Three hours later...
"Master Liu Kang, from the beginning again. 'With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine'. Now let's try it again." Quan Chi said as he was getting tired of teaching Liu Kang. This will be the last chance for Liu Kang to practice.
He nodded. "With this candle."
Unfortunately for Liu Kang, he attempted to light up the candle many times, which annoyed Quan Chi a lot.
He looked over his shoulder and saw Shao Kahn and Sindel giving him rude looks while Madam Bo facepalmed, and Raiden and Kung Lao felt concerned.
Quan Chi cleared his throat impatiently.
Finally, Liu Kang lit up the candle as he continued his practice. Sadly, he blows the candle by accident, causing Quan Chi and Madam Bo to groan.
"Continue!" Quan Chi shouted, making Liu Kang flinch.
Suddenly, the door rang, making Quan Chi's left eye glitch in anger.
"Get the door, Reptile," Shao Kahn said.
Then Reptile went to answer the door until he summoned the man who was none other than Prince Demande.
"I haven't a head dates. Apparently, I'm a day early for the ceremony." Demande said.
"Reptile, a seat for Prince Demande," Sindel ordered. Then Reptile offered Demande a chair to sit on.
"Do carry on," Demande said, smirking at Liu Kang, Kitana, and Quan Chi who were confused.
"Let's try it again," Quan Chi repeated.
So Kitana helped Liu Kang lighten up the candle as they continued the rehearsal. As he attempted over and over, Liu Kang ruined their wedding rehearsal by forgetting his vows, dropping the wedding ring, and clumsily setting Lady Sindel's dress on fire. Luckily, Demande came to the rescue when poured the drink into Sindel's dress, putting out the fire.
"Enough! This wedding cannot take place until he is properly prepared!" Then Quan Chi glared at Liu Kang, scolding him, "Young man, learn your vows!"
At that moment, when he looked at everyone worried and angry, Liu Kang began to run away.
"Well, he's quite the catch, isn't he?" Demande said, smirking. Kitana gave Demande a death stare after what he said.
Now Kitana was worried that Liu Kang didn't want to be married.
Corpse Bride // Mortal Kombat and Sailor Moon crossover [COMPLETED]
FanfictionLord Raiden and Queen Sindel have arranged Liu Kang and Kitana's marriage. Though Liu Kang and Kitana like each other, the Shaolin monk is nervous about the ceremony. While he's in a forest practicing his lines for the wedding, a tree branch becomes...