Chapter 17

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Hayes POV:

Me and the guys were waiting at the car for the girls to come. After we waited for like 10 minutes we see them walking towards us. All except Reagan. Where did she go? The girls walk up to us carrying a lot of bags.

"Hey guys, where's Reagan?" Taylor asks.

"Oh um she should be coming. I was just talking to her a few seconds ago." Lauren says.

"Okay." We say. Then we wait.

*skip an hour*

We have been waiting for Reagan for an hour. 30 minutes ago me and the guys split up to find her. We all decided to meet back at the car in five minutes so I start my walk back to the car.

Once I arrive at the car I see Taylor, Cameron, Matt, Josette, Brooke, Mikhail, Aaron and Jack G. The others are either looking still or on their way back. Soon I see Lauren and Ella coming back to the car. Carter, Jack J, and Nash behind them. Where's Shawn? After 30 minutes Shawn walks up to the car.

"Did any of you find her?" He asks.

"No man. Sorry." Jack G says. Shawn then breaks down crying.

"Dude, maybe she went back to the house." Matt says trying to make Shawn feel better. I can see he's terrified though. We all get in the car and drive back to the house. We get to the house. Shawn jumps out of the car and into the house. We all get out and follow him.

"REAGAN?!" Shawn yells. There's no answer. He runs upstairs and I hear things slamming. He comes downstairs with tears streaming down his face.

"She isn't here!" He yells. He turns to the right and punches a wall. He walks up to Lauren.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He screams at her. I can see the terror in her eyes.

"I don't know." She says shaking.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" He screams. Then he slaps her across the face.

"SHAWN!" Matt and Aaron yell. Everyone else just stands there in shock. Lauren is on the floor crying and holding her face. She stands up and runs out the door. Matt and Aaron follow her. Shawn falls to the floor crying. I get the phone and call the police.

"Hello, how can I help you?" They say.

"I would like to report a missing person." I say calmly.

"Okay, what's the persons name?" He asks.

"Reagan Mendes." I say.



"Last place you saw her?"

"The mall." I say.

"How long ago?"

"About three hours ago."

"I can't help you until it's been 24 hours since last seen. I'm sorry." Then the line goes dead.

Reagan's POV:

I wake up I see black. I see a sliver of light coming through the wall. I hear a door open, the. I see a black figure come down the stairs. They turn on a light and I see him. Austin.

"Hey sweetheart. Miss me?" He asks.

"No." I spat. He walks up to me and slaps me across the face.

"Oh but sweetheart, I think you did." He laughs. Then he wraps his hand around my throat and I find it difficult to breath. I try to push him but my hands are tied behind my back.

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