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Kavya is pacing the living room, clutching her phone and looking visibly irritated. Abhay watches her cautiously from the couch, unsure if he should intervene. She suddenly stops and glares at him.

Kavya: angrily "Abhi, why didn't you get me jalebis yesterday? I told you I was craving them!"

Abhay: confused "But Kavya, you said you wanted brownies, not jalebis. So, I went out at midnight to get brownies!"

Kavya: crossing her arms "That was yesterday's craving! Today, it's jalebis! How can you not understand this by now?"

Abhay: nervously standing up "Okay, okay, I'll get them right now. Just don't be mad, please."

Kavya: suddenly bursting into tears "You don't care about me anymore! I'm here, carrying your baby, and you don't even understand my needs!"

Abhay: panicking "What? No, Kavya, that's not true! I care about you more than anything. Look, I'll call the sweet shop right now and get those jalebis delivered!"

Kavya: sniffles, calming down slightly "Fine. But make sure they're hot. I hate cold jalebis."

Ritika, Devisha, and Dhanashree have come over to help Kavya navigate her mood swings and cravings.

Ritika: handing Kavya a small notebook "This is what I did when I was pregnant with Sammy. Write down all your cravings as soon as you feel them. That way, Abhay won't get confused, and you won't forget."

Kavya: reading the notebook "This is a great idea! But what if I suddenly crave something at 2 a.m.?"

Devisha: smiling knowingly "That's what husbands are for. Trust me, Abhay will learn to adapt. Surya ran all over Mumbai for my pani puri cravings."

Anushka: teasing "And Virat became an expert in making instant noodles when I couldn't decide what to eat. Abhay will manage."

Abhay: sitting in the corner, looking drained "Do I have a choice?"

Ritika: laughing "No, Abhay. This is your training for the big game—parenthood."

Kavya suddenly perks up, holding her stomach.

Kavya: excitedly "I need ice cream. Right now. And not just any ice cream—pistachio flavor!"

Abhay: jumping to his feet "Pistachio? Got it. I'll go get it right away!"

Ritika: stopping him "Wait, Abhay. Let me teach you something. Always check if she wants something else too. Trust me, one trip isn't enough."

Abhay: turning to Kavya "Do you want anything else? Chips? Chocolates? Fries?"

Kavya: thinking for a moment "Fries sound good. But with extra cheese. And also get some orange juice."

Abhay: sighing but smiling "Okay, fries, cheese, and juice. Anything else?"

Kavya: grinning "That's it—for now."

The team has joined a video call to check on Kavya and offer advice.

Ishan: laughing hysterically "Abhay, you're officially our new delivery boy!"

Rohit: smirking "This is nothing, Abhay. Wait till the late-night pickle cravings start."

Virat: seriously "And don't forget to keep healthy options too. Kavya, you can't live on junk food alone."

Kavya: rolling her eyes "Yes, Virat bhai, I'll make sure to eat healthy too. But for now, let me enjoy my fries."

Surya: teasing "Don't worry, Abhay. By the time the baby comes, you'll be a pro at handling all her mood swings."

Hardik: grinning "And if you ever get stuck, just call us. We'll be there—with snacks."

Unexpectly Yours:The Journey Of An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now