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A/N: Jk, I have another one for y'all

Not edited, cuz I'm an ass


I started to stir, losing sight of my wonderful dream of playing out in the garden, sun shining and world spinning with no troubles or worries.  I desperately tried to hang on, but alas, the birds chirping outside my window, mixed with the sunlight shining through my curtains to signify morning, drew me out of my slumber until my eyes were begrudgingly fluttering open.

 "Ah, there she is."  While I should've been startled upon having another person in my room, I wasn't at all surprised nor bothered.  Her presence in my room was normal, common even.  "Rise and shine, your majesty."  The lilt of her voice both calmed me back to nearing slumber once more, and awakened parts and sides of me that I only know when she's around.

My eyes found her lounging back in one of my chairs with her feet propped up at the end of my bed, mirth in her eyes and a smirk on her face.  The smirk changed into a simple grin once our eyes met, and once again I felt a certain warmth and wholeness spread through me that I've never felt before.  

"Do I have to?" I said with a grumbling tone, pretending I didn't want to keep staring at her in all of her beautiful glory as I dug my face back into the pillow.  Her chuckle made a smile grow on my lips, though she wouldn't know because I hid it by moving further into the pillow.  

"You have duties to attend to, Perrie."  I heard her getting up from the chair, her footsteps nearing me as I soon felt her looming over my head.  "I'd love to let you sleep, but your father has guests today, and he says its important that you make an appearance."

Her strong hand pushed my shoulder, causing me to roll over back onto my back.  Because of this, I had to look at her once again, fighting to keep the mix of a blush and flush off my face.  I've seen her in her tailored suit that all the bodyguards wear every day, but for some reason I still lose my mind every time I see it.  She looked so professional, so deliciously masculine and strong, but also somehow managed to let her femininity shine through.

She giggled when I groaned, perhaps thinking that I was unhappy with having to wake up, but in actuality it was more a sound of frustration and yearning to have that suit clad body be all mine.

"Fine, I'll start getting ready."  I threw the sheets and blankets off of me, trying not to focus on the way her eyes dilated upon seeing my barely covered body.  Knowing that she watched over me at night made me start to wear my shorter and more, uhm...well..."skimpy" night gowns.  She hadn't said anything, but I knew she noticed if moments like these were anything to go by.  I sat up, stretching and yawning, feeling her burning gaze on me.  Once I was done, I turned towards her, smiling innocently and watching as her lips automatically grew into a smile to match mine.  "Will you walk with me?"

Her job as my bodyguard already entailed her to escort me places in order to ensure my utmost safety, but we both knew that it had become more than just a duty to her over the years.  Now we enjoyed each others company, often seeking each other out even when there were no safety precautions necessary.

"Of course, princess."  Her refusal to stop calling me that made me feel archaic, as if I was some royal figure from a time when there were castles and kingdoms and knights.  However, my family is of modern royalty, complete with paparazzi and our names ending up on tabloids.

"I'll meet you outside when I'm ready then, Jade."

She nodded once, letting me know she understood my order before exiting my room.

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