Chapter 21

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The bookshelves towered to the roof, each one connecting with it as the different forks and paths made themselves evident to Cry who was slowly losing himself inside them. It was dead silent too, not a peep to be heard. His mind was slowly becoming more and more confused and despite fighting it as best as he could, electricity crackled in the air. His fingers twitched and hair stood on end, his feet moved faster and his breath became panicked. The Sup clutched firmly in his arms would have choked if needing to breathe with the death hold he had on the plush. Finally, he was greeted with a dead end, causing him to screech to a halt. He turned around, finding himself completely lost and confused. Panicked breaths began to escape him and flashbacks of dark sterile corridors settled in his mind, making his eyes blaze with pain. The creak of metal and sound of sparking generators filled his ears. Generators were not like his own electricity. His own echoed with sweet words, being a part of his own mind and so being filled with his own kind ideas. Generators were cold and harsh, forcing power onto someone, whether they could take it or not. The pages of the books left open for displays began to rustle and books shook on their shelves while lights began to flicker dangerously. His body radiated a thick, electrical aura and tendrils slowly snaked away, creeping across the floor to attack the scientists his mind thought were approaching.

Felix grinned as he sat in the chair, surrounded by many grinning faces, all looking up at him with eagerness to hear the next part of the thrilling story he was telling. The Swede drew in a breath, ready to start the next line and finish the cliffhanger when the gentle rustling of pages caught his ears. At first he dismissed it but then the lights flickered. It caused him to close the book and set it aside, inciting concern from the children. He rose slowly, looking up at how the lights only flickered in one specific area.

“What...” His voice trailed as he saw one of the small tendrils of electricity creep along the floor. Eyes widened and legs raced, making the children shout questions as Felix ran. His foot slammed down on the spark without intention, causing Cry’s eyes to snap open. He extended a hand, forcing all electricity sent in tendrils to retract to their source and instead race along the floor in one bolt, hopeful to attract the help he needed. Keen eyes spotted the bolt, confused among the racks and causing Felix to run faster. He slammed his foot onto it again, making it slowly retract, just one step ahead of him. He followed with relentless motions, legs moving as fast as he could. A yelp escaped him as he almost tripped and crashed into the shelves but he took it in his stride, turning the corner sharply with his fumble and bolting straight for Cry. He fell to his knees and swept the boy into his arms, holding on tightly and muttering silent things to him, causing the pages to still and the lights to remain on.

“I’m sorry! I was trying-” Fingers were pushed to his lips again, making him feel like a small child once more.

“It’s okay, I forgot to tell you how to find me. It’s my fault” Felix said, calming Cry instantly. “Come on, I owe some kids and you a story” He said, stepping back and aiding Cry by gently grasping his hand and pulling him up.

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