Hexing for Evans

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I hastily make my way out of the Great Hall because I can not bear another clever comment from James Potter. Are you a golden snitch, Evans? Because I've been seeking for something like you my whole life.     Hey Evans! You look like you'd be a good Quidditch player. Want to ride my broomstick? God, I don't think I have met a more repulsive wizard in my life. I am practically running down the corridor, not thinking to look back because I know James is following me. I continue to tell myself that there is only a couple turns left in the corridors, and then I have made it to the Gryfindor common room.

I wish that would have stopped him from bothering me. His best mate Sirius interjects my thoughts, and trapping me into the hallway between him and James. "Come on, Evans!  You have been avoiding me since the term started," James says with his normal sly smile.

"Two down, only a million more to go!" I reply back. With that comment, I make my way past Sirius and to the Fat Lady. The Fat Lady asks for the password as always, and I reply with the words In LETALITER Sanctio.I hear James Potter calling for me as he runs through the common room, and I swiftly glide up the stairs into my corridor.

I honestly have no idea why James Potter is so interested in me. I may be the only sixth year in the entire school that isn't intruiged by him. All you can seem to hear girls talk about is James Potter's 'dreamy eyes' and 'perfect hair'. They could not be more wrong.  His eyes reminded me of mud and his hair was most surley a rat's nest. He seemed to only care about playing Quiditch as well.  Also, why was it me he was intruiged with? I was just that sixth year Gryfindor with the bright red hair. I was also a muggle born. And I would rather him not be interested in me too. I decided to wait five more minutes, then to creep down the stairs to see if James and Sirius had gone upstairs. As I make my way down the stairs I notice that the common room has a lack of irritaion, meaning they must have went upstairs. I settle by the fire, take out my quill, and begin writing about moonstone on a parchment for Potions. I have written a few lines when a voice is suddlenly heard from behind me.

"Hello Lily" says Remus Lupins. I jumped, since I expected to be alone in the common room. His warm smile beams down on me.

"Oh, Hello Remus. I didn't see you walk in. How are you today?"

"Good, thank you for asking. Why down here so late?" He is smiling as he asks, because he already knows the answer to his question.

I smile wryly, "Potter." When I say this, we both laugh together. I quite enjoy Remus. He is very nice. "What might you be doing down here, Remus?"

He smiled. "Tending to some questions the first years had for the prefects so you could hide from James. 

I get red. He understands how much James bothers me. "Well thank you Remus. I owe you."

"No problem Lily. I guess I'll see you tommorrow." With that he walks away.

I wave goodbye, and work on more lines. After I have finished the second paragraph, I just sit and stare at the fire for a bit. I sit and wonder how a person such as Remus could be friends with James and Sirius. Remus was a prefect, top grades, kind to everyone, and a true friend. James and Sirius were good examples of the cream of the magical society. There jokes were childish. They were the main reason for our loss of house points. They would always go the littlest bit to far. Especially when they bothered--

No one. They bothered no one. If thats what I was to him, then he was a no one to me. After this disturbing thought crossed my mind, I decide I should head back up to my room. I pack up my quill. I gather all my papers, which have now spread all over the common room floor. A hand stretches out next to me gesturing me all of my papers. As I look up, I see that the owner of the hand is none other than the fabulous James Potter. "Leave me Alone James. I am not in a mood to talk to the face of annoyance." I know that he is going to ignore my plee.

"So, Lily, there is a Hogsmeade trip tomorrow." He comments, as if trying to propose something. I know he is going to try to ask me out. Again.

"No." I reply, as I stand up from the ground.

"Come on Evans! You don't even know what I was gonna ask."

"Any question from you James, is not a question worth hearing."

He chuckles as I say this. " Yeah, right Evans. You know, someday you will go out with me. And you will regret the way you have treated me for the past five years."

I scoff at his comment. "I would rather be eaten by a basalik." After my comment, I headed up to me room, and put away my things. I got into my dressing gown, and climbed into my bed. I hoped for sweet dreams, where James was trapped in a frozen lake.  Or maybe a dream without him at all. Because every dream with James Potter is bound to be a nightmare.


Ahhhh! I am writing again! School has been absolutley mental. But this time I am writing about something I truly love: Hary Potter.

I have been the biggest Potterhead since about 6th grade. I has honestly made a huge difference in my life.

And if you read Harry Potter, then you obviously must ship certain people. ♥♥♥JILY!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥ Jily is my favorite ship, and it always will be.

So as a memorial to the best ship ever, I give you my fan fiction. ENJOY!!!!!!!!



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