chapter 8

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Finns pov

"Omg your are not going to guess what happened last night!" I say as I walk through the main door to my house. "Why what happened?" asked mom as I sat down. "The coach of the New York giants is coming to Friday's game and is going to be a scout and he said he will keep a close eye on me while i play" I say and they gasp and hug me. "son that's great, but what about the rest of high school and collage and rachel, are you sure about rhis?" Asks my dad and I go paper white. I forgot about that. "No, I didn't think about that, I go to go ill be back later" I say and run out of the house. I pull up to Rachel's drive way. I knock on the door and she opens it. "Hey can I come in, I need to talk to you about something?" I ask her and she nods. We walk inside and sit on the couch. "Last night me and boys were playing football at school after the movies and we heard coach besite talking with Tom Coughlin, head coach of the New York giants, and he said he will be at the game friday and will keep his eye on me. That could mean I get a scholarship to NYU, but that also means I would have to leave Ohio and spend the rest of high school and college in New York, which means i won't be able to see you anymore, only on breaks or when you visit. That's if I get a scholarship or he likes me. What do you think about that?" I ask her and she has a blank face. I wait for an answer when suddenly she kisses me passionately and hard, pushing me into the couch. "Wow what does that mean cause im getting mixed emotions here babe" I chuckle and she joins me. "I love you and will support your dreams, although i think you should wait till after college cause first ill miss you, second, it could be a bad I influence on kids, third, your learning comes first and fourth, it will always be there for you whether it's next year, or 5 years from now, and no matter what, i will always love you" she says and sits in my lap. I sit up and she kisses my cheek then my lips. "Is your mom here?" I ask, rubbing her arm. "No she got a job interview in Columbus so will  be there for about a week and puck is at Mike's house so its just me in a lonely bed" she says running her hands up and down my thigh, each time getting closer to my 'friend'. I pick her up with her legs wrapped around my waist and carry her to her room. I throw her onto the bed, kissing her. Her arms snake themselves around my neck, pulling me closer.

After our make out session, we cuddle and watch Minions. Soon puck walks into the house and runs up the stairs to Rachel's room, bursting through the door. We dart our heads to he door to see him smiling like an idiot. "What the hell happened to you?" I ask him. "Im dating Santana! I have a date with her tonight and I'm freaking out but still happy cause im going on a date with Santana Maria lopez, hottest bitch in town besides Rachel but she's my sister, Rachel I need  you to help me clean up a bit and Finn you can stay here do what ever you wanna do but im taking my sister for a while" he says and picks Rachel up. He puts her over his shoulder and I stare at him shocked and confused on what just happened. Rachel lifts her head and winks at me before disappearing.

Rachel's pov

Puck sets me on his bed and goes through his shirts and shorts. I tell him to just dress casual and be yourself but a gentleman. I kiss his cheek before leaving his room as he puts on his shoes and go picks up Santana. I walk back to my room to see Finn asleep with his hand in the popcorn bowl. I turn off the movie and move the snacks and drinks out of the way and lay next to him. He instantly wraps his huge long muscular arms around me and pulls me into his bare buff chest. We fall asleep wrapped in each other's embrace.

I wake up to my phone ringing and answer it. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey sweetie it's carole, have you seen Finn? He told us that Tom Coughlin might scout him Friday night and thwn he just ran off, is he there by chance?" She asks nervously and scared. "Yeah he's actually asleep next to me right now and I heard about his news. I fully support him and his dreams, tell Chris and Katie I say hi and ill tell Finn to call you when he wakes up, bye Carole" I say and hang up when after she says bye. I check the time to see it's almost 6 pm and we went sleep at 2 pm. I fall back asleep for what seems about 5 minutes but it's really 30 minutes to Finns stomach growling. I groan and stick my face into my pillow more. It growls again and this time I sit up. I poke Finn in his ribs cause it's the only way to wake up now, but it's not working. I kiss his lips and his neck and he finally starts to stir. I frown when in see him turn over on his stomach which it makes this situation a lot harder. I get off of bed and walk into my bathroom. I fill a cup with cold water and tip toe over back to my bed. I go I to Finns side and admire his face. Too bad. I tip the cup over and he jolts up as the cold ice water hits his face. I smirk and run downstairs before he can even get out of bed. "Why on earth would you wake me up from my sleep?" He pops out from behind the wall from the kitchen. I shrug and start making myself a sandwich and a fresh glass of Orange juice. I sit at the table and Finn lays his head on the table, tired. I rub his back then return to my delicious sandwich. "Can you make me something to eat?" He asks innocently. I groan but nod my head and get up. While I make his sandwich, I inform, "hey your mom called, asking where you were and I told her that your here, now, go call her while I make your sandwich. Now" I say and he rushes upstairs to his phone. I smile then hear him come back downstairs and I shake my head, laughing. He informs his mom that he is having dinner with me here and will be home later. I give him his sandwich and he kisses my cheek before devouring it. We play on Noahs xbox one and I beat his ass in COD. We walk downstairs and sit on the couch and watch some tv. We watch modern family, new girl, how I met your mother, and family guy. Soon it's time for him to leave and i kiss him hard on the mouth before pulling away, teasing him a bit. "Rach don't do that to me now, you know i'll see you tomorrow morning at school" he whines and I giggle. "Text me when you get home" I say and kiss him hard again then pulling away. "Rach seriously stop or ill never leave this house again and my mom will be pissed, better yet my dad, ill see you tomorrow" he says and kisses my cheek before getting in his car and driving off. I walk back inside smiling like and idiot and walk back up to my room. I fall onto my bed after cleaning my room a bit. As soon as i hit my bed, my phone goes off and I practically bolt out of my bed to my phone. 'Night babe, see you tomorrow at school, sweet dreams gorgeous' reads my screen and I send him a text in return. 'Night babe, love you, sleep tight handsome'  I sent before setting my alarm, brushing my teeth and getting into bed. Ill ask Santana about her date with puck tomorrow.

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