Chapter 13

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His mind had prepared for something terrible. A jolt. Some screams. Excruciating pain. He received none. The lack of something was perplexing. Eyes which had shut in panic opened slowly. Where the electric tendrils had once been were stained a unfixable black, a shade that would show no matter how much paint was used. That shining aura that had dwarfed Cry before was now much smaller and softer in appearance, fully transparent and sparking much less than it had before.

“You... don’t care” The voice was quiet and fearful as the owner trembled greatly.

“I don’t care” Pewds repeated, shuffling forward. He stretched out his hand again but did not move for Cry’s face or chest. It instead reached for his hand which sat on bent knees. A thumb grazed over the back of Cry’s hand in a gentle, soothing action while Pewds let his eyes gently rest on Cry’s own in reassurance that he really did not care what he saw. The electric field fizzled out of existence slowly while Cry just stared. His face slowly changed and Pewds feared he had triggered him or provoked some strange reaction deep inside him but the thoughts were dashed away as the lip trembled and the eyes watered. A deep wail rose from aching vocal chords and a tired mind gave no cares that this man who was encountered only some hours ago now was witnessing a breakdown. It instead sung praises to heaven and all things blessed as strong arms wrapped around him and the strong aroma of cologne and warmth assaulted his senses. The wails were set free, out to roam the room and sneak into any ears careless enough to hear them yet Pewds did not shy away.

“It’s alright. Let it out. It’s really okay” Cry just wailed as that soothing and kind voice told him he could let his pent up fears out into the air. “I’m here Cry, don’t worry. You can tell me anything, I’ll listen to you. You can cry to me and scream, I won’t get angry” The words kept flowing and Cry kept screaming, letting out those long sixteen years of muffled cries in sleep and bleeding screams earned from treatments. It did finally end however when Cry slumped in Pewds’ arms, unable to move or speak anymore. He coughed and blood speckled his lips, something the Swede noticed.

“Come on” He said with the smoothest tone he could use, lifting Cry with ease and setting him in the chair at the small dining table. Reaching into the fridge, he grabbed some milk and moved to the cupboard for a mug, pouring the liquid into that container before placing the carton back in the fridge. He took a seat at the table and slid the cold mug over to Cry. Hands encircled it and a sigh left the boy’s mouth as a bolt of electricity leapt from his arm into the milk. A small light blinded Pewds for a moment before clearing, showing a gently steaming mug of milk. Cry raised it to his lips and sipped it, smiling as the soothing liquid coursed down his throat.

“You my friend...” Pewds began, “Have some questions to answer”

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