chapter 7

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Brittanys pov

Right now we are all arriving at school for what i like to call it, the new directions freshmen and sophomore lockdown. We are sleeping in the auditorium then we are doing crazy stuff around the hallways. What nobody knows is that I stole the keys from Sue to her room full of toys and props for our routines. I pull them out and walk to the room and open it up. I grab scooters, skateboards and some other crap. I walk to the choir room and see everyone in there, setting up stuff we keep somewhere only someone's knows. That reminds me about that song, somewhere only we know. "Holy shit brit, where did you get all that!" Exclaims Santana, grabbing some of the stuff. I grab a scooter and ride it back to the room. I turn around a corner and see the glee club following after me in scooters and skateboards, some running. I stop and the room and walk back in, seeing some confetti cannons, a blow up UNICORN, a blow horn, fireworks, confetti, boombox and a blow up pool, huh, we've never used that before. We start pulling those out of there and and taking them to the choir room. We blow up the pool, the UNICORN, and add water to the pool. Puck is the first one to jump into the pool. If you were to walk into the choir room it would look like your at the pool. Literally. Puck and Finn found beach chairs and Rachel and Santana found a beach background. The boys set up a long piece of rubber or something in the hallway outside the choir room and put bubbles and water on it. At the other end of the hallway is a soccer goal stand. I take off my clothes, dont worry I'm wearing bathing suit, and go outside where everyone is. I go to the starting end and I start to run. I slide into the goal set up and everyone cheers and celebrates. I jump back up and walk back to the choir room and jump into the pool. I see boogie boards and grab them I bring them out to the hallway. Finn grabs one and backs up till the wall and takes a running start. He slides all the way to the goal set up as well as me and everyone cheers. Rachel runs up to him and kisses his cheek. "Well what are we waiting for! Let's start the party!" He cheers and everyone cheers a long with him. I put my extra extra clothes and grab a scooter and ride around school with Finn, Santana, Rachel, puck and Mike. The rest of the group, Sam, Mercedes, artie, Tina, Blaine, kurt, are doing something else. Best freshmen and sophomore lockdown ever.

Finns pov

After messing around in the hallways, we meet up in the auditorium, each couple on a mattress. We form a circle with them and there's a bottle in the middle. Oh yeah. "Whos ready for spin the truth or dare?" suggests puck and everyone claps and cheers. He spins the bottle and it lands on... Santana. "Santana, truth or dare?" He asks, "dare" she replies, "I dare you to... run out to the field and yell at the top of your lungs, i don't fuck with you!" He dates and everyone gets up to follow her. She runs up to the top of the bleachers where some houses are behind and screams, "I DONT FUCK WITH YOU!!" And runs back down as quick as possible. We sit on the field and spims the bottle. It lands on... Mike. "Mike truth or dare?" She asks him. "Dare" he replies. She whispers to him and pulls away. "Okay busy he's gonna get mad" he warns and she shrugs. "I have to use the restroom, be right back" he says and walks to the bathroom. We wait for hi amazing to come back. He comes back with a hand filled with white foamy stuff and stands walks towards puck. "Karma bitch!" He smacks his hand on pucks head and runs away, puck chasing after him. Everyone laughs and watches them run around like headless chickens. I grab the can of shaving cream, it's a pretty big can like big enough and filled with the right amount for rounds of smack cams or shaving cream wars. I spray some onto my hand and go join them. Soon the rest join and everyone is smacking each other, I was hit the most I think and Rachel the least. Rachel is very fast by the way. We walk into the auditorium where our bags are and I rush to my bag and pull out silly string. I spray Rachel and Santana and they start chasing me. I laugh viciously, then I get sprayed by puck. Soon everyone is spraying each other. We run out and sit down, tired. Darkness takes over and I fall asleep with Rachel in my arms.

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