In The Office

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A/N: this is based off of: 'can you do a one shot where jerrie are coworkers but their relationship are not allowed since they work in the same place so they hate to hide it.. put some jealousy in it as well..'  I added a bit of extra stuff, so I hope that's okay with you anon :)


The sound of the elevator door dinging open caused everyone to stop what they were doing, eyes quickly glancing over to see who it was.  When they saw light brown hair and a set of eyes to match, everyone sighed a breath of relief as large smiles appeared on their faces.

"Hey Jade!", someone said, walking past her with a smile on their face.

"Morning.", she greeted, matching their smile as she continued to walk to her cubicle.  She shifted her body to the side, allowing someone holding two mugs of coffee to get past her, sharing a breif nod as greeting.

"Looking good today, Jade.", one of her assistants commented when she walked by, making Jade glance over at her instead of the group of women coworkers packed together behind a cubicle, all of them watching the secretary with hopeful eyes.  Due to Jade's kindhearted, innocent, intelligent character and alluring body, she was a favorite among her coworkers, a lot of them admiring her a bit more than they should.

"Thanks Liz, you too."  Jade turned her head to focus back on the path in front of her, but right as she did so a mass bumped into her, causing her to stick her arms out and catch the person before they could both go tumbling to the floor.  "Woah.  You alright?", she asked, helping the girl back to her feet.

"Y-Yeah, I'm s-s-so sorry, I-I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine.  Just maybe next time be a bit more careful.  We don't want you falling and getting hurt, do we?"  The new intern, Camila, smiled, chuckling a bit as she agreed with Jade's statement.  "Have a good day, Camila.", the older woman added, patting the girl's shoulder and walking past her.

"You too Ms. Thirlwall!", Camila shouted after her, the other women in the area 'aww'ing at how sweet the secretary was.

The sound of the elevator doors opening again made everyone run back to their desks, tapping on their computer keyboards and picking up their phones to have a fake business call, making it look like they were working the entire time.  The room got so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, nobody daring to say a word while the woman walked through the work area to her personal office, her blonde hair swishing from side to side with each step.  The executive director had a Starbucks coffee cup in one hand, a portfolio and phone in the other, and her designer bag was hanging off her shoulder.  If someone dared to make eye contact with her, she would send them an unnerving glare, they immediately turning away in fright.  People walking in her direction would lean all the way up against the wall, making sure to give the director as much space as possible, scared that she would snap if there wasn't enough walking space for her.

"Ms. Thirlwall, I need you in my office.", the woman said, walking past Jade just as she was setting her stuff down.  The secretary straightened out her pencil-skirt and blazer, making sure she looked presentable.

"Yes, Ms. Edwards."

Jade gently shut the door behind her, clasping her hands together in front of her before she took tentative steps towards her boss.

"Why are you always so scared around me?", the blonde asked, taking off her coat and draping it across her chair.

"Well, I mean, you're my boss.  I think I'm allowed to have a pusillanimous nature around you."

"There you go with those big words of yours."  The executive director took a sip of her coffee, setting the cup down once she was done.  "How many times have I told you that unless you want me to help you ruin that pretty skirt of yours, you are not allowed to use that vocabulary in my office?", she said.

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