Insane (Part 2)

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A/N: After promising it 134732899173174 years it is.  Lol, finally.  Make sure you read the first part :)  hopefully it's okay... XD


It had been 2 months.

2 months of Jade keeping herself as far away from Perrie as possible, and 2 months of Perrie yearning for Jade to come back to her and love her again.

2 months of separation during interviews and performances, Jesy and Leigh-Anne squished between them, not because they were forced to, but because they wanted to.  They both knew that Perrie was spiraling, and they both knew that Jade was a victim.  They loved both equally, but they knew that the only way to make Perrie better would be to push her to the edge so that she would get help, and they knew that the only way to make Jade better was to protect her and keep her guarded from the blonde.

It was awkward in the studio to say the least.  They would try to write songs, but only Leigh-Anne and Jesy were really focusing and vocalizing their thoughts.  Jade was either distracting herself with doodling, or she was starting to say something, but then Perrie would immediately look up at her with hope, and that would cause her to shut her mouth and look away.    Of course, all Perrie could think about was either Jade or the darkness closing in on her, so her song ideas were a bit..well, not what they were looking for.

When they finally were ready to record a song, it was agreed upon that Jade and Perrie would record at opposite times and such, making it so that there was never a time where they'd be alone together or even in the same area as each other. was still extremely difficult.

Like now.

"Oh, send me that!" Leigh says, watching over Jesy's shoulder as they look through an online shopping site.

"Uhm, no, that's expensive," Jesy replies.

Leigh just looks at her for a solid two seconds.

"I meant the link, Jes."

Jesy places her phone down in her lap, looking up at the ceiling in thought.  "Why didn't I think of that?"

They hear a small chuckle from across from them, both of them turning to look for the source.  The blonde sees them looking and she quickly clears her throat and goes back to just staring at the ground.  Leigh-Anne smiles at her sadly before turning back to Jesy, the older girl returning the look and nodding her head in understanding.  They both really miss Perrie's antics.

"I wish I didn't love you."

Perrie whimpers, Jade's voice from the booth causing her to yearn.  She's yearning so bad it's physically painful, and when Jade sings she's both healed and stabbed in the heart again...especially with that line.

"Her voice is getting so much stronger," Jesy comments, the other two also listening in on Jade's time in the booth.  

"She sounds so good," Leigh adds, a proud smile on her face.

Perrie clenches her fists.

She's still very much not over the whole Leigh-Anne and Jade thing.  It didn't help that since the break up, Leigh-Anne has been the one comforting Jade and watching over her more.  Jesy was as well, but of course it didn't really bother Perrie as much since it was Leigh-Anne who she was sure Jade was cheating on her with, not the eldest woman.

"Damn, listen to that.  That's so good."  

Perrie stands up suddenly, her fists shaking at her sides while she shuts her eyes to try and calm down, taking deep breaths and trying to just let the emotions and negative thoughts wash out of her.  She really wants to show Jade that she's better and that she can fix herself.  She always does a pretty okay job, but when it comes to Leigh-Anne and Jade's not as easy.

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