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A/N: So, I've gotten hella orphanage prompts, so I'm kinda just combining them all into wan.  Theeenx <3 (also, y'all best catch the Hamilton reference yo)  Also, looking back I realize the time jumps I put are totally not exact, more so just estimates XD


Jade Thirlwall is put into the orphanage system at the age of two.  Eliza, one of the caretakers, walks her in through the front door, a comforting hand on the poor girl's shoulder as she stands there, confused and lost.

Her big bright eyes look up at the woman, brown orbs full of questions and a hint of desperation, wanting something that she isn't quite sure how to ask for yet.  Eliza catches on, though she knows the girl isn't old enough to understand yet.  So, she leads her inside the house, closing the door behind them and gaining the attention of some of the other children.  The older ones are either in their rooms or helping in the kitchen, the few in the middle at the park down the street with another one of the caretakers, and the youngest are inside, running around the open space of the living room.

Jade sets her things down in her room, sharing with three other girls.  She's not really sure what else to do aside from plop her things down onto the bed, blinking at them before turning and looking back up at the woman.  Eliza takes her back downstairs, hoping that one of the other young kids would come and play with the shaken little girl.

Luckily, one does.  It's the four year old, Leigh-Anne Pinnock.  She's doodling in a little notebook with one of the other girls, Ally, before she curiously looks over at Eliza and sees the little girl at her side.  Being the adventurous and outgoing gal she is, she toddles over in her cute little overalls and pigtails, bending down a bit to peer at the younger girl.  Jade cowers a bit, moving to hide behind Eliza, but then Leigh-Anne is putting her index finger on the girl's nose, making the young one go a little cross-eyed as she tries to look at it.

"I'm Leigh-Anne," the older girl says, offering a smile.

"I'm Jade," the younger responds, surprising Eliza, as well as entertaining her because it appears that the girls don't mind that they're having an entire conversation with Leigh's finger still on Jade's nose.

"You're my friend."

Jade nods, the finger moving with her, a small smile growing on her lips.  "Okay."

***(One Year Later)***

Perrie Edwards comes to the orphanage a year later, also only two years old.  She obviously doesn't have the understanding that Jade did, a smile on her face rather than the gloomy little frown that Jade wore.  She's hyper and happy, babbling on about princesses and unicorns the entire ride over, and continues the discussion with Sarah, another caretaker, as she walks through the door.  She doesn't know that her parents abandoned her.  She just knows that she's in a house full of other kids, and it's like a day at the playground.  She marches herself over to the center of the group, announcing her presence and getting right to work with helping some of the girls style the Barbies.  

While Perrie is hard at work, Leigh-Anne and Jade are off to the side, perfecting their special handshake while just talking about random things.  It's more so Leigh talking, but Jade has always been okay with just listening, falling into the introvert role even at such a young age.  

Perrie notices early on that all the other girls want to be in charge just as much as she does, so a few days later she huffs and stomps off in the middle of a fight over a hairbrush, going up to her room and declaring that she can have fun on her own.  As she's making her way up the stairs, very slowly since she's tiny and her little legs can't really lift that high off the ground, she sees a girl sitting on one of the stairs, sitting and simply clacking the tips of her shoes together.  

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