On The Sea

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A/N: hello!  Okay, so, yes, it is here.  I apologize for taking a long time, cuz not only was this a bit tough and long to write, but also college started back up and I have a lot of reading to do apparently XD anywho, here is a combination of one request for a pirate one shot, and a request for something where jerrie meet somewhere while traveling, but then they separate and go back to their homes and lose contact, but then reunite.  Anyway, yeah, HERE IT IS

(also, defs barely had time to write it, so I couldn't really spend that much time editing it as well.  There's gonna be errors, my apologies.  Also, it is rushed at some points cuz I legit was losing sight of the plot the more time I took to write it, so I had to get it done before I forgot the crucial parts lmao)

(also, I have nothing against Camila, just thought I'd try something different)



Jade let her feet glide across the dance floor, the steps to this very common dance etched entirely into her brain, allowing her to move with ease while barely putting any thought into it.  The young gentleman with one hand on her waist and one locked with her own stared at her with gleaming and awestruck eyes, obviously enjoying and taking advantage of the opportunity to have a dance with the princess.  He was sweet and gentle, but Jade had no interest in him whatsoever, this being around the fifth dance that her parents had made her take part in to assist her in the royalty's wishes to marry her off.  She already had a bit of a bias against the boy, not wanting to marry at all in the first place, but because she didn't have to focus on the steps or impressing a princess, she instead used this time to think about how sweaty his palms were, and how the hold on her waist was just a bit too tight, and how no matter how many people she danced with...none of them felt right.

"You're really pretty," her dance partner commented, their movements taking them a bit further from the center of the dance floor, they now dancing more off to the side and getting lost in the crowd.  Not that she was complaining, and she rather preferred being mixed with other commoners and such, not liking to be the center of attention like her parents always set her out to be.  

Jade tried not to roll her eyes or scoff at the elementary word he used to describe her.  Pretty?  Honestly?  He's dancing with a princess and has the chance to possibly court her, and he just uses pretty?  Though, she had to appreciate that he wasn't making an effort to overdue the compliment, so she decided to let it slide.

"Thank you, kind sir," she said politely, a small giggle escaping past her lips as his ears and cheeks go red with a shy blush.  When he seemed to regain his composure he made sure to make strong eye contact with her, the gaze seeming even stronger and more meaningful because of the mask covering the rest of the upper half of his face.

Yes, it was a masquerade ball, the first of the seven planned for the week.  Each night would be a new ball, this week being used as a call for all available suitors to take a chance with an attempt to woo the princess, as well as a celebration for the wedding that would happen once Jade chose her partner.  The King and Queen were tired of Jade's avoidance and dodging of the topic and event of marriage, and they decided they let it go on for far too long.  So now Jade was forced to choose her life partner by the seventh night.

She was miserable.

She didn't want to marry.  She didn't want to be the next queen.  She didn't want to be royalty.  She didn't want to be a princess.  She didn't want to-

"Excuse me, but, may I?"

The boy stopped he and Jade's movements, confused by the tap on his shoulder and the voice behind him.  The two dance partners stepped away from each other, the boy looking over his shoulder at whoever was speaking, Jade also turning her attention to them.

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