Chapter 2

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Nyla P.O.V

When I get over to Jason house to find that he is alone. I walk over to the door and knock on it, after that first knock Jason swings open the door and pulls me into a tight hug then throws me on his shoulders and carries me to his room. He throws me in the bed and jumps on me, tickling me. he stops since he tickled me so hard I started crying, he rolls on the other side of me and stares at me until I'm done laughing. "What you want to do baybeh?" I say slightly realizing that I picked up on August accent a lil, he chuckles. "You sound just like your brother but um u wanna watch a movie or something?" "Yah, okay I'll go in your kitchen and pop my favorite popcorn and don't pick no whack ass movie." he chuckles as I walk out the room. when I make it back he has the movie ready and everything. I get on the bed and put the popcorn on his nightstand. "We are watching love and basketball before you ask." I smirk and start the movie. we watch about 45 mins of the movie, throwing popcorn at each other, making jokes and all. he rolls on top of me and starts kissing me on the lips.It goes from kissing on the lips to my neck. When he moves back to my lips he pulls his shirt over his chest and keeps on going. next he takes of my shirt revealing my bra and he smirks looking at my red lace bra from Victoria secret. he keeps going pulling off my pants and his own. He took my bra off and rubbed my boobs while he kept on kissing me. I moaned a little, he took off his briefs and my panties that matched my bra. My phone ranged on the nightstand he reached over and ignored the call going back to what we was doing. another call came through and he ignored it for me again. he went below me and eat his cake. I moaned knowing that I was still a virgin hoping that was all he wanted to do. he came back up and wiped his mouth. he kept rubbing on my boobs and was about to try and go inside when my voice stopped him. "Jason hold on, I can't do this." he sighed and got off top of me. "bae what's wrong I thought you wanted this?" "I know I really do but I'm not ready, you know how I feel about sex, I want to at least remain a virgin till I'm married or at least 21." He sighs putting back on his clothes. "I know Nyla, I'm sorry if u felt like we was going to fast for ..." "No, no you good, well imma go my brother is probably gonna call soon bye." I said shyly. he sighs "alright see you tomorrow love you." he bends down and kisses my check "love you too" I walk out his room grabbing my purse and head out to my car. I get In the drivers seat and sigh knowing that the calls were from August but I couldn't tell him about what happened, but he'll find out before we make it to the house cause he knows how to tear me down.

August P.O.V

"Now i know good and well she not ignoring my calls" I say loudly. "August stop tripping she probably at Jason house, leave her alone." Tiffany says. she one of my main side hoes. I know earlier I promised moms that I would drop these hoes but what she don't know won't hurt her. "exactly that's what I'm afraid of, I don't want her to be like you." "excuse me??" She says surprised. "You heard what I said" she pouts "you know what August go wait outside I'm tired of seeing your face." "but you sure ain't tired of seeing this DICK, but I'll go." I walk outside and call Nyla phone for the 12th time.

Me:"what the hell happened, I called you 11 times and you ignored each one of the calls but come pick me up and I'll finish when I get in the car"

I hang up before she can say a thing but she pulls up a second after I hang up which meant she was already on her way. "hey" she says lowly "wtf Nyla what were you doing that was so important that you had to ignore my calls..." She sits there silently while she backs out the driveway. "um hello... Nyla, you deaf or something." she shook her head no but still didn't say anything, I actually started getting pissed. "NYLA WTF WAS YOU DOING THAT CAUSED YOU TO NOT ANSWER MY CALLS" I yell at her. We was five minutes away from the house and today mom don't get off till 1am but it's only 9:45. I seen a few tears fall down her face letting me know that I was scaring her and that she did something she regretted. I sigh "Nyla I'm sorry for yelling at you but I honestly wish you would tell me what's wrong." a few more tears roll down her face. Nyla never cried really in set from when my brother died cause she cared for him like she does me and other than that she cried when her parents died mainly blaming it on herself. she pulled in our driveway and got out the car, she let me get out then locked her car doors and went straight up to the front door, opened it, walked up the stairs and went into her room forgetting to close her room door. I sat on the edge of her bed and watch her cry into the pillow like she was releasing all her emotions from all of her life into it. "Nyla sit up please." she does exactly what I said and tries to hide her face in her hand so that I wouldn't see her crying. honestly my little sister was so cute when she cried. I moved her hands off her face and pulled her into my lap making her cry into my shoulder. honestly Nyla was a pretty light person she probably only weighs 120 or 125 being 18, she's in good shape. "sis what's wrong, can you tell me." she sighs and try's to stop crying."please I really want to know, its not like I'm gonna judge you I ain't got no room to be judging no bitch or nigga or not even my lil sis." we both chuckle. she gets off my lap and sits up against her headboard on her right pillow while I move and sit in the left. "so you gonna tell me now?" She Looked at me and takes a deep,long breath then releases it. "to answer your first question, I was over at Jason house." she says lowly while I sigh somewhat knowing where this was going."alright so what happened?" I said like I already knew what was to come. "we were watching a movie in his room..." "what movie?" "Love and basketball" I sighed knowing how some people take that as a romantic move, I motioned for her to continue "then we started kissing and he climbed on top of me and we both got clothes less and he was about.. uhh.. you know but I stopped him because I really wasn't ready for that just yet." I sighed as I seen the last few tears fall down her face, I wiped them away as I began to speak. "Nyla you did the right thing you wasn't ready so you didn't proceed in anything snd I'm happy about that.but that still doesn't explain the phone calls?👀" she sighs "he reached over every time my phone ranged and ignored each call" "oh well I'm glad you told me especially with how close we are but you good alright, that ain't nothing worth crying over you'll be ready when you wanna be and if he can't except that then sweetie he ain't the one." I say snapping my fingers just to make her smile. she chuckled "your so gay august" "I guess I'll be that for my little sister then" we both laugh and walk down stairs to the kitchen to get some food. "N" she raises her brows recognizing her old nickname. "you wanna watch a movie" "yah sure which one" "love and basketball" "I don't like you August" I laugh to myself. "nah jk it doesn't matter what we watch, but I'm ordering pizza and we watching the movie in your room." she looks at me like I'm crazy "why" "because your bed is soft" she laughs and nods her head.we wait for the pizza to come as we set up everything in her room. the doorbell rings and I go downstairs pay for it and bring it back, sitting it on her dresser.we start the move and start eating popcorn and pizza throwing a few pieces at each other here and there but nothing to serious. one hour into the movie Nyla says something "August" "wassup" "when are you going to find a girl" I looked her in the face. "when I find someone who acts as smart as my lil sis" I say messing up her hair. "hey stop" we both laugh and realize the movie is over. "so what next "she says. I thought for a few seconds and finally got an idea. "singing battle" "ok fine with me" I start off singing a song I wrote my self called make it home and hit every note just how it was supposed to be done. once I finish she claps and began signing the song she chose to sing which was "never ever by Ciara". Nyla was so good at singing she sounded like Ciara, Beyoncé, and Aaliyah all combined, it was like heavens gates opening up right before me.we posted the videos on our Instagram's so that they could decide a winner. After 20mins of over 1million likes Nyla won. she smiled. "told you that you sound better than me." I said referring to the earlier convo. she fanned me off,"you would have won if you used more emotion." I nodded my head in agreement."alright since its 12 am lets just watch tv until we fall asleep." she nodded we both put on our pajamas and got comfortable in her which wasn't that hard mainly because her bed was soft. I let her head lay on my shoulder as we watched the fresh prince of bel-air, the boondocks, and rugrats when she finally went to sleep. I heard the front door open letting me know my mom was home. she walked up the steps and into her room dropping her bag on the floor and walking straight to the room the two of us was in. "hey son what you still doing up" "nothing just was about to go to sleep but was going to wait till you got here." "well thanks for waiting up but you good go to bed and yall too doing something tomorrow?" "Ya we going to the beach and we won't be back till 11pm" "good tomorrow I'm working till 3am so don't wait up for me and I'm gonna cook yall breakfast now just heat it up in the morning cuz I'm sleeping till when I gotta go to work." "alright ma love you" "love you too boy, oh and can I get a slice of pizza" I nodded as she grabbed it, kissed Nyla on the forehead and walked out the room closing the door. I started to relax to go to sleep and stared at Nyla as she slept peacefully. after these last few months I just felt a little something going on between the two of us but I have no clue what it is. sometimes when I look at her I feel an attraction towards her but idk y. after staring at her beautiful, goddess looking face long enough I drifted to sleep dreaming only about her...

Something is soon to go down right in front of y'all, and you might not realize it at first but sooner or later you will😍🌺💞💘💖

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