Let Me Explain

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A/N: heeeeeeeey!  so, it's been a while, huh?  Anyway, I just kinda got in the mood to write again, although I don't have many ideas :/ but, someone graciously gave me an idea, and so I'll go with that for now ;) 'I know you wrote that mermaid skimmons story.  make a jerrie version, plsssss?'


"Come on, Edwards.  You've been in there for ages, and there's a line building.  The more pissy they get, the more pissy I get.  Now come on and open the door."

"Uhm...kinda busy!" comes the shouted reply.

Jesy rolls her eyes at Perrie's behavior, not impressed with how long she's been in the bathroom (while she's supposed to be serving ice cream, may she add).  "I'm giving you five seconds, and then I'm getting this door open by myself."

"No, no, no!  Jesy, please.  Just...uhm...please, just let me-"

"Five seconds is up.  I'm coming in."  Jesy ignores the rest of Perrie's protests as she politely asks people to stand back, lining her shoulder up with the door and getting ready to beat it down (she hates to admit that she's had to do this a few times before.  That is not what she signed up for when she became manager of the park).

The door slams open with a small whine and a lot of pain to Jesy's shoulder, but the woman barely notices it because she's a bit occupied with trying to take in the scene before her.

Perrie lays on the ground with a sheepish look on her face, shrugging her shoulders while Jesy's eyes catch on the multi-colored scales on the tail that now makes up her employee's lower half.

"I can explain..."

*** (1 year later)

"Come on, girl!  It's just a simple jump!  I will give you an extra fish right here right now if you do this one for me."  All Jade gets in return is a splash of water from the dolphin's tail as it swims away rebelliously, smart enough to know that Jade wasn't it's trainer, so it didn't have to listen to her.  Jade frowns as she watches the animal glide and propel itself through the water.  "Fine...I'll remember that for your next feeding time."

"I'm sure it's terrified."

"Ha ha, very funny.  Also, it's a she."

"Awwww.  Having a bad day, baby?"

"Very much so, yes.  Why can't they just do a trick for me?  That's all I wanted when I signed up for this job," Jade sighs, putting the lid back on the cooler that held the fish she was in charge of feeding to the dolphins, carefully taking off her gloves and turning to give her attention to the new person who had joined her.

"You signed up for dolphin feeder, babe, not trainer," Perrie says, a small smile tugging the sides of her lips up into a small amused smile when Jade just pouts at her.

"Some day I'm going to get these dumb things to listen to me."

"Might want to start with not calling them 'dumb'."

"Who's side are you even on?"

"Whichever side gets you to get out of there and come over and kiss me faster."

"Charming," Jade deadpans, picking up her little cooler and walking out of the station, storing everything away where it properly belongs before swiping her key card and exiting the area.  

Perrie had been following her along the way, smiling brightly when she was finally in closer proximity to her girlfriend.  Jade tries to continue to be annoyed, but fails miserably  when she sees her Perrie, quickly returning the grin and wrapping her arms around the (though she hates to admit it) taller girl's waist.

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