Just Another Lothario: Chapter 2

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A few days had passed since the party at Matt's. When Keira and Sylvia walked into the school building everything seemed to go along as usual, except for the freshmen. They stared at the two girls as the walked down the halls toward their lockers.

Keira spotted Kayla and her group of friends staring at her. She smiled at them and said a brief hello before passing them. As they reached their lockers they spotted Kaleb a few lockers down with a skimpy bimbo leeched onto his face.

Keira glanced over at Sylvia who seemed a little embarrassed seeing the two. Keira nudged her with her elbow. "You know, the boy was never really worth it in the first place. I don't know what you saw in him. He obviously has no brains if he's so willing to swallow a girl right by our lockers. He's practically asking for another beating. That goes for the girl as well. I wouldn't ever go out with a guy who got his butt whooped by a girl." She shook her head disdainfully. "It's girls like them that give our gender a bad rap. Tsk, tsk."

Sylvia smiled at her. She had spent the night after the party in Keira's room. She cried and sobbed, no doubt looking absolutely terrible but Keira had simply told her jokes about Kaleb, one's that were not really nice, to lift her spirits. Eventually, fatigue got the best of her and she fell asleep thinking of what an amazing sister she had.

"You know he didn't stand a chance against you, sis," she told Keira, "he wasn't aware that you were so stinkin' buff."

They both laughed as they got the rest of their stuff and slammed their locker doors shut. "Please, boys must learn to never underestimate a girl's capabilities." Sylvia shook her head and they both walked to their first class.

"Hey! How's it goin' sweet thangs!?" They heard Matt call over to them as they made it into their class.

They greeted him with a wave as they slipped into their seats at the back of the room. "I still don't know how he got into this class," Sylvia commented.

Keira snorted, "Isn't it obvious! The boy practically exchanged kisses for A's on his assignments from those poor girls who he considers nerds."

"Well I have to get into college somehow," Matt pouted.

Keria shook her head. "Absolutely shameless."

"Yes, shameless indeed," Sylvia second.

"Well if my two favorite people would just help me with my homework, I would be able to pass this class no problemo."

It was Sylvia who snorted this time. "Please! Your version of help is giving you the answers without explaining the problem!"

"See, this is why I resort to those other girls. You two obviously don't care about my well-being," Matt exclaimed dramatically with his hand over his heart.

"Oh shush! I so do care! I just think you should do your own work!" Sylvia said, hugging Matt.

Matt returned the hug and looked expectantly at Keira. She just shrugged. "Don't look at me, I really don't care." Sylvia laughed at her and shook her head. "So insensitive, Keira."


Halfway through class Sylvia got bored and tugged on Keira's shirt sleeve. Keira looked up from the book she was reading and gave Sylvia an annoyed look. "I'm reading here, if you haven't noticed."

"I did notice. I'm bored. Can we go now?"

"Sylvia, we haven't even been in school for an hour and you want to leave already?"


Keira shook her head. "We still have to turn in all our work for our other classes and we also have an SBO meeting after school."


"Sylvia, we leave for our vacation in two days. You can handle sitting in class for a few more dreadful hours."

"Keira, Sylvia," Mr. Michaels called. "Do you have your homework ready?"

"Yes, Mr. Michaels, we do," Keira replied. Mr. Michaels nodded and returned to teaching the lesson.

"Uh," Sylvia shyly tugged on Keira's sleeve, "I forgot my calculus folder with all the homework due while we're on vacation."

Keira returned to reading her book. "I know."

"You know? So why didn't you remind me!?"

Keira, not taking her eyes of her book, tossed a yellow folder over to Sylvia. "Happy?"

"Yes, quite so." She looked through her calculus folder to see if she had all the assignments. A thought occurred to her and she leaned over to Keira. "Hey! Why don't we just give him the homework packets now and ask if we can go give our other packets to the rest of our teachers?"

Keira peered over her book. "You really want to leave, don't you?"


"Fine, fine. Come on then." Keira sighed and walked over to Mr. Michaels.


"I can't believe you guys are leaving! You jerks! And for a month too! Ugh, you guys suck!" Sandy, a friend of theirs said as they sat at their regular lunch table outside. "We only have like little more than a month until we graduate and you guys are leaving me! What kind of friends are you guys?! At least take me with you!"

For the past five minutes Sandy has been whining at them for leaving and Keira just laughed as Sylvia gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Sandy! But our uncle really wants us to come over before we go off to college. And since we're going backpacking in Europe over the summer, the only time he can see us is now."

The whole group of people that sat at their table continued to nag at them about leaving for a month only to come back for the last two weeks of school. Keira intervened in their complaints saying, "Hey, at least we'll be here for graduation! Not to mention the end of the year assembly!"

That got some of their friends to sober up a bit. The end of the year assembly was always the most looked forward to event of the school year, aside from prom.

"Ahem." Someone coughed beside Keira. She looked up to see a nervous looking Kayla and her group of friends. Kayla smiled shyly, she slightly quivered with nerves.

Keira smiled at them. "Hey guys! I thought you wouldn't take up the offer." She gestured to the table. "Take a seat." They all visibly relaxed and quietly found seats at the table. Keira looked around her group of friends, all of them staring at her expectantly. "Guys," she nodded to her friends, "this is Kayla and her friends."

Everyone took turns saying hi to them. Matt started flirting with one of the girls and Sylvia commented about how truly shameless he was. She and Keira erupted in fits of laughter. Matt looked over at them with a smirk, obviously hearing what Sylvia said.

"Well, seeing that you two are leaving in two days." Scott, a boy who's amazing at the guitar, said to them, "let's have our lovelies perform for us." He pulled his guitar out and gave it to Sylvia, who also happened to be a wicked guitarist.

Everyone cheered and whooped. Urging for the two of them to play. Keira held up her hands to silence them. "Calm down, geez." When they hushed Keira asked, "Are there any suggestions?"

Kayla suggested a R&B song and Sylvia nodded in agreement. She began to strum the intro to the song and Keira prepared herself to jump in with her voice. As usual, the duo were mesmerizing and captured everyone's attention as they performed. As they ended the song the whole group erupted in cheers and hoots as Sylvia and Keira smiled at each other.

"Wow! That was so amazing!" Kayla shrieked. "Oh my gosh, I've never seen or heard anyone play and sing like the two of you did! You guys should be like, music queens!"

The whole crowd laughed at her and she turned a bright red. "Sorry," she managed to say over her ever glowing face.

Keira laughed, "It's all right. No need to apologize, they're all a bunch of idiots anyway."

"Hey, we're standing right here!" Matt yelled.

Keira looked at him dully, "Point being?" Everyone laughed and Kayla's face managed to return to it's normal color.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and everyone hustled over to their next class.

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