Take Care Of Me

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A/N: someone requested 'the 5 times Jade takes care of Perrie, and the 1 time Perrie takes care of her'  I decided to do this from different points of view to change it up a bit :)  This is just a short lil thing cuz I was having writers block with everything else.  (not edited, sowwy :/)

***(Jesy POV)***

"I'm thirsty," Leigh moans beside me, as per usual, leaning her back over the arm of the sofa and making a dramatic facial expression, as if she was going to die.

"Get it yourself."  She sits up just enough to pout at me, then makes a dramatic flail of her arms as she falls back again.

"No, Jes!  It's too far."

"I got it," Jade offered, sharing a glance with me and rolling her eyes to make me laugh while she gets up from her spot on the floor (she's literally laying on the floor...how is that comfortable?) and walks over to the mini refrigerator in the room.  She bends down a bit as she peers inside, tapping her chin with her pointer finger.  "Well, we have water...and, uh, more water."

"Oooh, such variety," I say sarcastically.

"Aww, but I don't want water!"  Leigh groans aggressively, contorting her face to make it look like she was ugly crying.  "I want something sweet!  I want juice!"

"You're not even a two year old anymore, you're eleven months," I joke, tapping my foot against her legs since I had my feet up on the sofa.

"What?!" the girl whines.  I had come up with an aging system for the girls, it being an easier way for me to tell them how much they were irritating me or acting childish.  Leigh-Anne is usually placed at seven years old, though she can easily drop down to three in a split second.

"How's it feel to be younger than Perrie?" Jade asks, using the bottle of water she was going to give to Leigh as a microphone, walking over and tilting the bottle towards the older girl.  Jade was usually always at a constant age of eleven, though sometimes if she was drunk/jet lagged (or if Leigh and Perrie got to her and made her join their antics), she would drop down to four.  

Perrie was always two years old or lower, never above.

Don't get me wrong, though; I love these girls to death.

"Feels like shit," Leigh replies, grabbing the bottle and throwing it, laughing at Jade's face of mock horror, the youngest member in the room now running over and dropping down to her knees by the rejected water.  

"He was so young!" she wails, fake crying and dramatically picking up the bottle of water, bringing it closer to her chest and hugging it.  "Why?!  You didn't deserve to die!"

Leigh and I are pissing ourselves, laughing so hard as we usually do when Jade does practically anything remotely funny.  She's just such a goofball.

Our laughter is cut short when the door clicks open, the last member of the band now joining us since she had ran to the bathroom earlier.

She looks miserable.

Jade is already up and across the room by the time Leigh and I even begin to move, looking at the blonde with concern, worry practically radiating off of her and bouncing around the room.

"You alright, petal?" she asks, Leigh and I now joining the two Geordies.

"Yeah...or well, no.  I don't feel so good, guys," Perrie's voice is scratchy and raspy, her hand coming up to rest against her forehead, signaling that she must've had a pretty bad headache at the moment.  "I think I'm sick."  She pouts, causing the three of us to coo at her.

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