chapter 4

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A week later (Friday)

Finns pov

Today is the first game of the season. All boyfriends on the team give their girlfriends their Letterman jackets and they wear them around school. It's kinda a tradition and right I am walking with my jacket in hand to my girlfriends/my locker. I spot her at her locker in her head cheerios uniform, she tried out last week, getting books out of her locker. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss the back of her head. "Hello gorgeous" I whisper in her ear. She looks up smiling, turns around and kisses me on theips, wrapping her srms around her neck. My hands sit on her waist. She pulls away smiling and leans he forehead on mine. "Well hello to you too" she giggles. "I have something on wanna give to you" I say and pull out my jacket. Her eyes sparkle and she smiles even bigger. "The football players who have girlfriends, give them their varsity jacket and they wear it the whole day, for the boys, it's kinda like showing them off. So will you Rachel Barbra berry, accept my jacket?" I ask, getting on one knee. "Yes" she says and I smile, "yes?" I ask. "Yes!" She laughs looking at the ceiling then back me. I get up and put it on her. I must say, she looks hot as hell. She grabs my neck and kisses me on lips. I laugh when i hear karofsky walk by with the football team and say, "oooh get it Hudson" and they cheer and laugh. "Hey Karofsky, shut your mouth, he at least has a girlfriend. Speaking of girlfriends, you never seem to have one" says Rachel and that catches his attention. "Hey what you did you say berry?" He says mad. Rachel turns from happy to scared quick, you can see it in her eyes. Oh no, here goes Karofsky. "She said you never seem to have a girlfriend, which is kinda odd, well not really, your Karofsky, so it still doesn't mean anything" I say, standing up for Rachel. "Well well well, look who is sticking up for his little bird beak hobbit girlfriend"he says back and by now, the glee boys are stamding behind me and everyone else is watching. "Hey thats my sister your talking about, so you mess with her, you mess with me" says Puck and attacks Karofsky to the ground. The fight last about a good 15 minutes before somebody finds mr Schue and coach beiste and they split them up. "What the hell is going on here!?!?" Yells coach beiste as she holds puck. I hear a familiar cry and i look behind me and see my beautiful girlfriend crying into Santana's shirt. I take her into my arms and rub her back. "Hey listen to me, you do not have a bird beak, your nose is perfectly fine and beautiful, don't listen to Karofsky, he's an ass and an idiot, who the only love he is ever gonna get is food" I say and she laughs. "Hudson, Karofsky, both berry's principal s officr, now!!" She says and we all rush to the principals office.

"Would someone like to tell me what happened?" Asked principal Figgins. "It all started when I walked into the hallway and asked Rachel to wear my jacket, she said yes and we shared a quick kiss. Karofsky being and idiot made a snarky comment and rachel said something in return. Then Karofsky threatens her and i stood up for her. Karofsky said some mean things and then puck tackled him and they started fighting. This is the second time Karofsky has threatened my friends and family and I'm sick of it. He bullied Kurt and made him transfer schools" I explain. Rachel is still hugging me tightly and lightly crying. "Ms. berry, what did Karofsky call you" "little bird beak hobbit girlfriend" she said and my heart broke, hearing her say that and her crying before also broke my heart, but the broke it more. "Okay, well I see that rachel is telling the truth, so i have no other choice to suspend David Karofsky for 2 weeks and he will not be able to play football for the rest of the season. Also if you come close to ms berry or mr hummel, you will be expelled and not aloud to come near here ever again, understood?" Says Mr figgins and Karofsky groans and nods. Me and Rachel get up and leave to glee with mr Schue and puck. "You okay?" I ask rachel and she looks up at me. She kisses my cheek, and hugs puck. "Thanks for what you did" she said. He hugged her back and said, "your my sister, I would do anything for you". "Aww look at puck coming soft" I joke.

He glares at me and I laugh, soon we all laugh. We arrive to the choir room. Me and Rachel sit in the back. She sits ok my lap and I rub her back. "Ugh mr Schue can you tell hobbit and Finn to stop eating each other?" Scoffs Quinn and everyone looks at her. "And you wonder why everyone hates you" says Rachel. Wow she's on a role. "Did you say something bird beak?" Smirks Quinn. All the anger builds up in me when Rachel looks down and lays her head on my chest. Not this again. Before I can even open my mouth, Santana decides to talk. "Okay you know what quinn, your a puta, you always have and always will been one. No one likes you in this glee club, no one ever will". "You guys love me, I keep it real and hot" relies Quinn. "No, you're actually just a bitch" says Brittany and everyone snickers. "Well I'll actually have a job and get accepted into the best collage, yale, im so positive, im  liked rachel not getting on broadway and being a loser for the rest of her life" says Quinn. "Okay fine maybe you might get into yale, by lying in your letter, maybe I am destined to be on broadway and play Fanny, but the only job your gonna be good at is working on a pole" says Rachel and everyone bursts out laughing. Me, Santana and puck are laughing so hard we are crying. "Hobbit you will pay for that" warns Quinn and storms out. We snicker and laugh at her when she leaves. "Hey Quinn, the bathroom is down the hall!" Says Rachel, leaving my lap and going to the door. Even mr Schue is laughing. Classic chocolate cake on her chair and butt, just so you guys know. We look at her chair to see the cake is there. "Who put the cake there?" Ask mr achue, wiping his tears. Me, puck and santana all raise our hands. Rachel kisses me and high fives Santana and puck. "Okay guys focus, we have the championship game and coach beiste asked us to be the half time show performance, so we are doing thriller by the wonderful Michael Jackson and heads still roll by the yeahs yeahs yeahs" says mr Schue, handing out sheet music. We start rehearsing till the bell rings, signaling lunch. "Hey Santana and Brittany, coach sue wants you guys in her office" says Becky and they nod.

Santana's pov

Me and Brittany make our way to sues office. In a week we are going to regioanks and in glee were are going to sectionals in a couple of weeks. We walk in and see the queen bitch there. "Yes coach?" I say, sitting down. "I asked the judges of regionals to move it this week and they said the only day they can move it is on today, so at 6, we'll be on our way to regionals" she replies and Quinn cheers. "Hold the bell up, the championship game for the football team is tonight, and I'm not gonna miss it for the world" I exclaim and Brittany nods in agreement. We storm out of her office. "If you walk away Lopez, your off the cheerios!" Screams sue. I turn around and flip her off. I walk off to find Hudson and berry with Brittany. We see them laughing and walk up to them. I kiss Finn on the cheek, yes berry is fine with it and Finn also kisses my cheek, and he kisses mine. "Guess who just got kicked off the cherrios, this gal and her best bitch" I say and point at Brittany and me. They looked at me shocked and Finn talked, "why is she nuts, I'ma have a talk with her". Before the rest can even speak, he storms towards her office. Oh no.... (end of pov)

In Sue's office

"You have no right to kick Santana and Brittany off the cheerios!" Exclaims Finn, slamming his hands on her desk. "In the mater of fact i do frankenteen" she says back, taking her classes off and getting up. She closes the door and sits back down. "They betrayed me and joined that stupid glee club, tell Berry she's off too". "Why now!! they were in glee last year and you didn't say anything!! Why do you have to be so cruel to kick off three awesome ass girls off your stupid, lame and boring ass team, and what about Quinn, she's in glee too?!?!" He exclaims, pissed that she kicked off his girlfriend from the cheerios. For once, Sue Sylvester is actually speechless. Finn walks out to the courtyard to see the glee club eating lunch. He sits next to rachel and wraps his arm around her waist. "Hey babe, how was the talk" she asked as Finn pulled her on to his lap. "Well you off the cheerios with Santana and Brittany and Sue Sylvester is a bitch" he kisses her head as the glee club laugh. Everyone besides quinn laughing, she's on her phone, texting someone. "Hey Quinn, who you texting?" Asked Mercedes and Quinn snapped, "why do you care elephant?" Mercedes got up and left the table. The girls, besides Quinn, follow her. "Wow Quinn, you know if you keep talking like that, your not gonna have any friends" says Mike. "Ill have more friends than anybody in this school" is her answer. Finn stands up on the table, getting everyone's attention. "Who here likes Quinn as a friend?" He asks and nobody lifts their hand. "Who thinks she's a bitch?" And everyone raises their hands. "Well let me tell you guys something about miss Quinn fabray. She is a bitch who deserves nobody, she is never nice and if she is, she is either lying or cheating.

She is also dating the father to her 1 year old daughter that she had last year and lied to me and puck about. She bullies everyone, she's mean, she is a slut and was only using me for popularity. She also hired the football team to throw slushies at every loser, which your not cause everyone in this school is smart, beautiful and no matter what people say about you, don't listen to them, we are all special, no matter what gender and sexuality. Quinn on the other hand finds a way to make that person feel bad about him or her self. She's an awful person and finds happiness in people's misery and pain. Especially in her best friends" he says and everyone starts clapping and cheering. The give him a standing ovation. He sits back down and Quinn is giving him the 'i will make your life a living hell' glare. Finn eats his apple that he took from Rachel's plate and leans back, smiling as everyone complimented him. He takes a bite out of the Apple and smirks at Quinn. He hears everyone's phone at the table start vibrating and they all pick them up. 'Finn hudson, the new leader of west mckinley high, says the truth about Quinn Fabray' reads the page with the video that Jacob filmed and the glee club congratulate him. He sees Karofsky and azimio stand behind Quinn, holding a bucket of ice cold slushie, with red dye number 7. By now everyone is looking at her and snickering at her. Quinn screeches as the ice cold hit her head and back, she gets up and runs to the door but slips and falls, everyone starts laughing at her. "Hey fabray, hope you enjoyed the slushie we added extra ice" says Karofsky, giving high fives to azimio and Finn. "Hey fabray, you have a little something on your head and back" says Mercedes, with the glee girls behind her, laughing at quinn with everyone else. Quinn gets up and runs out of the cafeteria. The glee girls sit down at the table and everything went back to normal.

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