Chapter 13

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Authors note
Omari hardwick is Chandra date

the song is for how Nyla feels once everything goes down with Jason

August pov

I was pissed as hell getting in my car. me and Brandon was texting back and forth arguing. the dude said I was a bitch ass nigga and wouldn't come and fight his ass, so umma bout to go prove I'm wrong. he got the nerve to be saying some shit like that with his pussy ass looking lips and his 1776, George Washington hair cut, fuck out of here. never in my life would I ever let a nigga like him try to play me, sure ass hell won't happen today. I was racing to his house going 113 mph. I got there in 5 mins when usually it's a 20 mins. I got my car still heated as fuck. I banged on the door and Tylah and her sister opened the door. "what the hell August, what's wrong with u?" Tylah said. "where's Brandon?" She sighed. "why?" "Stop playing these motherfucking games and tell me where the fuck he's at?" She wa about to talk when he came around the corner. "who the fuck was-" he smirked when he seen me standing there. I pushed Tylah and her sister to the side and swung at Brandon. we were full in fighting by then. the girls were yelling for us to stop but we didn't. Tylah called someone telling them to come over here to get me. they was trying to stop us but wasn't succeeding. we were fighting for a good 15 mins now and the nigga got a few good hits in but for the most part I was whooping his ass until the person she called got there. "hurry up and stop them." Tylah yelled to whoever. the person walked inside but I didn't look up to see who it was. Brandon stopped throwing punches and was just staring upwards. I gave him a few more hits till I tried to see who it was. "wow so this is what we do now?" She said shaking her head in disappointment. "get the hell up August, you to Brandon." we both got up and just mugged each other. "what the hell y'all mugging each other for. yall look stupid ass hell doing it anyway." she started to look mad as hell. "let me see y'all's phones?" I was looking at her like she was crazy. "fo what?" "Look August I ain't it time for these motherfucking games give me ur fucking phone and you to Brandon." Brandon handed his phone to her but I didn't budge. "look August if your dumbass don't give me that phone u got something coming for you that you won't like." I just smirked at her, I know good and well she ain't gonna do nothing to me so umma just sit here. "look u got three seconds, 3, 2, 1." I still didn't budge and that's when she did the most un inspected thing. She punched me dead in my face. "look August give me that mother fucking phone so I can do what I got to do and go back to having family time, which ur dumbass is supposed to be in but u over here fitting niggas and shit. I should bear ur ass myself." I was still staring at her. "Nyla I know good and well u did not just hit me?" "I did and what u going to do about? I know that ur going to do, ur gonna give me that phone or u got another hit with ur name on it." I just got so mad and was about to hit her but Tylah grabbed my hands. "stop this shit August." while Tylah was holding my hand to stop me from hitting Nyla, nyla took my phone out my pocket. "Brandon what's ur password?" He sighed. "ur birthday, 0903." She smiled then frowned when she opened the phone. "wtf, are yall serious. I just want to whoop the both of yall asses. fighting over this dumbass shit."

Nyla pov

When Tylah called me, I was playing with the girls. I rushed over here just to see what was going on. Now that I got them to slightly calm down, I was taking there phones to delete any type of contact with one another, text, call, FaceTime and social media. August is just so fucking stupid sometimes. I wish he would have hit me, would have gave me a better reason to kill his ass when he gets back to my place. I deleted anything that had something to do with August on Brandon phone and found something out when going through emails. "Brandon wtf is this?" i showed him the screen and he looked as if he seen a ghost. "you were trying to tap my phone wires, I should kill yo ass with him. why the hell would you even think bout doing that? I'm not cheating or even made it seem as if I was." he sighed. "I did that so I could try to get a better understanding of ur personality." I looked at him like 😒. "Nigga u couldn't ask me, u know what fuck it. me and u are done." I dropped his phone in his lap and proceeded to August phone. I did what I did to Brandon phone to his. "now August get the fuck up and get in front if me on the road. in following you back to my condo so don't try no slick shit." I sighed. "if I see the two of u doing some shit like this again or even see the two of yall arguing, I'm gonna shot yall in ur penis." I pulled my gun out from my purse. "try me if u want to, trust and believe that u won't be having kids anytime soon." I walked out and got in my car waiting for August. He finally came out and got in his car. we drive back to my place and he just headed straight for my room, didn't say hi to no one. "so u going to tell me what happened?" I sighed telling Chandra everything, every detail and all. once we finished that conversation I was thinking, even though I'm newly single but Chandra has been single for the longest maybe I should set her up with someone while she's here. "hey Cha how long u been single?" She thought for the longest. "I don't know exactly but it's been some years." I nodded. "well tonight you going on a date." she huffed. "no the hell in not." "Yes u are, I'm setting u up with someone. he's a real chill dude and he loves kids. he is somewhat funny and tall." she shook her head. "please just do it cha." she nodded. "ok but don't expect nothing to happen." I smiled hugely and walked away texting him. Before I could text him I got a call from Jason.

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