I Love You...And Your Eyes

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A/N: so, anon requested: 'Jade kinda like has this obsession with coloured eyes, and she is totally in love with Perrie's eyes specially her eyelashes like she is always complimenting her and or kissing her eyelids and stuff.' I really liked this idea, but when I started writing I kinda hit wall after wall...so it's not exactly what I wanted it to be. I'm sooooo, so sorry. Please don't hate me <3


"This. Is. So. Hard."

Jesy rolls her eyes and flicks her pencil against the back of Leigh-Anne's head, successfully getting her to lift her head off of her textbook and stop groaning.

"Hey!  That hurt, Jesy!  You're so mean to me!"  Almost stop groaning.

"It's only the quadratic formula.  It's not even that bad, so quit your whining and let me focus."

"There are like a hundred" (Jesy only counts five) "equations on here!  I don't want to do them.  This is too much for me!"

"You are a child," Jesy mutters, once again rolling her eyes and turning her head to address the other girl on their table.  "Hey, Thirlwall.  Wanna help me out with this one?"

Jade just hums and waves her hand back at the other girl dismissively, continuing to lean her side up against the back of her chair with one arm draped over the side, the other hand resting on the top of the cool metal so she could rest her chin upon it, her gaze set intensely on something else in the room.

"Oh bloody hell, you're no help!  Why am I even friends with you buffoons?"  Leigh-Anne just scowls up at her, a pout forming on her lips.

"So pretty..." Jade mumbles with a wistful tone, probably not even noticing that she said anything.

This time Leigh-Anne joins Jesy in rolling her eyes, the two of them sharing a look before turning their attention back to Jade.

"Not this again... Jade, we have classwork to do.  Now are you going to help Jesy and I-"

"Basically just me," Jesy interrupts.

"Or keep being a freak and stare at people's eyes?"  Leigh-Anne doesn't forget to kick Jesy's shin under the table for her comment.

"But his eyes are so pretty... like little green gems.  How am I only noticing them now?"

"Because you were too busy looking at other people's eyes."

"True," the girl admits.

Jade has always had this sort of strange obsession with people's eyes and their colors.  She found them all pretty fascinating, and she would look at everyone's eyes when first meeting them, or even just when passing them in the hall.  It was just her thing, and she couldn't help it.  Though, people have gotten used to it, and they actually find Jade's staring as a compliment now.

"Well how about you quit it, and we get back to work?" Jesy suggests, noticing that they only had fifteen minutes to complete this classwork (*she only had fifteen minutes.  The other two rarely actually help.  She doesn't even know why she's trying).

"You're just jealous because I'm not looking at your eyes anymore."

Jesy scrunches her nose and let out a huff of frustration, ignoring the girl's comment and getting back to the equations.  Though, in the back of her mind, she did kinda miss when Jade would compliment her hazel eyes seemingly everyday.  

"Honestly Jade, you have the weirdest fetishes.  I don't even understand," Leigh-Anne says.

"It's not a fetish!" Jade protests.  "I'm just able to admire the beauty in the simplest things."

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