Just Another Lothario: Chapter 30

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Keira snuggled deeply into her bed as Ambrose tucked her in. He stared at her beauty for a moment, remembering the heated kisses they exchanged. He shut his eyes tight as he thought back to those moments. He had never felt anything like that in all his years. They had kissed for hours, both in total bliss but he had stopped them when he thought he could not hold his desire in any longer. He glanced back down at the gorgeous woman and silently left her alone and to his own tent.

He put out the candle and let his head hit his people as he stared at the ceiling. His body was still on fire from their intimate moment but he needed to rest. He admits that he holds a desire for Keira but still, he could not reason why he had acted the way he did.

A lingering thought popped into his head, "Mate..." Ambrose dispelled the thought with a shake of his head. He simply thought that it could not be true. He scrutinized long ago that he would never have a mate. That life was out of his apperception.


Keira awoke the next morning to a loud fuss. She sat up gingerly and looked about the room to find it crowded with men and women. "What in the world?" They all roamed about the room murmuring to one another, none of them aware that she was awake. Beginning to have a headache from all the ruckus, Keira cleared her throat.

The people immediately hushed and stared at her with wide eyes. An elderly man with grey eyes stepped from the group. "You are awake," he delighted, "that is great news. I am Healer Frederick and these are my apprentices. We have been taking care of you since your accident." His eyes gleamed with mirth as he scrutinized Keira's state. "Amazing."

"Excuse me?" Keira questioned.

"We must assess your state, it is not every day that we get to examine something new." Frederick's eyes gleamed.

Keira understood now. She was like a new specimen for their examination. She sighed internally as the healer and the rest of his staff began to ask her questions and inspect her injuries.


"It seems that she is coping well with the blood transfusion. Her injuries, as we checked this morning, were shockingly exquisite. Never in my life had I thought of examining such a specimen."

Ambrose held his tongue as he heard what the healer referred her as. He wanted very much so to rip the man apart but he did well in keeping a restraint on his emotions.

"We found little to no side effects. As I've said before, her injuries are very remarkable. The wounds are healing perfectly well and I doubt that there will even be scars to tell the tale of her battle. Truly remarkable indeed," Frederick murmured with a satisfied grin.

"What kinds of effects is she dealing with?" Ambrose questioned.

"Her muscles are terribly sore for although the blood has healed her wounds, it has not done anything to soothe her aching muscles. She says the pain is bearable and it must be since she is walking about and tending to things."

Ambrose raised a brow at that. "She is?"

"Yes, sir, as soon as we were done checking her lacerations she promptly got ready and was on her way about the camp."

Ambrose was about to dismiss the healer but he could not just let him leave without knowing. "Frederick?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Is it possible for me to have a," Ambrose had to force the word through his teeth, "connection to the girl because of the blood transference?"

Frederick's interest quickly rose at the notion. "Well sir, it is a possibility. I cannot confirm it however, for this is the first time we have ever experience such a thing. But it is quite possible indeed." Frederick began to pace the front of the tent. "I would assume that the blood you gave her could be the source of your predicament. It may be that because technically that is your blood that you may feel pulled to the Miss Keira." Frederick nodded his head. "Yes sir, it is very much a possibility."

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