chapter 9

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Third person's pov

Rachel woke up with her husky handsome boyfriends arms wrapped around her. She looks up and see his beautiful face. She admires his face for a little to long because she completely didn't notice Finn just now starting to waking up. "What is there something on my face?" He asked, slightly worried and wiped his face with his hands. "Nope, just admiring my handsome boyfriends face" she says popping the 'p' in nope. Finn half smiles and kisses her forehead. They get out of bed and walk downstairs. They see Carole making waffles and Finn instantly starts to get excited and sits down at the table. Rachel laughs and sits next to him, kissing his cheek. "Morning kiddos, breakfast is served, can someone please go get Katie" says Carole as she sets the plate of waffles on the table. Finn gets up and walks upstairs. "Katie get up, Mom made waffles" He says as he falls on to her bed. She slaps him slowly in the face. "Oww" he says lazily. "10 more minutes, I dont wanna wake up just yet" she says sleepily. Finn groans and gets out of bed. He picks her up, putting her over his shoulder, completely waking her up, caring her downstairs. He sets her down at the dinner table and Finn takes his seat. They all eat breakfast when Chris comes down and gets his morning coffee. Everyone, well at least the people who've known Chris for a very long time, know that Chris doesn't like to be spoken to until after his coffee. He sits at the table with the kids and drinks his coffee while reading the newspaper. He finishes the cup and now has a smile on his face and is fully awake. "Morning" he says, fully awake now. "Morning" everyone replies simultaneously, smiling at him. They enjoy breakfast together, making small talk. After breakfast, Finn and Rachel head over to her house so she can get ready for school. Finn hangs out with puck as their girlfriends get ready. (Rachel's outfit is the pink side and Santana's is the red and white side. they both have pink and white tank tops on also. The pink bag on Rachel's side is not Rachel's) they walk downstairs and the boys stare in amazement. "Okay let's go before we are late" Santana, grabbing puck by his black and white varsity jacket. Puck is we wearing a black muscle shirt, black jeans, black and white Jordan's and a white sleeved and black varsity jacket. Finn is wearing a white muscle shirt, black jeans, his blue, white and black Jordan's and a blue and white varsity jacket with Hudson writen on the back. Finn grabs Rachel's hand and intertwined their fingers. Rachel reaches up, kisses his cheek as they get in to his blue truck. Puck and Santana took pucks motorcycle. They arrive at school and walk in.

Finchel get to their lockers and grab their acquired books for their first class, second class and third class, glee is fourth period, which is also free period, then it's lunch. After lunch its the fifth, sixth and seventh period until school is over, which is when the last glee club meeting of the day is at.

Rachel's pov

Finn and I walk to spanish which is our first class's, then it's science, after that it's English and then glee. We arrive at the Spanish classroom and sit down in the back, with Artie and Brittany. (Artie can walk by the way, sorry i did not mention it before) Brittany and I sit together, talking about cheerleading and glee and Artie and Finn sit together, talking about football. Mr Schue walks in and the class starts. Artie, Brittany, Finn and I are passing notes to each other while mr Schue isnt looking. He hands out a worksheet and we all work on it. Im the first one to finish and start talking and helping Finn. Soon the bell rings and Finn and I walk to science. I see Mercedes and Mike sitting next to each other, listening to music. I sit next to Mercedes amd Finn sits next to Mike. "Did you hear about Kurt?" Mike ask me and Finn. We shake our heads. Mercedes cuts in, "he transferred to Dalton academy to be closer to his dad and he also said he has no more friends here after his and yours big fight during the glee club lock down" says Mike, unplugging his earplugs. I stay quiet for the rest of class. Finn talks with Mercedes and Mike while i stay in my own world. Finns hand on my shoulder brings me out of my trance and we walk out together. "Are you okay? You were quiet the whole class" he asks. I nod my head and smile. I kiss his cheek reassuringly and we keep walking English. Santana and puck are in this class with us so we all sit together. "Did you hear about Kurt?" Asked Santana, with her legs on pucks lap. We nod and take our seat. "I personally think he is trying to get us back by going back to dalton with Blaine, which means we are against each other at sectionals, or hes trying to get attention from me, but who knows, he's a drama queen" I say a little pissed. They nod and class starts.

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