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A/N: this is based off of: 'I want to see a fic where Perrie goes insane, accusing jade of cheating on her with Leigh or something, and jade tries to tell her she's wrong, but she won't listen, and she finally starts to come back to her senses when jade leaves her.  and btw i want perrie to be REALLY insane. that'll make it even better'  I tried?

"Okay, seriously?  What did I do this time?!"  Perrie just remained silent, running up the stairs with a scowl on her face.  Jade quickly ran after her, stopping at the bottom of the steps to watch her girlfriend race away from her.  "Seriously, Perrie?!  Just talk to me!"

"I don't want to talk to you!"  The door to Perrie's room slammed shut behind her, and Jade sighed before running up the steps after her love.  The brunette stood in front of the locked door, her anger slowly building with each second.

"Perrie, I swear to God you better tell me what's going on!  You've been pissy with me this entire week, and I'm sick and tired of it!  Just talk to me for once!  Tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it!"

Jade heard a scoff from the other side of the door.  "What haven't you done?  You act like you're such an innocent, sweet little girlfriend, but you're the worst anyone could ask for.  Now I know why Sam broke up with you."

Jade winced from that last comment, but brushed it off and replaced the pain with more fire to fuel her anger.  "Alright, that's it!", she yelled.  "I've had enough of you always winning and playing me so that I sympathize with you.  Let me through this door right now!"


"Goddammit Perrie!", Jade shouted, slamming her palm against the wooden door, unknowingly causing the blonde to jump back on the other side.  "Just fucking let me talk!  Let me try and fix this!"

The door burst open to reveal Perrie with puffed up eyes and a red nose.  Jade's eyes softened at the sight, but they quickly regained their flame of hatred when she remembered what was currently happening.

"Fine!  Let's talk!  Let's talk about how you don't give a fuck about me anymore.  Let's talk about how you'd rather spend time with Leigh-Anne than me!  Let's talk about how you fucking CHEATED ON ME!"

"Cheated?!  I never cheated on you-"

"Yeah right!", Perrie said, chuckling bitterly to herself.  "You spend so much time with Leigh-Anne, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys were fucking behind my back.  Is she better than me?  Huh?  Is that why you're choosing her over me!?"

All four girls were sleep deprived and were edging closer and closer towards insanity, but they all agreed that Perrie was the closest to falling off the deep end.  She was dealing with a lot of shit with the whole 'zerrie' promotion stuff, and she was barely seen smiling when the cameras were off.  With this new mentality, Perrie has also gained a bit of paranoia, especially when it came to Jade.  She and Jade had been dating this entire time, but now with her schedule being filled with 'dates' with Zayn, she's barely had time to see her little beloved Geordie, and it doesn't help that the brunette has been spending a lot of time at clubs and events with Leigh-Anne.  Insanity plus jealousy was not the best combo.

Jade's been able to handle it pretty well, but lately it's been getting pretty difficult.

"LISTEN TO ME!", the smaller of the two shouted, grabbing the blonde's wrist and trying to stabalize her so she'd listen.  "I'm NOT cheating on you!  I love you, more than you'll ever know, and I'd never go behind your back like that.  I'm not a cheater."

"It's so obvious you're pining over Leigh-Anne!", Perrie said, ripping her arms away from Jade's hold and pushing her away.  "You two are always together, and I'm fucking sick of it!"

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