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{Abhay and Kavya, both nervous and awkward, walk out of the airport with the team in tow. Komal and Shahneel are waiting near the entrance, excited to greet them. The moment feels overwhelming for both Abhay and Kavya.}

Komal: (rushing up) "Abhay! You're finally here!" (hugs Abhay tightly, then turns to Kavya with a bright smile) "And Kavya, welcome! You look so beautiful."

Kavya: (smiling shyly, not sure what to say) "Uh, thank you... Komal Di?"

Komal: (grinning) "Yep! Your soon-to-be sister!" (playfully nudges her)

{Kavya forces a smile, her hands fidgeting with the scarf draped over her shoulder. Abhay stands a little to the side, clearly uncomfortable but trying to keep it together.}

Shahneel: (walking up to Kavya, giving her a quick hug) "We've been waiting for you two! Don't worry, everything's set for the wedding. Just relax, okay?"

Kavya: (awkward laugh) "Yeah, thanks... I'll try." (glances at Abhay, who's avoiding eye contact)

{Meanwhile, Shubman, Ishan, and the rest of the team are standing behind, exchanging glances and snickering at how awkward the couple looks.}

Shubman: (whispering to Ishan) "Look at them, man. They're more nervous than they are before a big match."

Ishan: (chuckling) "Bet they won't even survive the first family dinner without freezing up."

{Abhay overhears and shifts uncomfortably, clearing his throat.}

Abhay: (softly to Kavya) "Uh, you okay?"

Kavya: (nodding quickly, eyes darting everywhere) "Yeah... yeah, just... a lot, you know?"

{Abhay awkwardly nods, his hands in his pockets, both clearly unsure how to interact with each other. Komal notices and tries to lighten the mood.}

Komal: (teasing) "Don't worry, Bhai. You can talk to her, she's not gonna bite."

Abhay: (stammering) "I-I know... It's just..." (glances at Kavya) "It's been a long flight."

Kavya: (nervous smile) "Yeah... very long."

{There's an awkward pause as both look anywhere but at each other. Shahneel tries to rescue the moment.}

Shahneel: (cheerfully) "Come on, we've got the whole family waiting at home! Let's get moving. Kavya, I'm sure you'll love it."

Kavya: (nodding) "I'm sure I will." (glances at Abhay) "Uh... ready to go?"

Abhay: (quickly) "Yeah, let's... let's go."

{They start walking towards the car with the team trailing behind, still snickering at the awkwardness. Shubman can't resist a final jab.}

Shubman: (teasing) "Don't worry, Abhay. By the wedding day, you'll know how to talk to your wife."

Abhay: (mumbling under his breath) "I really hope so."

{Kavya catches that and gives a small, nervous laugh. They both exchange a fleeting glance, realizing they're in this together, awkwardness and all}

{The team bus pulls up in front of the grand resort that Abhay and Kavya's parents have booked for the wedding. As they step off the bus, Kavya and Abhay glance at each other nervously, aware that more awkward encounters await them.}

Unexpectly Yours:The Journey Of An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now