The Eighth Badge: Part 3

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"You're getting a little too comfortable with that Protect maneuver," I heckled Celso, "What, are you scared? Put the force field down. Fight like a man."

Celso was completely unaffected by my banter, "Sometimes the best kind of offense is a strong defense. You of all people should know this, Mister Phoenix."

"Don't compare me to yourself. You know damn well we are nothing alike."

"Aren't we? Please. I know all about your transformation into a ruthless and hardened trainer after you lost to your rival in Saffron City. There is a darkness about you, Phoenix, and it's about time you embraced it. I will help you in doing so, but not before showing you that you are in fact inferior to Celso Troark!"

"I don't have to explain myself to you. I lost my sense for a little bit, but I'm back on track now." I took advantage of this opportunity in which Celso was bathing in his own arrogance to strike. "Raichu, Thunder!"

Raichu sent an immense bolt of electricity at Cloyster, and I watched as the opponent fall unconscious.

Celso's face began to fill with rage as he retracted his Cloyster. He gripped another Ball in his hand tightly before sending it out, yelling, “Go, Aerodactyl!”

I laughed as the Fossil Pokémon emerged. How could Celso possibly think to send out a Flying-type against my Raichu? Aerodactyl could not learn the Protect technique. How could it possibly defend itself?

I soon got my answer. As I commanded Raichu to attack our opponent, Celso barked out a command, “Agility!”

Aerodactyl disappeared from sight as the bolt of lightning hurdled towards him. Raichu and I both looked around to try and find it until I heard Celso give another command.


Aerodactyl slammed to the ground between where Raichu and I were standing and planted itself firmly as the Gym started to shake. The quake was so violent that I was knocked off my feet and was planted firmly on my backside. As I got ahold of myself and regained my posture and looked up at what had become of my teammate.

Raichu had fallen.

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