Just Another Lothario: Chapter 23

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Keira sat by the window in her suite when a knock sounded on her door. "Come in," she spoke, not tearing her gaze from the window.

The door opened and a young maid slipped inside. She waited silently, with her head bowed, for Keira to acknowledge her.

Keira sighed internally. She despised the fact that although the workers of the castle have agreed to call her Keira, not Lady Keira, they refused to treat her like a regular person. "What is it?"

"Keira," the maid spoke softly, "you are urgently summoned to Prince Alexander's quarters."

"Do you know what for?" Keira glanced from the window over to the young lady to see her shake her head. "I see," Keira murmured, "I'll shall be there shortly."

The maid curtsied and let herself out.

Keira stood facing away from the window and threw on her preferred attire. As Sylvia and Alexander were away on their honeymoon Keira took the opportunity to acquire more blouses and slacks. She knew it would be the only time she would be able to get such clothing since Sylvia wouldn't ever let her wear such a thing.

Her hair was still a bit damp from the shower she took earlier that afternoon and it flowed in wisps around her face. She pinned it up as best she could and slipped on her flats. Checking her appearance in her vanity mirror she stepped out of her room and swiftly walked down the corridors. As she made her journey to Alexander's quarters she briefly wondered why he and Sylvia were back from their honeymoon so soon. They have only been gone a week and weren't expected for a few more days.

The thought made her quicken her pace.


 Alexander scowled as he sat behind his desk with his hair tousled. His shirt sleeves were rolled up unceremoniously and his eyes had dark rings under them from the long night he spent jostled in his carriage with Sylvia on their way back. He drummed his fingers impatiently on his desk and gave a low growl when Ambrose strode into the room. "What was so urgent that you interrupted my time with my wife?"

Ambrose raised a brow. "I was going to ask you the same thing. Well, excluding the part about your wife," Ambrose smirked, "I was spending my time with a lovely young lady."

Alexander glowered. "So thoughts of Keira have already fled your mind?"

The smirk left Ambrose's face only to be replaced with a look of disgust. "There were never thoughts of her to begin with. Now, why is it that you've summoned my presence?"

"I don't have a clue! Abraham was the one who asked me to assemble a meeting as a matter of urgency," bitterness laced Alexander's voice as he spoke. He recalled the night before where he and Sylvia had settled themselves comfortably in bed with glasses of wine. They were having such a lovely evening until a messenger feverishly came pounding on their door and relayed Abraham's wishes.

A knock sounded from the doorway and Keira walked in, her cheeks rosy from her quick strides to get here. "You requested my presence?"

Alexander nodded and motioned for her to come in. "Yes, Abraham has important matters to discuss with us."

Keira was intrigued by that notion but didn't inquire further explanation and asked conversationally, "How is Sylvia doing?"

Alexander raised his head to her, "You haven't spoken yet?"

"No, I have not heard of your arrival until the maid you sent relayed her message. I figured you two wouldn't be back for a few days."

"Yes, that was the original plan but Abraham seems to have much more important things he wants to speak of." Alexander began thrumming his fingers on his desk more fervently. "For someone who spoke so urgently he is sure taking his time."

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