Just Another Lothario: Chapter 35

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Keira stood in front of the vanity she found in the corner of the room. She examined her image in it and a disapproving frown set itself on her lips. The lace fabric she wore was thin and transparent, giving little work to the imagination.

Walking to the bed, she plopped herself at the edge and picked up the comb lying on the stand next to her. Detangling her hair, her heart raced at what needed to be done. She needed information and the part she'd have to play to get it sent chills down her spine. She felt like the slimiest thing on the planet and the form fitting gown gave her no comfort in her task at hand.

A quick knock on the door was made before Cyril let himself in. "Are you ready?" His warm tone were like needles digging into her flesh as he approached her nonchalantly. "We have a grand feast awaiting us, my dear." Keira said nothing in return but allowed him to hook his arm around hers and lead her out of the room.

The hallway was dimly lit, hard to see much of anything beyond the illumination of the torches. Keira did quick observation, writing down the twists and turns they took in her mind. Her exhaustion made it difficult for her to focus but she needed to be on point if she was going to get any information out of Cyril.

They came to a stop in front of a large wooden door. Cyril pulled it open and gestured for Keira to enter and hesitating slightly, she did. The room was well lit with decorative candelbras and sconces. A large wooden table decorated with a silk, cream fabric laid in the center of the room was filled with extravagant delicacies and a few bottles of wine. Two sets of dishes and utensils were neatly placed next to one another and Keira quickly noted the missing knives. Her eyes quickly scanned for the forks and decided she would have to use what she could. This man is a complete brute, her body not fully recovered from their match before, it would be difficult to take him on without some sort of weapon.

Her body became ridged as she felt Cyril's hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the table. He pulled out her chair for her and she cautiously took her seat. She watched him warily as he took his seat beside her and her hands clenched around the thin fabric of her dress as she reminded herself of what she had set out to do. She needed answers, and the only way she was going to get it was by playing the loving, caring wife that this barbarian thought she was.

"I had my cooks prepare a fine meal made of the best of meats and spices for our celebration."

"What celebration?" She asked, her eyes narrowing slightly. 'There are others here...'

Cyril gazed at her with slight disappointment but he shook his. "I cannot expect you to remember everything," he poured the wine into their glasses, "no thanks to those mongrels for brainwashing you." He handed one of the glasses to Keira and placed it in her hand. "Today, is our anniversary my dear love. The day we first met and fell in love with one another."

'Oh no...'

Cyril motioned for her to pick up her glass offering his up to hers. "Cheers my darling Kari. To the reunion of us, of our love, the only thing that is missing now is our beloved daughter." He clinked their glasses together and drank the entire content of wine in one gulp. "But we have the rest of our lives to bring more beautiful children into this world."

Keira did her best to swallow down the distatsteful wine and nearly threw it all back up at what he was refering to. She bit the inside of her cheek and managed a curt nod in response. 'We're getting out of here way before that could come into play.' She cleared her throat and did her best to feign innocence. "What are we going to do? They'll come looking for me. They'll find me," and as an after thought she added with a bitter taste, "my love."

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