Just Another Lothario: Chapter 8

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"Scoot over." Sylvia nudged Keira, trying to get in the bed. 

Keira groaned and then scowled at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep. So move over." Sylvia climbed in and snuggled close to Keira's side.

Keira scooted over the small twin sized bed. Ambrose had told her that all guardians have small quarters but she doubted that. She figured it was just his way of getting back at her but she didn't care. He should've realized that if she didn't care about what he says to her, that she wouldn't care how hard he tried to make her life either. 

"Is something wrong, Sylvia?"

"No, not really. I just couldn't sleep. I woke up half an hour later after I fell asleep and just couldn't go back. I don't like this place, sis." She spoke softly. 

Keira sighed. "You'll get used to it. This is your home, Sylvia. Just give it some time, you'll warm up to the place." Keira looked out into the night, she had left the curtains open and she could still see the moon high in the sky. "What time is it?"

"Like one in the morning. Sis?"


"Who was Abraham talking about? Did he mean Miss Bentley?" Sylvia pulled the blanket up to her chin. 

"Well, it's Mrs. Hart now." 

"What?! No way!"

"Uhuh. Remember when she left after our thirteenth birthday?" She saw Sylvia nod. "Well she left because she was getting married."

Sylvia pouted. "And she didn't even invite us?! That's so mean, I wanted to be a bridesmaid! I thought she loved us." 

"I'm sure she does but you have to remember, it wasn't safe to come here back then. I don't think she would've want us to get hurt."

"You would've taken care of us."

"I know but she couldn't take the risk." Keira laid on her back and stared at the ceiling.

Something dawned on Sylvia's mind. "Wait! So is she, uh-"

"Mhm. I was wondering when you'd realize that." 

"Woah. That's so weird. I would've never thought of her as a werewolf before. She just acts so, so-" She struggled to find the right word.

"Human?" Keira suggested.

"Yeah. I mean, she seemed pretty normal. Then again, she always seemed to be a little odd. You know, with how she dressed and everything but I just thought she was just into olden day stuff."

Keira laughed. "I don't think anyone in the right mind would wear that kind of stuff. I was just glad she didn't force us to wear them too!"

Sylvia giggled along with her. The entire time they've been in Alexander's and Ambrose' presence, Keira had said little. Which isn't saying much because she doesn't say a lot anyway but she always had her spurs of hyper-ness that made her really talkative. Sylvia knew that Keira wasn't going to have any of those any time soon since everyone will be analyzing her capabilities as a guardian. She wanted so much just to smack all those people upside the head. Her sister is a great guardian!

"Hey, sis?" 

Keira stopped laughing and looked at her. "What is it?"

"Promise you'll still be yourself around me. I mean, I know you have to be all serious and stuff around all the other people from now on but-"

"I promise, Sylvia. I'll always be the sensible, overly-protective, responsible sister like I've always been." 

"You're not just that! You're funny, caring, calm, outgoing, lively, fun to be around, and beautiful!" Sylvia listed off her sister's personality.

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