Chapter 7

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August pov

"What did we get ourselves into?" I say staring at the paparazzi. "I have no clue, but we sure will find out soon." just as she was about to say something my phone rings. I glance over at it and see Aaliyah calling. "oh hell" I say and Nyla glances over at my phone and shakes her head. "answer it before she gets even more pissed, and put it on speaker so I can hear." she says with a smirk, but I answer and put it on speaker.

Aaliyah-fuck hello August, are your serious right now, first I figure out you had 20 hoes and now your cheating on me. to top it all off with my mother fucking best friend. Are you dumb nigga who to you think you trying to play, why are you doing this to me, I actually thought that I loved you but I guess you don't fell the same way, I'm only a cover up to the world.

I sigh knowing everything, that she said was true but I'm not going to tell her that to her face or even over the phone.

Me-the rumors aren't true, me and Nyla aren't dating
Aaliyah-then explain the messages
Me-Jason was using my phone to text her one time because his phone died and we was riding in my car so I just let him use it
Aaliyah-but I thought y'all wasn't cool
Me-we not but Nyla asked me to pick him up from his house since his mom was using his car and she was sick
Aaliyah-oh ok, good for a second you actually had me stressing but I'll call you later, I'm extremely hungry. bye.

The second she hangs up I glance over at Nyla who was on the floor laughing and rolling. "you think this funny, huh" she nods her head getting up, trying to stop but couldn't. "oh ok just wait till Jason calls you back, once he finds out there is messages." I say with a smirk and she quickly shuts up. I go to my kitchen and grab the cantaloupe I took from my mothers house. I slurp and but into it. "Nyla this is what it sounded like when I was fucking you." she looks at me then looks away walking out of the door. I quickly get up realizing what I just said and run after her.

Nyla pov

I was waiting till he was going to admit it. he enjoyed what was going on, I knew it. I knew he didn't truly feel bad about taking the only thing I kept sacred to the world away from me. I rush into the elevator just for him to be squeezing through the door as it was closing. I don't look at him and push the 5th floor which I lived on and August lived on the 6th floor directly above me. I don't say a thing to him, I don't even look at him. "Nyla look I'm sorry I didn't mean that." the elevator stops on my floor and I walk over to my condo and get my key out my pocket unlocking it. I left it open for August just so that he would burst in. we both had Keyes to each other's condos just in case one gets looked out. "look N I'm sorry I knew, how special that was to you and even if we both were drunk I want as drunk as you and I could have tried to stop myself. but I didn't because I wanted to be the first person that you ever had and I didn't want Jason to be that." all I could do was stare at him, I didn't say a thing. I wanted to punch him dead in his face but I didn't. I remembered what my grandparents told me about emotions and anger and I started to do what they told me was best with it. I walk away from August and sit down on my couch. I take 12 slow and deep breaths on and out then I get up and walk back over to him. "I accept your apology but I would really like to be alone right now so can yo go?" I say as calmly as I can but he shakes his head, "no I want to stay here with you I'll sleep in the quest bedroom but I'm not leaving." I nod. "ok suit yourself but you need to go back and lock your door and your clothes are in the closet of the guest bedroom. he walks out to look up his condo and I leave the door open for him. I walk into my room. I moved in my bed from ms.sheila's because I lives the way it felt. I stared at the bed. "I'll be seeing you in 45mins." I walk to the bathroom and get in the shower. when I get out I decided on just wearing a sports bra and some joggers. I brush my teeth and wash my face and walk out the bathroom just to see August all comfortable on my bed watching tv. I just glance at him and go to my side of the bed and cut off the lights. "you do know that the guest bedroom is not in use?" He nods. "yeah but I like this room better." I just look at him then turn my back towards him and go to sleep. I woke up to my room filling with the smell of bacon. I get my phone and walk to the kitchen knowing August was in there. "GM" he says smiling at me. "is something wrong with ur grammar, but good morning to you as well." He puts my bacon in my plate and hands it to me. we both start eating sand surprisingly its good. "surely didn't know that you could throw down in the kitchen." he smirks. "yah that's bout the only thing u didn't know, trust me u know everything else. it's hard to keep secrets from someone so-" he gets cut off from my phone ringing. I look to see Jason calling them I sigh. "speaker just like u did me, but this is going to be even funnier." I shake my head and answer it putting it in speaker like August asked.

August and Nyla: are we just best friends(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now