Chapter 25

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Nyla pov

I just woke up from having sex all night long with August. The second he found out the two weeks were up he kept begging so I just let him do what he wants. He ain't wear a condom and I honestly don't care. If I'm pregnant I'll just do what I need to so I can be able to actually keep it. I'm very sore so I haven't got up yet and good thing my room is sound proof so nobody could hear us. "Good morning baybeh." August said rolling on me kissing my lips. "I'm pretty sure it's not morning." I said smirking. "Yah you right, we was getting it in this morning." I giggled. "You know I love you right Nyla?" "I love you too." He kissed me one more time and then went into the bathroom. I heard him running water so I guess he was starting a bath. He came back in and stood beside me. "Come on, I know you sore." He said picking me up walking to the bathroom. I was already naked so he just put me in and got behind me. "Babe what if I get pregnant?" I asked looking up at him. "I already know you are trust me," he started laughing. "But we gon take care of it and I'll be in its life no matter what happens between us." I smiled and nodded. We washed and got dressed and did our morning routine even though it wasn't morning. We grabbed our phones off the charger then went downstairs. I ain't hear nobody in the house so I guess they left sometime earlier. We went to the kitchen and I sat down at a stool and he started cooking something. "They was making love faces." Travis and Jamal came in trying to sing. "Making love faces." Jamal sung after. "You had fun Nyla?" Travis asked sitting beside me messing up my hair. "Leave me alone and don't touch my hair." I said frowning. "Why can't I, I bet August was pulling on it a few times." He said back. "Yo leave my baby alone." August said to him. "What you bout to make us nigga?" Jamal said sitting in the opposite chair. "I'm not making yall asses nothing but for me and mines I'm making lobsters and mashed potatoes." "Well everybody else went out with the kids to some amusement park. But me and Trav bought to go somewhere real quick so we will see yall later." They said then left. "Come and help me." August said so I got up and stirred the mash potatoes. I took a quick picture of him and he looked up after I took it. "Delete that shit." He said coming towards me but I backed up and shook my head. "No I like it." "I don't give a fuck, you betts delete it for I hurt you." "Try something nigga." He pulled me to him and took a hand full of my butt in his hand kissing my neck. "You gon delete it?" "No." I said pulling away but he had a tight grip on me. "You not bout to go until it's deleted." "You have food on the stove." "Alright but delete it." I nodded as he walked away. I posted the picture on my Instagram and Twitter and captioned it AFTER FUN NIGHTS WITH BAE😏😋😝. I laughed as all the comments came in. I sat back in my stool and watched him. I then tagged him in the picture on both sites and sat my phone down. His phone buzzed as he was finishing the lobsters and he picked it up looking at it. "I know yo ass ain't do that shit." He cut off the stove and walked to me. "I'm bout to kill you, I told you to delete that shit." He said walking up to me as I laughed. "I'm sorry, I just really liked the picture so I took it." I kissed him to ease him up a little. "You forgive me?" I asked using my puppy dog eyes. "How can I not forgive you." He said then we was kissing for a little and I heard a camera click. I opened my eyes and hit him. He was taking a video of us. "August turn it off before I hurt you." I said. "Oh trust me baybeh I'm going to be the one doing all the hurting." He said then turned it off. "August I'mma hurt you." He just laughed as he typed different things. My phone buzzed and I looked at my Twitter and Instagram notifications. He posted the video with the caption MY BABY ALREADY KNOW WASSUP
I smiled at the post but slapped him in the back of the head. "Stop being cocky all the damn time and make my food." "Ight but I'm going to the club tonight, you down?" He asked making our plates. "Nah, i don't feel like going to the club but don't do some shit that's going to get your ass in trouble cause then I'll be gone for good." I said to him looking dead in his eyes. "I ain't gone do no shit like that to you." He said looking back at me then bringing our plates. We ate our food and went to the living room cuddling on the couch under a blanket watching Netflix. "Momwy." I heard Brittneys voice and turned around. I seen Chandra, Tima, mama Sheila, the girls, Callie and Brittney. "My baby." I said getting up and walking to her. She started giggling as I took her out of Chandra's arms and kissed all over her face. "Was you a good girl?" I asked sitting back down. "No aunty she kept on crying." Chay said to me. "Yah she was but she was also trying to walk but it ain't work." Chandra said to me and I nodded. I sat her on the floor and squatted a few feet away from her. "You going to walk for mommy." I asked smiling and she just laughed. "I swear she never wanna do anything for me." I said sitting down. "Nah watch this she'll do it for me so you betts get out your phone." August said standing up and a few feet away from her. I took out my phone and started recording. "Alright lil mama you know you gon walk for a real nigga." I laughed but she actually did get up and walk. She took three steps and fell. I cut off the video and took her from August cause he was holding her. "Brit how you gonna choose him over me. I thought we was closer than that baby. I spent over 5 hours in labor with you and you choose him over me, I see how it is Brittney. Don't ask me to feed you no more ask him." I said fake crying. "Nigga she choose me cause yo fucking water broke on my bathroom floor she got more respect for a nigga." August said popping his fake collar. I just laughed. "Whatever." "Aww is my baby jealous?" August said getting all up in my face trying to hug me. "Leave me alone get out my face before I kill you." He put his hand up in surrender and walked wherever. "How was the amusement park?" I asked the rest of them. "It was fun, the children had a good time so that's all that matters." Chandra said. The girls took Callie and Brittney and went downstairs. "Yall be careful." Tima said going upstairs. "What's up with her?" I asked. "Her and Travis got in a argument this morning cause he was trying to go to the club tonight with August and Jamal." I nodded. "Oh ok." "You know what club they going to right?" Chandra asked. "Nah." "I think they are going to magic city or onyx." "Somebody always going to the strip club but I don't care don't make a difference to me. But I'm bout to start planning my babies 1st birthday so I'll be in my room." I said walking away. I went into my room and seen August sitting in a chair on his phone. I ignored him and got my laptop. I looked at some different venues and decided on a nice place, for every hour it was $10,000 but it's a beautiful room and my baby deserves the world so I don't mind. I called the place and set up a few things myself. I decided on Minnie Mouse theme and they would just have some people set up the stuff. Blue ivy had her second birthday there so they knew what they was doing. I only wanted 450 people there for the most part because a lot of people wanted to come but I don't want it so big. I just wanted it so that she could have a good time even though most likely she won't remember it in her mind other than pictures I take. I finished up with the setting up process and all I'll have to do is get the invitations out and start getting her gifts. I got up and went to my closet and changed into black leggings, a black and white jersey and my black converses. I walked to my bathroom and put my hair in a high ponytail putting on Chapstick. I walked back to into the room and grabbed my phone and my purse. "Where you going?" August asked looking at me. "Out." I said nonchalantly. "You still mad that lil mama walked to me?" "Nope, I have no reason to." "Then come give me a kiss." "No." He laughed. "Nyla come here and give me a kiss." "No." I said bout to walk out but he got up and grabbed my waist pulling me to him. "Don't be mad." He said kissing my lips. "I'm not now can I go." "Your still mad, you ain't got to be. Lil mama just got more love for me." I got out his grip and just walked out the room. I wasn't mad but I was little jealous. It's just like my baby is attached to him. Anytime he's around and I'm bout to feed her she cries but when he does it she just giggles like, really but it's whatever now. I went downstairs to the basement in the playroom. "Hey girls can I see Brittney we bout to go out?" I asked the three of them. They was playing with Brittney and Callie by the ball play pin. Noonie got up and gave her to me. "Bye auntie." They all said and I waved as I walked with Brittney back upstairs. I placed her in her car seat which was by the front door. "I'll be back in like 3 hours maybe." I said to Chandra and she nodded. I walked to the car and put her in the backseat and then got in driving to the cemetery. I got there and got out Brittney and a blanket and a bouquet of flowers I got yesterday. I walked to Jerome's headstone. I sat the blanket on the ground and sat me and Brittney on it. I took her out of the car seat to let her sit on it and put the flowers on the headstone. "Wassup hubby." I laughed a little. "I know it's been a while since we came to see you but I been a little busy. You know we miss you almost everyday, I wish you was still here all the time but things happen for a reason. I just wish you never left the way you did." I started crying. "I never got a chance to say goodbye to you and I feel the quilt every time I look at Brittney because she looks so much like you and everyday she looks more like you." I looked at my baby as more tears flowed down. "Dwaddy." Brittney said pointing at the headstone and cried as well. I picked her up and rocked her. "Yah daddy, I bet he misses and loves you very much." I said rubbing her back. "I'm going to have to cut our little visit short cause it's to emotional for me but we will be back soon. We love and miss you Jerome. Continue to watch over us and next time make sure our baby girl is walking to me and nobody else." I said giggling putting Brittney back in her car seat. I kissed his headstone and folded the blanket back up. "Bye baby daddy." I said slightly laughing and walking to the car with Brittney. I put her in the backseat and put the blanket in the trunk getting in the car. Usually Brittney cries the rest of the day whenever we come and see Jerome. Just thinking of that makes me cry even more. I mean I love August and all but Jerome will always be in my heart no matter what. I let a few more tears flow as I started up the car and drove back home. I wiped the tears that already haven't fallen and got Brittney out. I seen everyone's rental cars for their time here in Atalanta so I knew they was all here. It's 5pm now so they probably in my living room or something. I walked into the house and of course all of them was in my living room being loud as ever. "I leave my house for a few hours and yall just got to make it loud as ever don't you?" I said taking Brittney out of get car seat. She started crying when I picked her up. "Damn what was yall crying about?" I heard Jamal say. "Can u shut up Jamal, always got some smart shit to say." I said and Brittney stopped crying. "Mwommy?" I looked at Brittney and she reached down for the floor. I put her down as she tried to stand up and take a few steps. August came from upstairs shirtless as always. "Yo Aug my nigga go put a shirt on with your mother fucking raisin looking nipples." Jamal said. "Nigga shut the fuck up, I does what I want." August said back and then looked at me. "Why was u crying?" He asked. "It doesn't matter."  I responded back and looked down to see Brittney walking in his direction. I shook my head and walked downstairs to the basement cause I could hear the girls arguing. "What's going on here?" I asked sitting on the floor beside them. "Chay keeps trying to take Callie away from us." Nooning whined. "Well all of you play with her together." "Can we have Brittney?" "You wanna feed her for me?" They nodded. "Alright I'll bring her and her food." I said walking up stairs. I got her food then bring it to them and then went to get Brittney. August had her bouncing on his lap. I picked her up and out of his arms and was bout to walk out. "Well dang you ain't say nothing to nobody since you got back from wherever." Tima said to me. "I know but I'll be back in like 5 minutes." I walked downstairs and gave her to them. "If she tries walking then let her okay." They nodded and took her by the bouncers with Callie. I walked back upstairs and sat down in a chair pulling my phone out my pocket since they was already in a full conversation. I felt a small presence beside me so I looked to the side and seen August sitting there. "Wassup with you?" He asked looking in my eyes. "Nothing." I returned my attention back to my phone. "You still not mad is you?" "I never was." "Then give me a kiss." I shook my head. "Man u better give me my kiss." He took my phone out my hand. "Yo you play to fucking much my nigga, give me my phone." He laughed. "Don't forget baybeh you don't scare me. Give me my kiss and I'll give you yo phone." I shook my head. "Your not getting shit." I said back. "Yall need to watch yall mouth with all these kids in this house." Mama Sheila said. "I will once your narrow headed ass son gives me my phone." I said back and I was really getting pissed now. I hate when he does that bribing shit just to get what he wants. "Give me a kiss and you'll get whatever you want." He said and my phone started ringing. "Who is that?" "It says mama G." I haven't talked to Jerome's parents in a while, I been trying to avoid them. I really don't have a reason but I just do. "August give me my phone." "Give me what I want." "No give me my phone." He just looked around the room like I wasn't talking to him. "August give her her damn phone." Mama Sheila said. "Nah she straight." "Can u stop being childish?" I begged. "Yo yall acting like yall did in high school used to fight bout something every five minutes." I heard Jamal say behind me. "All you gotta do is give me what I want." By now my phone stopped ringing and I sighed. "Your an asshole." I stated to him, he just laughed away. I turned around and the closest person to me was Travis. "Let me see your phone real quick." He handed me his phone and I dialed mama Gs number. "I'll be back." I walked outside to the patio and closed the door as it ringed.

August and Nyla: are we just best friends(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now