Just Another Lothario: Chapter 14

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Keira strolled through the courtyard, staring at the sky. She received an earful from Sylvia the other day about leaving her alone with Alexander. She had simply shrugged it off and continued reading her book. Basically her whole plan on leaving them alone together and they'd both be all lovey-dovey didn't work out so well. 

She saw Alexander come up to her. "We need to talk," he said. Ambrose stood behind him, glaring at her with heated anger. 

She bowed before quirking a brow. "Okay then, but whatever it is, I had nothing to do with it."

"Now you've got me wondering what you've been up to."

"Nothing really, just the usual things in life. Listening to Sylvia's lectures on how to dress, listening to peoples' judgmental remarks, and walking around aimlessly. You know, that kind of thing." She replied nonchalantly. 

"Well, I apologize for everyone's mistreatment of you." Alexander was a bit annoyed that everyone still thought that Keira was unfit as a guardian. He reprimanded himself for once thinking that way as well.

"Nonsense. You have nothing to do with people's actions and you should not apologize for them." 

Over the past few days, Alexander and Keira have become friends. They have spent some time talking to each other, or rather, Alexander complaining to Keira about his relationship with Sylvia.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Keira asked.

Alexander shifted a bit. "Can we continue our discussion somewhere else? Preferably someplace more private."

Keira glanced around the courtyard. There was no one except a few gardeners that were about. "This isn't private enough?" She shook her head and walked back into the castle.


Ambrose was furious when Alexander said he wanted to talk to Sylvia's guardian. As he watched her enter the castle he fumed at his cousin. He was still outraged at her little stunt she performed the other night. "What could you possibly want with that thing?!"

"That thing is Sylvia's guardian and she has a name, it's Keira. Learn it, Ambrose. She has become my acquaintance and she is the only person that Sylvia truly trusts. I need her help to get Sylvia and I won't have your distaste of her get in the way." Alexander strode into the castle, leaving his cousin in anger.


Keira sat on an armchair in Alexander's study, which was fairly large. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Sylvia," Alexander sighed into his palm. 

"And what about-" Keira paused as Ambrose stormed in and sat on a leather seat in the corner. She raised a brow at Alexander. 

He dismissed her gesture and went on, "She's driving me insane! I need her, Keira, but she won't budge! How am I suppose to get her?!"

"Well don't sound so desperate. You're starting to sound like one of those lovesick teenage girls," she exasperated. "Listen, you are a prince. You should be able to get your mate without any help from anyone." She clasped her hands and laid them in her lap. 

"Keira, I've tried talking to her and everything but it's not getting through to her! Please! Help me!" He gave her his most convincing puppy-dog face.

"Making that face is not going to help. Trust me, Sylvia has been trying that look on me for the past ten years. It's worked on everyone but me." Keira stared out the window. 

Minutes ticked by and not a word has been said. Keira contemplated on the task at hand. Sylvia will cave in to him, she knew that for certain. Sylvia couldn't possibly deny her mate for much longer but she was putting up one heck of a fight. Keira glanced over at Alexander. The poor fellow looked completely defeated. 

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