chapter 3

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Rachel's pov

I wake up with muscular arms wrapped around my naked body. Then it all hit me, the party, the kissing and the sex. I roll over to see Finn still sleeping. I admire his cute face for a while then put my bikini back on and get back in bed with Finn. One of his eyes shoot open then the other opens "morning handsome" I whisper as i kiss him. "Morning gorgeous" he says and kisses my forehead. I smile and scoot closer to him. He rolls onto his back, leaving me on his chest. "By the way last night was heaven" he smirks and i blush. "Are you kidding it was awesome I never knew you had such great abs" I say and I trace them. "Oh does ms. berry want to start round 2" he asks smirking. "No, maybe later when everyone is gone or after school, shit we have to get dressed!" I say and I dart out of his room. I go back and passionately kiss him on the lips, "love you" I say and run as fast as I can to my room. I close my door after hearing a faint love you too. I change real quick. I brush my hair real quick and then i spray some perfume and grab my phone. I race downstairs and sit at the table where everyone else is on their phones or talking. "Morning guys" I say as i grab a glass of Orange juice and make myself some oatmeal and cut up fruit. "Morning rach" they say together. I sit down and eat my food when I hear footsteps on the stairs. "Hey babe" says Finn and kisses my cheek. "Morning" I say and kiss his cheek. "Morning guys, morning kate" he says as he makes himself some breakfast. "Morning Finn" they say together and Katie walks up to Finn to hug him. "Morning finny" She yawns and Finn laughs. "Morning kiddo" he says as she falls into him. "Ill finish your breakfast, you go put her back to bed in your room" I say and kiss his cheek but very close to his lips, teasing him. "Okay" he says and picks her up bridal style. I finish his breakfast and set it next to me on the table. "Did you guys eat already?" I ask the glee club. The shake their head and i get up and grab the waffle mix. I start making waffles and set them on the table. "Eat up, we have to go to school" I call and they swarm to the table. Finn comes back down and sits down between me and San. He grabs my hand under the table and I smile. "Hey can you guys save 3 for Katie, thanks" he says before anyone can reply and finishes his breakfast. I put my boal and cup in the sink and go sit down on the couch. I check my Facebook, instagram and talk with my mom who is in New york working on broadway and wont be back till summertime, which is 7 months away. I sigh as Finn sits next to me. "Whats wrong?" He asks. "My mom wont be home for 7 months" I say sad. Everyone finshes breakfast and puts their dishes in the sink. "Hold on I'm gonna go check on Katie, I will meet you guys at school" "Ill stay with Finn and drive him when we're done" I volunteer and they leave. We walk up to his room to check on Katie. "Hey Katie me and Rachel are leaving for school, call me if you need anything, me and rach will be back at lunch" says Finn when he sits on his bed, waking Katie a little. He kisses her forehead and we leave his room and go up to my room to watch a movie. We put in 22 jump street and cuddle on my bed. "When do you wanna leave for school?" I ask looking up at him. "How about when we finish the movie?" He suggest and I nod. I kiss him on the cheek and watch the movie.

After the movie we leave for school and get there right on time for glee. We walk in and sit in the back with Santana and puck. "Where were you guys and what took you so long? And why does Finn have your lipstick on his cheek, omg! Are you guys dating!" Santana whsiper yells. "Meet me in the bathroom in 2 minutes" I whisper yell and she nods. "Mr schue may I go to the bathroom?" I ask him and he nods. I get to the bathroom and hear the bathroom door open and Santana walks in. "Spill!" She says and I sigh. "Yes Finn and I are dating but you can't tell anyone. We kissed last nigh at the party and we had sex after and let me say, best sex ever but he said he sees me in his future and i would be his wife and mother to our 3 wonderful children." I say emotional. She smirks and hugs me. "Well aunt Santana approves of your guys relationship". "Thanks and dont worry, if he breaks my heart, you'll be the first one to whoop his ass" I smirk and she smiles. We leave the bathroom and walk back to glee. We sit next to finn and kiss both his cheeks. He smiles and wraps his arms around us. After glee it's lunch so we head back home to check on Katie and eat lunch. We walk up to his room to find Katie sitting up and looking better than before. "Hey kate, how you feeling?" Finn ask her. "Good, hey can you take me home?" She asks and we say yes. We all get in the car and drive to Finns house. After Finns house we go back to my house to make out and watch our favorite movie, the avengers. We walk up to his room and fall on to his bed. I crawl up on him and start kissing his chest and neck. "Mhm, Rachel" he moans and I go to kiss his face all over besides his lips. Finally after teasing him, he grabs my face and smashes his lips into mine. He pulls away and starts kissing my neck, leaving hickeys for sure. I moan and my hand travels under his shirt to his abs. He pulls away and goes to the hem of my shirt. "Finn if you rip this shirt, i will never fool around with you again" I say serious and take it off myself. I got back to kissing him. He pulls off his shirt without breaking the kiss. I pull away and sit up with my knees on each side of him. He rubs my thighs and pats them every once in a while. "You are driving me crazy with no shirt on right now" he ask, staring at my body. "Why do you think im like this then?" I ask getting closer to his face. "Babe stop teasing" he whines and i giggle. "Meet you down stairs" I say grabbing one of his shirt and puting it on. I get off of him and leave the room. "Whats for lunch" He asks walking into the kitchen. "I don't know, what do you want?" I ask him, sitting on his lap and rubbing his bare chest. "How about a half meat lovers and cheese pizza, please?" He asks and I nod. His face lights up like a Christmas tree and he cheers. I get off his chest and start the pizza. After making our lunch, i set it on the table and we start eating. We sit on the couch cuddling when Finn says, "hey babe, you have some hickeys on your neck". I jump off the couch and run to the bathroom to see how bad and big they are. "Finn Hudson get in here right this moment" I say strictly. "Is it weird that I got little turned on when you said my name?" He asks popping his head into the bathroom. "No and come look at these!" I say looking at him on the mirror. "Holy shit rach im so sorry, does that even hurt?" He freaks out when he sees a blue and purple hickey. "Babe calm down that doesn't hurt and I can just cover these up with make up. Although you should were a tight shirt and jacket cause its cold outside" I say a little seductively and wrap my arms around his waist. He looks down and you can see the top of my boobs perfectly. I kiss him passionately and pull away. I walk out, swaying my hips a little. I grab the door frame and look over at Finn seductively. "Why don't we go to school now and the quicker we get home, the more we can make out and maybe more" I say and go to change my shirt. I put on a red tank top and take my ponytail out, leaving my hair in loose curls. "You look hot as hell right now with that ass, but it's december, don't you think you should wear a jacket?" Asks Finn, leaning on the door frame. I smile and turn around, leaving my hand on the draw. "Would you like to lend me your jacket, it's huge and big and comfortable, so will you?" I ask walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yeah sure, but its at my locker" he says looking down at me. I shrug and we walk out of the house. The winter air hits my body, making me shiver and my body becomes covered in goosebumps. Finn notices and picks me up bridal style. "Thanks babe" I say and kiss him on the lips. He smiles into the kiss and puts me down at the car, without breaking the kiss. I pull away and get in the car quick cause I'm freaking cold. He gets in his side and starts the car. He drives to school before the bell rings. We rush to our lockers and he gets out his jacket. He hands it to me and I put it on. "Thanks Finn" I say and kiss his cheek. He smiles and we walk to glee. "Hey babe when do you wanna tell glee club that we're dating?" I ask looking up at Finn. "How about now? I mean Santana already knows" he says. I nod and grab his hand. I intertwined our fingers and we walk to glee club. "Oh, what da hell?" Says artie, putting up a hand. "Me and Finn have something to say" "holy crap are you pregnant?" Asks Santana. Finn looks at me shocked and I answer, "no god no I'm only 16, what I was gonna say is, Finn and i are dating" grabbing his hand and waiting for glee to react. I feel arms come wrap around us and I look up and see Santana bear hugging us. Sonny everyone else joins and we have a big group hug. "We totally support you guys together, actually we've been waiting for you guys to get together" says Mercedes and we all laugh. We sit back down and I kiss Finns cheek. "Well congratulations Finn and Rachel" says mr schue. We look at each other and smile. "Now this weeks musical assignment is duets. Now you guys will pick a partner and perform a song with that person" says mr Schue. "I call Finn" "I call Rachel" me and Finn call at the same time. I lean up and kiss his cheek. "Okay" he says and writes it down. "I call Mercedes" says artie and Mercedes high fives him. "I call sam" says Quinn, smirking and everyone roles their eyes, knowing she's gonna try to use him. "I call brittany and we can do some awesome dancing skills" says Mike and Brittany high fives him. "Can I sing while they dance?" Asks Santana and Mr schue nods. Santana high fives Brittany. "So matt, tina and puck, you guys can either sing or not sing, your choice. Now leave cause I have to grade papers, see you guys tom," say Mr Schue. Everyone scatters out of the room. Me and Finn rush to his truck and hop in. "Where to my lady?" Asks Finn in a British accent. I laugh and say, "home please". We pull up to my house and run inside. We burst through his bedroom and fall on his bed. I get up and lock his door and fall back on his bed. "Hey is it okay if we take nap for a while and finish what we started this morning?" I asks as I lay on my side facing him. "Yes" he says and wraps his arms around me.

4 hours later

Finns pov
*wanky scene*

I wake up before Rachel does and start stroking her arm. I kiss her neck, telling her I'm in the mood. She moans and turns around facing me again. I kiss her lips and move my way down to her chest. "Finn" she moans and I nibble on her weak spot. She moans really loud and grabs my head, bringing it back up to her face and smashes her lips into mine. My hands go under her shirts and unhook her bra. "Hudson i swear you better not rip my shirt" she warns and I slide it off of her. I throw her shirt and bra somewhere and start unbuttoning her pants. Once I have those off i leave her just in her underwear. I get on top of her and put both my knees on both of her sides. "You are beautiful, you know that?" I ask, leaning closer to her. She nods and I smash my lips into hers. My hands leave her arms and go to her boobs. She moans and arches her back. I start message them and her moans get louder. She starts taking off my shirt and pants. She flips us over and now's she on top. She pulls away and reaches for her bag. She digs through it and finds her skittles. She puts one in her mouth and holds it between her teeth. "You have to take this away from me" she says and i smirk. She misses me again and I slip my tongue inside. Our tongues fight for dominance. She giggles, making me laugh too. Finally I find the skittle and slip it back into my mouth. She pulls away and holds my arms down. "Ha I won" I say and eat the skittle. "Now, you sir are wearing to much clothing" she sits up straighter and plays with my waistband of my boxers. My friend starts to get harder an suddenly it springs up, hitting Rachel right above her pussy. She moans and i grunt as my boxers become tighter. "Here babe let me help you" says rachel and rips my boxers down and throws them on the floor. She grabs my friend and starts rubbing it. I moan and my eyes role back. "Underwear off now" I manage before moaning. She grabs a condom and opens it and puts it on me. Everything happens so fast and then we're laying on my bed, naked and panting. "I love you girl" i say. "I love you more" she says back. A breath a pause, "if you say so".

*End of wanky scene*

We put on bathing suit and get in the hot tub. I sit down first then she sits on my lap. He legs are around my waist and I'm holding her by the ass. "You know we still have to tell our parents, how do you think their going to take it?" she asks me. "It doesnt matter cause you and me are endgame, you know that and i know that" I reply. She smiles and kisses me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull closer. She pulls away and lays her head on my chest. They get out of the pool before their skins rinkles. After they takes a shower and get dressed, everyone from glee is downstairs. There's a pizza on the coffee table and their laughing and watching a movie on the flat screen tv. (That's the living room in the pic above) "hey guys" me and Rachel say, holding hands and sitting on a love chair. I sit down and she sits on my lap. "What movie are you guys watching?" Asks Rachel. "we just started Dumb and dumber to" replies Santana, her eyes not leaving the tv. Me and Rachel nod and watch the movie. We spend the rest with our friends.

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