen press and retrieving the best towels he had. Folded neatly and stacked in his arms, he set them on the edge of the bath.

Entering the kitchen once more, a gentle smile settled once more on his lips as he looked to the table. Cry’s form lay slouched in it, a sandwich still on his plate, a lucky one that had survived the attack. The slouched form was asleep, chest rising and falling slowly. Specks of food sat on his face, stuck to the corners of his lips and sprinkled across his cheeks. The sight made Felix chuckle as he moved forward to brush the little pieces off his face. Eyes flew open and body jolted, almost toppling off of the chair, causing Felix to yelp as he grabbed Cry’s hand, engaging them in a precarious balancing act. The air crackled with both tension, fear and electricity as the thumping heart resounding in Cry’s chest fought to dominate over the electrical urges that wanted to rise.

“You okay?” The panicked voice had taken over the soft one, unnerving Cry greatly.

“I-I’m.. yeah... I’m fine” He quickly replied, wiping the crumbs off his face and pulling on Felix’s arm, sitting on the chair properly. “Felix...” The voice was low and quiet as eyes were directed to the floor. “You’re scared... aren’t you?”

“Yeah” Felix replied, making Cry’s eyes flick straight to Felix, panic written deep into his expression. “I’m scared of you Cry-” Felix’s expression was straight and honest while Cry’s own looked like he would be ready to flee at any moment. “-But you’re petrified of yourself. That’s why I’m still here; because you’re more scared than I am.” Felix smiled while Cry’s lip trembled once more. The arms he had grown to crave encircled him, delivering the delicious comfort he adored. He cried once more but it was just gentle this time, no heaving chest or loud wail, just slow breathing and a few tears. Felix rested a hand on Cry’s head and stroked the hair gently, bringing more comfort to the crying form in his arms.

“Now come on, take a shower and clean yourself up” Felix told Cry, releasing him and aiding him in standing. Cry nodded and let Felix lead him to the shower.

He would love this.

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