chapter 14

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Finns pov
I wake up before Rachel does. I look down and she is sound asleep. Should i wake her up or let her sleep in. I decide to let her sleep in. I get out if bed and walk downstairs. I see my mom making breakfast. "Morning sweetie, how'd you sleep" she asked as I sit down. "Good, what's for breakfast" I ask. "I am making eggs, toast and bacon, here you go" she replies, serving me a plate with bacon, eggs and toast. While I was eating, I felt Rachel's lips kiss my cheek and she dat down next to me. "Hey, I was just about to go wake you up, everyone is going to central park today to hang out, do you wanna go?" I ask her. She nods her head and I kiss her temple. She smiles and starts eating her food. Soon everyone is awake and eating at the dinning table. We talk about plans for today and random stuff. After everyone eats, we leave to our rooms to get ready.

Rachel's pov
After I ate, I go upstairs to get ready for today. I put on a nice flowy gray shirt with NYC across it, a pair of blue skinny jeans, some hoop earrings, a pair of gray sneakers, a Mickey mouse necklace and a New York Yankees snapback. I apply little make up (concealer, mascara, light color eyeshadow and some hot pink lipstick) and walk downstairs where everyone else is. "Damn Rae, you look smoking" jokes Santana as she sees me walk down the stairs. Everyone turns around as she talked and Finn eyes me up and down, smiling. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I ask, happy. "Mom we are taking the party bus for the day!" Screams puck "okay! Be home by 11 pm! No parties or clubs Noah!" My mom says sternly back. He waves it off and we get in the bus that is already waiting for us. "Okay, central park, lunch, movie theater then home?" Asked puck as everyone agreed to the plan and with that, the driver drives us to central park.

Santana's pov
We pull up to central park and get out of the bus. We stroll through the park and eventually stop at the playground, messing about and joking around with each other. Soon we get hungry and tired and decide to leave for food. We arrive at Chili's and walk inside. We get a table and sit down. The waitress takes orders and eyes puck up and down, pissing me off. "Hi, excuse me, can you just take our Damn orders and stop staring at my boyfriend before i go all lima heights on your small little ass, thanks" I say, hiding the fact that i want to punch this bitch in the face. She scoffs, whips her hair and walks away. "Wow thats new" I say sarcastically, mimicking her. The table laughs and puck wraps his arm around my shoulders. Soon a male waiter comes back with our drinks and starts flirting with Rachel and you can see Finn get more mad by the second. "Okay, we get it, we are a group of good looking people, but would you stop and just pass out the Damn drinks, please, thank you now run along" I say to the waiter. He rolls his eyes at me and everyone knows not to roll eyes at me, unless they want snixx then they do. "Dude, wrong choice" whispers Rachel and snuggles into Finn. I stand up, shit is about to get ugly in here. "Escucha soy de lima heights adjacent, sabes dónde es idiota? es el lado equivocado de las vías, ahora yo sugiero que salgas de mi vista y lejos de ella lo mas posible antes de que yo voy todo Lima heights adjacent en tu maldita cara" (translation: Listen, I come from lima heights adjacent, you know where is that stupid? its the wrong side of the tracks, now I suggest you get out of my sight and far away from her as possible before i go all Lima heights on your Damn face) I say and he runs off scared. I sit back down and act like nothing happened. "Preach" says artie, waving a hand in the air. I bob my head at him and then dinner comes back. We eat our food, pay for lunch then leave to the movie theater.

Pucks pov
I will admit, that waitress was okay, but the way Santana went off on her, made me love santana even more then I did before. We get to the movie and walk inside to the lobby. "What movie?" Asked Finn. "How about the fantastic four?" Suggested Mike and everyone agrees. I see some boys checking out Santana and Rachel while they walk together in front of me and Finn. "Dude, there's some idiots over there checking out our girls. Wanna tell them off?" I ask Finn, nodding my head over at the group of guys who are drooling over our girls. Finn nods and we catch up to San and Rachel. I wrap my arm around Santana's waist and pull her closer to me. "Hey babe" she says and kisses my cheek. I kiss her cheek back and we walk to the ticket stand. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rachel lean up and kiss Finns cheek. You can tell by the way her eyes sparkle when sees Finn or hears his name, even when you talk about him, she really loves him. I smile at them. My sister is really lucky and so is Finn. Cause 1, I know Finn would never hurt my sister neither would she. 2, I heard their conversation yesterday at the game and I saw the kiss. 3, finchel is forever, nothing can break them apart, not even a crazy ass bitch named Quinn fabray.

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