Just Another Lothario: Chapter 15

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"Come on, come on, come on, COME ON!!! Hurry up already!" Sylvia practically bounced up and down while pulling Keira out of the plane. "Hurry up, Sis! I facebooked everyone that we're coming back from vacation and I am not missing a single moment we have left of being seniors!" 

Keira stared at her amused. "I don't think the school is going to grow legs and walk away, Sylvia. I'm pretty sure we're okay."

"You don't know that! I mean, what if the school was exposed to toxic waste and now everything is mutated and stuff?! That'd be so freaky and cool!" 

Keira shook her head. "I knew I shouldn't have let you watch TMNT. Now it's all gone to your head." Keira placed a hand on Sylvia's shoulder and solemnly told her, "Syl, you do not turn into a ninja turtle by dunking yourself in toxin. Nor do you turn into Spiderman when a spider bites you."

"You don't know that," Sylvia muttered. She then tapped her foot impatiently as Alexander and the others caught up. "Will you people hurry up?! We've got places to go and people to see!" She soon grew overwhelmingly anxious and skipped her way over to the baggage claim. 

"Is she always like this?" Alexander asked.

Keira laughed. "Most of the time; you better get used to it." 

"Keira! Hurry up already!" Sylvia cried from the other side of the building.

"I'm coming," Keira called back. She smiled and walked over to her, Alexander and the others tagging behind. 

"Ugh, this place is absolutely filthy," Celine grumbled and flipped her hair. 

Keira was about to voice a comment about her being more filthy but then thought it better not to hear the beast speak more. Keira grabbed her bag off the conveyor belt and waited for the rest of Sylvia's and the others. 

Each had one suitcase, excluding Sylvia and Celine. Apparently Celine had arrangements for clothing more suitable for this world ordered and sent to them. How she did that, well, Keira didn't really care. She was just annoyed by all the luggage she seemed to have. 


Finally, after what seemed like ages, they made it to their home. They quickly took out all the baggage from the two taxis and Sylvia leaped out of the car and ran to the door and unlocked it. Keira smiled and followed close behind. 

As Sylvia threw open the door a huge 'Surprise!' was bellowed throughout the house. Sylvia squealed in excitement as she saw every one of their friends all clustered in the house. 

Matt came up to them and gave Sylvia a massive bear hug. Something that Alexander didn't approve of at all. 

Keira nudged Alexander. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Babe! I missed you so much!" Matt engulfed Keira in a gigantic hug that nearly squeezed the life out of her. 

"Let go of me you idiot," Keira breathed, "I do not appreciate being suffocated!" 

"Well aren't you as charming as ever." Matt pulled away only to have Brandon take his place. He wrapped her in his arms and laughed. 

"Hey! Move, already! I want to hug them too!" 

Keira peered over Brandon's shoulder to find Sandy glaring at the two guys. 

After hugging and greeting everyone, the party began. People were dancing and drinking while others just chatted about all the things Sylvia and Keira missed while they were gone. 

"So who's the hotty?" Sandy asked Sylvia.

Sylvia turned to see Alexander standing behind her. "Oh, uh- this is Alexander- my, uh-," she turned to Keira with a pleading look.

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