chapter 24

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Sunday morning
Santana's pov
I wake up in my bed with pucks arm wrapped around my waist. I look over at my clock and see that its 10am, Sunday. I get out of pucks embrace and walk downstairs, slipping on one of his shirts on the way down. I start to make toast, bacon eggs and put orange juice in a jug on the table. I walk back upstairs and wake puck up. "Puck wake up, theres bacon, toast and eggs on a plate downstairs, waiting for you" I say, shaking his body until he wakes up. He wakes up and slugs downstairs to his breakfast. We sit and eat together, making small talk with each other. He puts his my empty plate in the sink as I grab the juice and put it back in the fringe. "Where are your parents and Maria?" He asks me. "They are in Puerto Rico, visiting my dad's family, they're coming back today at 12 am" I say, looking at pictures of my family in Puerto Rico. Maria is my 13 year old sister who is very good friends, like sisters for ever, kinda like me Rachel and Finn, but only with Katie, also that's how me and Finn met.

Flashback time
I was only 4 when my parents took my 1 year old sister and I to the park on a bright Sunday morning (the same Rachel and Finn met). I was playing around with my sister, who recently started walking only 3 months. She was walking away from me as I was chasing her, when I caught her and started tickling her. "Santana! Santana!" She giggles, making me, my mom and dad all share looks at each other, smiling and gasping, my mom was already crying while walking over. "Oh my baby said her first words!" Says mom, grabbing Maria out of my grasp. "Can I take Maria to the slides papa?" I ask my dad, tugging on the hem of his shirt. He looks down at me and nods, smiling while kissing my head. I take Maria and walk over with her to the slides where I see a little boy around my age and I'm guessing his little sister. "Hey, my name is Santana" I say, holding my hand out. "oh hey, my name is Finn, who is this little cutie?" He asked, tickling Maria under the chin. "Maria" I say, looking at her, bouncing her lightly in my arms. "Sweet, this is Katie" He says, looking around at Katie, who is I think just now starting to walk also. "I'm guessing your sister is just now starting to walk" I say, sitting down on the edge of the slide, putting Maria down and let her run around with Katie. "Yeah, yours too?" He says as we watch our sisters play around. I nod, smiling at him. "I have feeling this is a start of a beautiful friendship for us and our sisters" I say. And from that day on, we become best friends, along with Rachel
Flashback over

Kurts pov
Me and Blaine are sat in the lima bean, talking about the upcoming regionals in just over a month, when Rachel, Santana, puck and Finn walk in. I become worried and Blaine looks at me curiously then looking back. He notices and turns back around. "You should just go apologize, get it over with" he says, grabbing my hand in comfort. I sigh and nod in defeat. I get up and pick up mine and Blaines trash and walk to throw them away. On the way I bump in to someone, Rachel. "Oh hey Rachel, Santana, puck, Finn" I say nervously. They great me back and turn around, leaving me and Rachel just staring at each other. "Hey, can we talk outside" she's says, looking at me sadly i nod and she turns back around, kissing Finns cheek and walking out with me. "I'm sorry" we say simultaneously. We laugh a little and I look down. "Rachel I'm sorry for everything I said that night and l shouldn't have brought your dad, that was wrong and out of place for me to do that" I say, looking up at her. She smiles and wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "I would really like it if you can over tonight, I'm having a girls night slash sleepover and we are watching 22 jump street, ride along 2 and dear john, the last on his a surprise" she says as we pull away and start walking inside. "Oh hell yes, ill be there with some snacks and drinks" I say as we sit down.

Finns pov
"So everything is good now?" I ask, looking down at Rachel, wrapping an arm around her. She looks up and nods. "Oh, you and puck have to be out of the house by 6 pm cause the glee girls and Kurt are coming over for a girls night" she says, pointing her finger at me, "and I'm serious Hudson" she adds. Oh shit. She is. "Okay, I won't be at the house and i won't try to sneak in after midnight" I say, but that last part was a lie, im totally sneaking in. She smiles and drinks her coffee while I sip mine. "So what movies are we watching Rach?" Asked Santana. "Dear John, ride along 2, 22 jump street and the last on is a surprise" Rachel says. She mouths the last part to Santana and Santana claps. "What am I chopped liver?" Asked Kurt. Rachel leans over and tells him. You can tell by the look on their faces, it has to be a really good movie. After we finish our drinks we leave and head over to Rachel and pucks house. Puck and I play zombies while Santana and Rachel change into their pajamas. While we're playing, they walk in and sit on our laps. I wrap my arms around her waist securely and set my chin on her shoulder. "You look very cute right now" I whisper to her so puck and Santana can't hear. She bites her lower lip, holding in her laughter. I kiss her cheek and go back to playing the game. We are sitting in silence with the sound from the game playing when there is a knock on the front door. "I'm gonna go get a drink of water" I say getting up with Rachel. She opens the door to reveal Kurt, Tina Mercedes and Brittany on the other side of it. "Katie, Sarah and Parker are coming soon, Sarah's brother Reid is dropping them off later" says Brittany, looking up from her phone.

Rachel's pov
"Okay, great now Finn and puck out of the house this instant" I tell them. I see Finn standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water and I walk over. I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him. "What are you going to do tonight babe?" I ask. "I'm probably gonna go home and talk to my parents about me staying here until graduation and maybe start packing for new York, how long are we staying there?" He asked, looking down at me. "I think 3 weeks, good luck, and could you maybe take puck over there, now leave the Damn house" I say, looking up at him. He nods and I lean up, kissing him passionately. He pulls away and we walk upstairs as I grab the surprise movie, magic Mike XXL! "Bye babe" says Finn as we walk downstairs to the door, giving me a kiss goodbye as he hops in his truck with Noah and drives away. A couple of minutes later, the rest of the girls show up and I put in dear john and start making bowls of popcorn and Santana and Mercedes are helping me bring the drinks. "Guys hurry up! It starting!" Says Tina, looking back at us over her shoulder. We rush and sit on the couches and floor, constantly grabbing popcorn and drinking our sodas as we watch. "Okay, am I the only one who thinks that Channing Tatum should always be shirtless?" I ask, drooling over Channing Tatum. "Always, that guy is the definition of perfection!" Says Santana, throwing popcorn in her mouth.

Santana's pov
After watching dear john, ride along 2, 22 jump street, we turn to Rachel. "Okay, whats the surprise movie?" Asked Kurt. She gets up and grab something from the kitchen counter. She holds up the best thing ever, magic Mike XXL! We start clapping and cheering as she put the disc in the DVD player and pressed play and sat back down in front of me. I tap her shoulder with my foot, getting her attention. "Thank you" I mouth, putting my hands together as I nod at the TV. She smiles and we watch the movie, constantly drooling over Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer and joe manganiello.

We finish magic Mike and start to talk when we here the door open and in walks in our boyfriends. "What the hells are you doing here?" I ask, widening my eyes as I point at Puck and the boys. "We decided to come join you guys" says Finn, sitting with Rachel between his legs. She smiles and lays back on his chest, wrapping his arms around her self as he blows kisses into her hair. "Wait, I thought we were trashing this thing?" Asked Sam, confused. The boys slap their hand on their foreheads and sigh, some shake their head in disappointment. "Thanks trouty mouth" says puck, looking over at Sam. "Back off puck he didn't know" defends Mercedes. "Okay, enough drama" says Kurt. "Yeah, so lady Hummel and young Burt Reynolds, when are you guys are rejoining new directions?" I ask, folding my hands together. "Well-" starts Blaine, only to get cut off by Kurt. "Of course we will, probably next week once I talk to my dad and Sebastian about leaving Dalton" he interrupts. I look over at Blaine and he looks likes hes in deep thought about something. "Okay I'm bored as hell, what do you guys wanna do?" Asked puck. "I say, we play would you rather or truth or dare" says Rachel, smirking at everyone. We nod and clap. "Okay, since Rachel decided the game, you get asked first. Now, truth or dare, and there's kissing aloud, except if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend but the cheeks count" informs puck. "Truth" She smiles. "Is it true that when you were young, you got a love note from a guy and you corrected all his spelling and gave it back?" He asked. Finn holds his laughter in as Rachel turns a light shade of pink. "Yes, it is true, next person" she says. "Okay, Finn, truth or dare?" She asked, turning around to look at him. "Hmm, truth?" He said but it came out more like a question. "Is it true that you used to sing along with tamon and pumba to hakuna matata?" She smirked. He blushes a light shade of pink. "I'm going to kill you for this, yes it true, but it was when I was 2!" He says as everyone laughs, except me. "Well when I was 2, i dressed like uncle Jesse from full house for Halloween!" I say as everyone laughs. I look at Finn as he mouths thank you. I smile as it turns from truth or dare to truth time. "When I was a little boy, I dressed up like a lady and had tea by myself" says Kurt, looking down. I pat his shoulder in comfort, shaking my head. "We get that we are telling random memories about our past, but that was taken a little to far back" I sigh. "Wait, how did the song go?" Asked puck. "I-I can't remember" says Kurt. Puck nods his head and then we wait for the next person to confess. "Oh come on people, like you haven't had embarrassing moment in your life, ever" I say. "My brother and I used to perform in front of our whole neighborhood, and we would dress up also" says Blaine. "What would you guys perform?" Asked Sam. "We would perform basically anything" replies Blaine. "I used to act like Justin bieber, I even had his hair style" says Sam, looking down.I burst out laughing with every one else while Mercedes rubs his shoulder.

After we each tell stuff about our past, we decide to go to bed, me and puck in my bed, Finchel in Rachel's, Katie and Jacob in Finns room and the rest are separated by gender into 4 different guest rooms.

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