Chapter 18

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4 1/2 months later
Nyla pov

A lot has has happened in the time gone and for the most part things got better. Me and Jerome did that counseling mess and the truth about everything came out. I ended up telling him about me and August, everything that happened between the two of us that wasn't on a brother-sister level and he was mad but understood. me and August still hang but nothing beyond that brother, sister thing. Jerome doesn't like when we are alone but he trust me he just don't trust August anymore. we ended up finding out that Simone didn't loose the baby she aborted the baby so that me and Jerome's relationship could grow. I was very mad at her because that baby didn't deserve that but I got over it after awhile and me and her are cool like on a friendship level but Jerome don't speak to her. me and Jerome have been married for a few weeks now and I'm extremely happy with him even though I have them little bit of feelings for August. I'm officially Nyla Garcia. me and Jerome moved back to Atlanta and we go to New York every once in a while. we moved back to be closer to family especially with me having the baby soon. im 8 months and today is the baby shower. I'm so happy my baby girl is going to be here with In the next few weeks hopefully but I'm so tired of being pregnant, I feel fat all the time, I'm hungry every five minutes and I stay having to pee😩. Trust me it's all tiring but worth it. I'm just waking up right now and doing my daily hygiene, brushing my teeth, washing my face and washing my hair the usual. I finished that and walked downstairs to see Jerome making breakfast. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss and then he kissed my stomach. "good morning my two babies." I smiled. "we say good morning and hurry up cause we are very hungry." He laughed. "like always." I sat down at the table and pulled out my phone. everyone I was really cool with was coming to my baby shower. Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Trey Songz, Chris Brown, Lil Wayne, Drake, Jhene Aiko, Omarion, J. Cole, Vanessa, Simone, Jasmine, August, Tyga, Rihanna, Ciara, Meek Mill, Big Sean, Jerome's family, my family, which is August family and also a few other celebrities and Jerome's friends but I can't remember the names. I wanted the baby shower small and that's what it was going to be, the most people coming was 300 people. I pretty much know a lot of people in the industry since I'm considered one of the best. Jerome came with our plates and sat infront of me. he made pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and a few strawberries on the side. "thanks babe." he smiled and kissed my lips. "anything for u now come and sit on daddy's lap." I smiled. "I'm to heavy Jerome I don't want to hurt u." "ur not going to hurt me, u sat on my lap yesterday." I got up and sat on his lap while he feed me and himself. "you know it's real close to August 14th right?" He nodded. "Yah we get to meet our little girl." "we haven't even choose a name for her." "we'll have one by the end of the baby shower, remember we going to have everybody chose there favorite name for the baby. We had 4 names to choose from-
Genevieve Alexis Garcia
Nya Simone Garcia
Arielle Amani Caitlyn Garcia
Brittney Camille Genesis Garcia
Those were the choices but I couldn't choose between them. "I hope she looks like u." I told him playing in his curls. "nah I hope she's as beautiful as her mother and becomes just like her too." I smiled and kissed him. we finished eating and he washed the dishes. the baby shower was going to be at August house cause I don't want all those got damn people in my house and he didn't mind. the bonus part is he lives across the street so I don't have to do much to get there. the baby shower starts at 12:30 and its 9 already. the door bell ringed and I went to open it. it was Chandra with my dress. "hay big sis." she hugged me. "hey baby sis and lil niece." I smiled and let her in. "where's Jerome?" "The kitchen." We both walked in there and they hugged. "August said that he needs u over there to help and stuff cause they trying to get a lot of stuff together." she told Jerome. he looked at me and nodded. August and Jerome they cool but not cool like they used to be. they go to the strip club and stuff together and August think they cool but he don't know that Jerome don't trust him like that but it's whatever. "alright let's get u ms. pregnant thing upstairs." Chandra said nearly dragged me up the stairs. we got to my room and I was already tired. "go in the shower and Nicki, Bey and Rih should be here to help by then." I nodded and went in the shower and took about 45 minutes. I got out and wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room to see them sitting on my bed. "hey guys." they smiled and the three of them got up and hugged me. "wassup sexy mama." Rihanna said in her Caribbean accent. "Oh my baby is so big." Nicki said faking tears. "oh I can't wait to meet see my niece." bey said and I smiled at them. "Alright let's get my ass ready." they laughed. "You going to wear ur bathing suit cause August said people can go in the pool or whatever?" Rihanna said "um I'll wear my bathing suit under my dress." they nodded and picked out a bathing suit for me since I got a whole bunch and it would take me years to choose. (the bathing suit in the multimedia is the one they choose and that's how it fit somewhat.) I went in the bathroom and put it on and then came back out in just the bathing suit. "alright u guys yall going to help me putting on this sunscreen?" They nodded and started putting it on me and I did my stomach and arms, they did the rest. "what do u want done to ur hair?" Chandra asked. "um I just want cornrows, maybe like 4 or 6 braids." she nodded and got to work, she also did a little bit of make-up. July in Atlanta is hot so I didn't want my hair out much. she finished and by now it was 11:37. "now help me with this dress and don't forget it's white." Nicki got the dress from off my bed and began helping me put it on. I feel bad for myself I can barely even dress without help. (the dress is in the multimedia). we finished with the dress and they fixed themselves up a little bit then we took some pictures. We finished and walked downstairs. "hold on guys let me get a quick snack before we go." they nodded and sat at the table while I drunk a strawberry banana smoothie and ate an apple. "Do we really have to walk?" I asked and they nodded. "I mean even if we didn't care about wasting gas, u can't drive cause people are parked in the both of y'all's drive way and all along the street so u would still have to walk." I sighed and nodded. "well let's get going." we all went to the door and walked across the street to August house. we got there and knocked on the door. mama Sheila answer and I nearly died I haven't seen since the wedding but before that it was 4 years. I hugged her and cried a little. "Aww look at my baby." she said wiping my tears. I swear these hormones got me soft and shit. "look at this New addition to the family I see, another girl added onto the roster." I nodded. "alright u lovely ladies including u Chandra can go I have to speak to my baby girl." they nodded and walked away. "wassup?" She smiled. "are u excited about having a baby?" i sighed. "i mean I'm nervous cause I don't want to fail my child but I'm so excited. but I'm afraid that Jerome won't be there for the birth." she frowned. "why not?" "Cause he has to leave the country tonight to go help his grandmother but she can't come to America." she nodded. "Well August will be here for u especially with the two of u living across the street and I'm staying till the baby turns one month." I smiled. "thanks but what did u want to talk about other than this?" She smiled. "I just want to tell u that u have a few surprises and just keep an open mind about these surprises and hear them out." I was confused but I tend to be confused about a lot at things. "um ok." "alright so let's get u to ur baby shower." me and her walked out side to the baby shower and everybody started clapping and screaming and Jerome came and walked to me, mama Sheila walked to her seat. I looked around and slightly cried. I didn't really plan it all I did was do the guest list they did everything else and it was so beautiful. "Jerome it's so pretty." he hugged me and I buried my face in his chest. "ur so pretty." "thank u baby." "IM SORRY YALL MY BABIES ARE A LITTLE EMOTIONAL." Jerome yelled and they began saying aww. I moved my face and gave him a playful frown. "I'm not emotional ugly." I said hitting his arm. "u sure won't calling me ugly when we was getting it in." "eww Jerome stop, our daughter can hear us." he bent down and touched my stomach. people were saying aww and taking pictures. "I'm so sorry baby girl don't listen to what I'm saying." I smiled. this is some of the happy moments on my life. music was playing and there was cute decorations that was for girls. There was 2 cakes one that had an Eiffel Tower on it that was pink and the other one had little flowers on it. the tables had bows in between each seat on the table that were pink and in the middle of the table was a whole bunch of flowers that were pink, purple, red, white and yellow. (everything in the multimedia). I walked around hugging and thanking people for coming. I got to Jerome's parents and they was so happy to see me. " hey momma G." that's what I called his mom. "hey child." she hugged me and so did his dad. "hey pops." "daughter and granddaughter nice to see the two of you." he said smiling at me with a hand on my stomach. I gave them one last hug and walked away. I thanked everyone but there was this one couple I thought looked familiar to me but I couldn't tell who they were. I just hugged them anyway cause this was a private thing so someone must have added them to the list and must be part of the family or something. I just shrugged it off and went to where me and Jerome were seated. I seen Vanessa and the triplets and they were so adorable and they are 2 months they came a little early. "Wassup baby mama." August said taking a seat beside me. "wassup ugly." "What I tell u about calling me that?" "I don't remember much." I said with a smile. "u know pregnancy memory is all over the place." Jerome came by and sat down. "wassup." he said dapping up August. "I want to thank the two of yall for setting up this whole thing for me, I very much appreciate it." I said to them. "nah u ain't got to thank me, just doing it for my niece." August said hugging me and I hugged back. "baby I already told u I was going to do it wether u agreed or not, I want our princess to have the world." Jerome said and kissed me on the forehead. I smiled. "so when yall going to make it time to eat cause I can't be the only one hungry." I said laughing. "well u just might be." August said getting up going to the microphone. "alright everybody yall can start eating the food and going to the pool but let my dear sister go eat first since she nagging saying she hungry." they laughed. I scrunched up my face. "I wasn't nagging." I yelled getting up with Jerome's help. We went over there and I got a whole bunch of food and sat down. whoever cooked this food was throwing down in the kitchen cause it's hella go. "damn Nyla u act like u haven't ate in hours." Jerome said laughing. I playfully hit his arm. "it felt like hours." We finished eating and now the heat was really getting to me so I was ready for the pool. "Jerome come in the pool with me." he shook his head. "nah I'll pass." I gave him the puppy dog eyes. "pleeaaaassssssse for me." "nope." "for our baby girl." he smacked his teeth. "now u know I'm not going to say no, come on we going to the bathroom." we got up and threw away our trash and went to one of August guest bathrooms. I took off my dress and he took of his pants and shirt. "ur wearing a 2 piece?" I nodded. "yah the girls picked it out." I smiled. "and u going to show my abs to the guest?" He smirked. "you do realize ur always horny?" I nodded. "well I got u later before I go on my plane." I smiled. "Te amo papá." He smiled. "Te amo demasiado mamá." I smiled and kissed him. we went upstairs to find one of my bathing suit cover ups I left at August house and I found a black flowered one that stopped halfway on my thighs. I put me and jeromes clothes in one of the rooms then we walked downstairs and back outside. We stayed in the three feet cause I didn't want to go far or fall in. I dangled my feet in the water as Jerome stood in between my legs with his arms around my waist and him looking up at me. "you know I love you right." he said, I kissed him. "I love u too." "just know that no matter what may happen between us in the future I will forever have love for u." I smiled. "I will keep your words in my heart forever Jerome." he smiled and put his hand on my stomach. "and u baby girl if anything was to ever happen just know that daddy loves u and will forever. no matter who may come in our lives or if mommy and daddy don't see eye to eye and break apart just know that we both love u more than anything." I had tears coming from my eyes when he said his words. "daddy is going to try and protect u from everything especially other little boys, stay away from them as long as u can and if they come around just let them know that daddy carries a gun." I laughed and heard other laughs around us. I looked around and seen people gathered around us watching and recording. "if u ever feel down just come speak to daddy and I'll make it all right. I'll do my best to make sure nobody hurts you. I hope you grow up to be beautiful, smart, wise, independent and everything else ur mother is because she's perfect in my eyes. I can't wait to see u baby girl." he kissed my stomach then hugged me. people went back to their awwwwws again but I won't focused on them right now. I was focused on my little family I have right here. Jerome wiped my tears then kissed me. "you know your a cry baby right?" He said and I shrugged. "then that's what I'll be." I heard somebody tapping on the mic to signal our attention. "alright that sight over there was so gorgeous good thing I got a good recording." mama Sheila said. "I can't believe my baby's having a baby." she said. "I thought I was your baby ma?" August yelled. I laughed. "oh boy hush, I just wanted to say congrats again to the couple and it's time for yall to cut the cakes. after everyone is done with the cakes we are going to choose what we think they should name the baby from the choices provided then the games, after that opening the gifts and the couples final speech to yall ." she said then walked off. Jerome got out and we started walking towards the cake till I felt a few taps on my shoulder I turned around and screamed and jumped in they arms. I seen Angie, Jenni and Gabby behind me, I missed my girls. "Nyla stop doing all the jumping for u have that baby by my pool." August yelled. I shook my head. "wassup with yall?" "Well u know we doing us, we all live in LA now and Jerome hit us up and invited us so we came. even though we missed our girl wedding we couldn't miss this too." Jenni said. "well thank yall for coming. any of yall married or got kids?" They nodded. "I been married for almost 2 years." gabby said. "congrats." "I have 2 kids but a dumb ass baby daddy." Jenni said, I laughed and she showed me pictures of her sons. "Jason is 2 and Shon is 1." I nodded. "I'm single like Pringles and ain't got a single child." Angie said. "Alright well congrats on everything and we gonna catch up soon but u know im holding people up so let me go." I said hugging them and walking over to the cake with Jerome. we cut our slices together, the first cake was a carrot cake which is my favorite and the one with the Eiffel Tower it was a half red velvet and half vanilla. I took my carrot cake and put it by my seat and came back and helped Jerome cut everybody else slices. most of the cakes were gone once everybody got there slices but the rest was going to me since I like sweets anyway. me and Jerome went to our seats and ate out cakes and it started to seem as if everybody was finishing so me and Jerome got up and went to our seats on the little stage thing near the microphone. "alright so since it seems like everyone is done there is going to be a slip of paper passed around and on that paper it has four choices of names, all u got to do is pick the one that u want me to choose and well tally them all up and tell u the baby's name once whoever is done counting it up." they nodded and got there pieces of paper and then once they was done they put it in the raffle box. Jerome and August was the ones counting it so they walked over to the box. "alright if u haven't already put ur paper in the box u better hurry up." I said in the mic then sat down. my feet was killing me at this point so I wasn't wearing shoes anymore. It took about 20 minutes till Jerome came over to me with the name of our baby girl. I smiled at it then stood up. "Looks like our baby girls name is going to be Brittney Camille Genesis Garcia." they applauded as I smiled. that's the name Jerome wanted it to be too so I guess he was happy. "Alright now that that is over let's get to the games." we played about a million and one games but my favorite was the game when people was trying to estimate how much I weighed with the baby. I don't know why but I found it more interesting so I liked it more. Now it was time for gifts the first few gifts were from Drake, Wayne, Meek and big Sean and Tyga and they got her some chains, baby rolexs and, Jordan's and some Versace clothing. I smiled and thanked them. the rest was whole bunch of clothes, shoes, jewelry, pampers, baby bottles, toys and stuff like that from everybody else that was friends. next it was family Jerome's parents got us a stroller and mini bassinet. August mama and siblings got some more clothes and shoes and jewelry. I think my baby is going to have more than me. next was August gift and I was wondering what he was going to get Brittney. "well Nyla remember a while back when we was like 8 and 9 and I told u that u could never have babies or Marry someone I didn't like?" I nodded. "and that to ur first child they would most definitely know who their uncle is?" I nodded slowly. "Well look at what I got my little Brit." I looked to the side and smiled. he had got her a diamond ankle bracelet similar to one I have, a few onesies with his face on it and some with his initials, a few head bands, a Johnson's baby lotion kit that last for 2 months, a whole bunch of baby toys, bottles, a baby strap in bean bag, baby music makers and microphone, small flower shaped baby tub, baby cradle, a traveling crib, on the go changing mat, a baby cocoon, and some bottle holders. I smiled very brightly. "thank u ugly, now settle down and make some babies so I can do the same." I told him and he fanned me off. "that's it right Jerome?" I asked him. he looked around and nodded. he helped me up as we walked to the microphone. "alright it looks like that's all the gifts I woul-" "wait." mama Sheila yelled and come to me and talked into the microphone. "you have a few more gifts and a surprise." I nodded as she waved the same man and woman from earlier I didn't know on stage. they placed a few boxes down. "congrats." they said in unison. the woman had a tear go down her face I was so confused right now. "um thanks who are u guys?" I asked. "Nyla just open up the gifts Ull figure out who they are on the last one." mama Sheila said. I nodded slowly. the first box had a few diaper and bottles boxes, I smiled at them. the next box had clothes in there and a few said grandma or it said grandpas babies, I smiled at them again. "Um thanks." I looked at them one good time trying to recognize who they were but couldn't put a finger on it. by this time all close family was on stage with us while the rest watched. I looked at August and he smiled at me and pointed to the last gift which was a bag. it seemed like everybody here knew who they were before me and I don't know if I want to open that last gift. "hold on before I open this last one I need to speak to 2 people." they nodded. "take all the time u need." I grabbed August and Chandra and brung them in the house. "who are they?" I asked with my hand on my hip. "you'll figure out once u open the gift." August said. "just keep an open mind once u find out who it is don't go all crazy or emotional." Chandra said, i nodded. "who knows who they are?" I asked. "everybody here knows but u. trust me when I found out who they was I was pissed but don't be the same, at least not in front of everybody."Chandra said. I nodded and walked back outside with them behind me. I sat down on the ground cause my feet are still hurting and slowly grabbed the bag. I took the wrapping tissue out and seen papers in there. I frowned and took the papers out standing up cause I didn't know what to expect. I leaned on Jerome as I read the papers. I read the last line and my heart nearly sunk all the way threw the ground. I turned around and cried in Jerome's shirt and he held me. I heard mama Sheila thank everybody for coming and they could grab their thank you bags on the way out, Travis went to go help show people out along with Jerome's brother. I can't believe after all these years the honest to god truth has come out. those two adults were my parents and they been alive all this time. on the papers it said that they survived the car accident but was put into witness protection to save the rest of they kids life. I really did have 2 siblings die tho and they did die because of the government but everything else was a lie. on the papers it said that they have been watching me and Chandra's lives while they couldn't be here and that mama Sheila knew every single thing. why does things like this always happen in my life. Jerome pulled me to the side away from everybody else. "baby u good?" I shook my head. "they lied, they lied about most of it. do they even know how much hurt and pain they put me through. I wanted to kill myself at a certain point in my life cause I blamed their apparent death on myself." He wiped my tears and looked me in my eyes. "they did it for a good reason though and even though I wish they done it in a better way to spare u the pain, I'm still glad they did it. if they didn't I wouldn't have u or Soon to have Brittney. I wouldn't be able to wake up to ur smile, or eyes, or lips, chest, butt, body, personality. hell I wouldn't even be able to wake up to ur stank ass farts." I laughed and playfully smacked him. "whatever ugly, always know how to make me smile." "cuz that's my job and even though I have a feeling u was meant to be with someone else I will always be here for u no matter what even if I'm mad at u for the worst thing possible I'm always going to be here for u and Brittney." I smiled. "I love u Jerome." "I love u too Nyla." "alright I don't want them to think I got over it to quick or anything but what are we going to do with all this stuff? We haven't even brought furniture for Brittneys room." "I already got all of that handled, tomorrow the furniture and stuff comes in and August said that he'll help u set the stuff up." I nodded. "You think ur going to make it to Britt's birth?" He sighed. "I'm hoping I do but if I don't Im already having someone record it for me and FaceTime me while its going on." I slightly smiled. "but I rather have u there Jerome." he sighed. "what do you want me to do about it?" "Um can u try coming on August 1st?" "Who's gonna be with my grandmother?" "What about ur brother, he said he wanted to spend time with her. Jerome I don't want to go through this alone, it would be much better if you are there. I'm pretty sure our daughter would love to be brought into this world looking at both parents away from a screen." he nodded. "alright I'll do that for you." I smiled. "thank u baby." He puckered his lips. "now give me a kiss." I pecked his lips a few time. "alright let's go to your parents." honestly I forgot the reason we was over here mainly because anytime I think about Brittney I only think about her and forget everything else. "hold on Jerome let me post something on my social Media." he nodded. "Ight hurry up." I went on Instagram to post a videos. "hey everyone I know yall probably been wondering why I been MIA to my career in the past few months well for all my fans that's been wondering especially with the rumors that's out I just want to let yall know that I got married and I'm also pregnant so I been busy for the most part." that was the end of that video I posted it and went to the next. "I'm 8 months pregnant and I'll be back to all of you when my child turns 2 or 3 months. i just want to say thank you to all my loyal fans and followers and I can't wait to be running these streets with yall again." I smiled at the end of the video and posted that one too. I went threw my Instagram and seen pictures and videos I was tagged in mostly from earlier today and I post some myself. "aww Jerome look at this picture." I showed him a picture of the two of us in the pool when he was talking to Brittney and he had kissed my stomach. he smiled and looked at me. "your going to be a wonderful father." "and your going to be the best mother in the world." I kissed. "aye yall niggas stop all that over there that's how Brittney came about." I heard August yell at her. "why is he always yelling man?" Jerome shrugged. "you the one that's feeling him." "are you mad that I have feelings for him?" He shook his head. "nah I mean, there your feelings. you was once in love with him and if yall was meant to be I would be perfectly fine with that because we are forever going to be in each other's life but I will always love you if me and you do go our separate ways." I nodded. "and I'll always love you no matter what and I'll always have love for you because ur bringing me my first child." he smiled. "I really love you." "I really love you too, now let's get over there." he got up, then helped me up. We walked over to them and all I did was stare at my "parents". My mother still had her mixed curly Spanish hair, she had the same skin tone and everything else was the same but her hair was dyed blonde and brown and she looks thinner. my father still looked the same, not a thing that changed I don't even think he gained a pound. "look let us start out by apologizing for all the hurt and pain we caused you and your sister. the only reason we faked our death was to save the two of you like we should have did for your other two sisters." I seen a tear go down my mothers face. "we just want to make up for all the years we lost with yall and our grandchildren and the ones to come. we actually been watching the two of yall closely and haven't missed anything but you just didn't know we was there. like we was at your wedding and graduation Nyla. we was at the hospital for each one of your daughters birth and your graduation too Chandra. we was there for everything and tried to protect yall as much as we could but slightly failed with u Nyla." I frowned. "what you mean?" They looked at my arm, as if they were looking for something. "we are talking about when you was suicidal." I looked at them shocked. nobody knew I was suicidal other than August. Chandra and mama Sheila don't remember that lyric in the song. They all looked at me and I just looked at the floor. that's probably why they was looking at my arm. I tried cutting once but never tried it again. it left a scar so I got a tattoo over it that says love forever in Spanish. "you was suicidal Nyla?" Jerome asked. "yah I once was." all of the family became very quiet. Jerome's parents sat down and so did mama Sheila, Travis, and Jamal. August passed me a chair and I sat in it. "Um I don't talk about that and I never bring it up and suggest that yall don't either." They smiled and nodded. I smiled back and got up. "so where's the leftovers August?" They laughed. "in your favorite place of the house." I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I seen a cheesecake but I ain't notice one at the party. I got a fork and was about to eat it until August ass stopped me. "Nyla don't eat that." I frowned. "why not?" "Cuz it has alcohol in it, its not a regular cheesecake." "damn, I was planning on really enjoying this cake." He got the carrot cake and cut me a big slice. "thanks ugly." "umma fight u once u have my niece." "whatever ugly." he shook his head and took some of my cake. "Nigga stop taking my shit." he started tickling me. "August stoooop." I said laughing. "nah stop cursing around my niece." "alright I won't." "u promise." "I promise now stop." he stopped and laughed at me. I was mad but still hungry so I continued eating. Jerome came in and sat beside me. "can I get some?" "Hell no that African right there already took some." August eyed me. "what I tell u bought that cursing?" "Nigga I'm grown." he shook his head and at the same time him and Jerome took some of my cake. "yall some bums, I swear man." they laughed and took more. the rest of the family came in along with my parents and sat down. I looked to see what time it was and it was 9:49pm. Jerome's flight is at 11. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I can't believe I went hours without peeing, that's so surprising. I washed my hands and went back sitting down. I laid my head on Jerome's shoulder as he ate. "aye can somebody give me 2 empanadas?" I asked. "girl you always eating something." Travis said. "boy shut up, you should make it now." he got up. "only for my lil niece, don't think I'm doing this shit for you." I smirked. "thank you and watch your mouth I don't need my child hearing that." "you was just saying mad curse words, Nyla." "shut up Brittney knows how to block out mommies bad words." I said using my baby words at the end. I felt a slightly kick and smiled. I can't wait till I see my baby girl. somehow she's always kicking while I'm sleep and Jerome is always filling them but this was my first time filling it. While I was enjoying this moment I felt about 3 hands on my stomach. I look to see August, Jerome's mom and brother. "ay you two move your hands only mama G." Jerome's brother, Craig gave me a stank face but I don't care I don't even like him. my baby girl was still kicking, Jerome said sometimes they last for 10 minutes straight. I moved August hand since he never did and put mama Sheila's there and then I put my mothers there. she smiled at me and I smiled back. "baby I gotta get going to the airport and my parents too." Jerome said I frowned. "but I never got what I wanted." he smirked. "you can get what u want right now if u want to." he winked. "um yall we'll be back in a little while and August can you take all the gifts and put them in one of your guest rooms till tomorrow." "Ight where yall going?" I smirked. "We will be back at 10:30 with you guys suitcases, ok. just don't follow us I suggest that." "eww yall are so nasty." Chandra said. I smirked and got up with Jerome behind me. "don't hurt my grandchild." mama G said. I laughed and we walked out the house. "babe you gotta walk faster, it's only a quickie." "Jerome I'm 8 months pregnant I'm walking as fast as I can." "Alright I got you then." he picked me up and walked to the house. we got there and he carried me up the stairs and we got down to action. it was kind hard you know since I got the stomach that's in the way. we finished and went in the shower and he helped me wash mostly. we got out and he got dressed. I got dressed in some white shorts, a white tank top, a white cardigan and my retro 10's. I put on a gold ankle bracelet and gold bracelet with my hair up in a high bun. "Jerome baby you ready?" "Yah I'm getting my parents suitcases." "alright I'll bring yours down." I got his suitcase and went downstairs. "babe I didn't want you carrying any suitcases." "I didn't carry them J, I dragged them total difference now let's go before your late. I'm driving." we started walking across the street. "your not driving have someone else drive." I huffed. "whatever." We put the bags in the trunk of his range and walked inside August house to the kitchen. "where's my empanadas Travis?" "In the microwave Nyla." "ok, thank you." I took my empanadas and ate them. I swear I love those things. "Alright u Spanish Americans let's get going." "Nyla yo moms is a Spanish American." Craig said. "and u felt the need to say that because?" "I never liked your attitude." "and I never liked you anyway so shush." I mushed his face and sat down. "Craig dejar a la niña sola." momma G said. she told him to leave me alone and I laughed. "Si que es mejor escuchar, te voy a pelear." i said to him sticking out my tongue. "Yall stop with all that Spanish shit and tell me what yall said." August said. "we ain't say much his mother told him to leave me alone and I agreed saying I would fight him, now let's go get to the truck and um August your coming cause your driving us back." "why can't you drive back yourself?" "Cause Jerome doesn't want me too" he laughed. "and u listened, damn Jerome you got her whipped." I rolled my eyes and got in the car. Then they came out and got in the car. August was driving, Craig in the passenger seat, me and Jerome in the very back and his parents in the middle seats. I laid his head on my lap and I was combing his hair with my hand. August started driving and Jerome kept playing. he sliding his hand in and out of my shorts. "Jerome stop." I whispered. he shook head. good thing we sitting All the way in the back so no one can see us. He did it again and laughed cause I took a deep breath stopping myself from moaning and he did it again. "stop for I kill u." He laughed and sat up. "did u ever ask your brother about going on the first?" "Nah but I'll ask him now." "Craig what u got going on the 1st of August?" Jerome asked. "nothing why?" "I need you to do Costa Rica and watch over abuela during that time." he turned around looking at us. "I thought you was doing it." "yah I was but I want to be back by that time for Nyla." he frowned looking at me. "what she need you for?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "how about I need him for the birth of our child." I said. "she don't come to the 15th and he comes back on that day as well so what's the problem?" I was getting mad. "I know you don't have a wife or fiancé or even a girl but I need Jerome there for me, there's always possibilities a baby can come earlier than its due date and I don't want to be alone." "weren't you alone when u was cheating on him so it shouldn't be a problem now." Craig said and now I could tell Jerome was getting mad. "yo all of us make mistakes and mess and I want to be there for my family but you need to stop talking to her like she's a hoe, she's my wife and umma need u to bring that shit down a few notches when talking to her." Jerome said. "so you sticking up for the cheating bitch?" "Hold the fuck up Craig I ain't no mother fucking bitch so you can get that thought out your mind real quick. you wanna act bitchy go ahead and do you but don't get stupid with your mouth cause I will shut that shit down real quick." he laughed. "so you going to throw knives at me like you did your husband?" "look shut the fuck up okay." I yelled and started crying a little bit. my hormones is all over the place. "Craig that is enough we understand that you don't like Nyla and she doesn't like you either but respect her. we taught you to never in your life to call a female out of her name and I'm very disappointed in you for that. if u didn't want to do it you could have just said so, Jerome wants to be there for his family something you act like you can't do so me and your father will go to Costa Rica okay. Nyla sweetie calm down or the baby can come right now from stress. all of you just try and act like civilized humans when around each other." mama G said in a sigh. Jerome was holding me and wiping my tears. I swear I can't deal with being pregnant I have cried more today than I have in my lifetime. "Nyla stop crying." Jerome whispered in my air. I laid my head on his lap. "You going to stop crying baby girl?" I shook my head and he started tickling me. I busted out laughing and jumping making the car shake a little. "alright Jerome stop, I'm done." "that's more like it." he smiled. "we love you Jerome." I said with a hand on my stomach. "I love yall too." he kissed me and we pulled up to the airport. August stayed in while the rest of us got out. "you walking with me to the gate?" Jerome asked and I nodded. "alright." I hugged Jerome's parents. "bye and thank yall for everything." I said. "you deserve everything we gave you." I smiled. I slightly rolled my eyes at myself while walking over to Craig. "have a nice flight." I said with a smile. "yah thanks." I began walking away till he pulled my arm. "sorry bout what I said, I know I was wrong and should have never said that." "I accept your apology and even though I don't like you a single bit I don't want to argue with you either cause we are family." he nodded. "I got you but let me get going before I miss my flight." "alright bye." I walked away after that it was getting a little awkward for me. I walked back to Jerome and we walked in the building. "I see you was talking to my brother." I nodded. "did he apologize to you?" I nodded. "alright." he put his suitcases where that need to be and we walked to the gate. "alright I'll see u on the first. don't be moving around to much. I love you." he said kissing me. "Love you too." "and u baby girl be good to mommy." he kissed my stomach then hugged me walking into the gate. I walked back outside to the truck and sat down in the passenger seat. August was on his phone. "come on and I'm staying at your place don't want to be home alone." he nodded and started up the car driving. "you good?" He asked. "perfectly fine." I started drifting off to sleep, I was so tired after today. "Nyla wake up." August said shaking me. I sighed and got up getting out of the car with his help. we walked inside and went to the kitchen. "you going to have to sleep in my room with me cause the guest rooms are filled." he said I nodded. I got me a few deviled eggs and some shrimp salad. I ate that and then went upstairs to say goodnight to everyone before I go to bed. "Hey girls." I said walking into the room with  Amaiya, chay, and Kay Kay. They jumped up and hugged me. "hey auntie Nyla and Brittney." Amaiya said poking my stomach, I laughed. "yall was going to sleep?" They nodded. "go ahead get in the bed and I'll cut out the light and close the door when yall are ready for me to." they got in the bed and turned on the tv. "good night." I said "good night." I walked out closing the door and walking to mama Sheila's room. "hey I was just coming to say goodnight." she rolled over. "goodnight." I left out and went to my parents room. "um hey." "hello Nyla come sit." my mom said patting the bed. I sat down in front of her and looked at the ground. I don't feel really comfortable with knowing that they faked their death, how do I know if it happens again if it's real or not. I wish things just would have happened differently. "look sweetheart I know you may not feel comfortable right now around us but I also want you to know that we are going to be here for you. i do know that you call Sheila and other people mama and I'm perfectly fine with that I just want to get to a place where you can call me that and not think about second guessing it or wonder if you should call me that. okay." I nodded. "Alright now give me a hug." I gave her a hug and got up. "tomorrow afternoon I'm taking you, Chandra and my granddaughters shopping. I know you have your own money and so does Chandra but I just want to do it." I nodded. "ok goodnight." "goodnight." I walked to Chandra's room. "wassup ugly." she looked at me and rolled her eyes. "you know our mother is taking us shopping tomorrow right?" "Yah." "apart of me just feels like by her doing that she's just buying our love or acceptance." she sighed. "I did too but I guess it's a good way of getting to know somebody, by getting to know what they like." I nodded. "ok well I'm tired goodnight." "goodnight lil thing." I laughed and walked to August room. he was sitting on his bed on the phone. I have clothes so I don't have a problem. I got some pajama joggers, and pregnancy t-shirt that has my name on it and for the stomach part it says baby. I went in the bathroom and changed and put my hair in a sloppy bun. I came out and crawled on bed. I went under the covers while he cut off the light and turn on the tv for him. "good night ugly Alsina." he laughed while I yawned. "goodnight baby girls." I closed my eyes shortly after. When I woke up i smelled a whole bunch of food. I got up and went to the bathroom doing my morning routine. I seen that August wasn't there so I must be the last person to awaken. I walked downstairs and seen everyone eating. "Well dang yall couldn't wait for me to come and get the good pieces of food. Yall so selfish." I said sitting down. "See you already being over the top about your food." Chandra said. I rolled my eyes. My mother hand me a plate. "Good morning." I said with a smile. "Good morning." "August once we done we going to my house and the people with the stuff should be here in the next 45 mins and we can put some of the stuff away then."  He nodded. I ate and my stomach was hurting a little but I brushed it off. "When's your due date?" My mother asked. "August 14th." She nodded. "You got 22 days left." I sighed thinking about it. I finished and went upstairs and grabbed my sneakers and phone out of August room. "Come on August they are already there." I yelled "Coming." He came with some of the stuff and put it in his truck and came and got the rest putting it in his truck. He finished putting everything in there and drove across the street. Waist of a little bit of gas but it's his truck not mine. We got out and I let the people with the furniture showing them the room. They set up the room how Jerome told them and it was so beautiful. A tear came down my face, that's how beautiful it was. I thanked and tipped the people and let them out. August came in with the stuff and started putting it away. I sat on the floor folding clothes while he put stuff away. My stomach start hurting again a little worst than before. I took a deep breath in then let it out trying to ease the pain. "August can you put these clothes in the drawer and closet?" "Why can't you do it?" I sighed. "Cause my stomach hurts." "Aight but you better not go into labor cause then you on your own." I sucked my teeth and handed him the clothes. We finished after about 3 hours and was walking downstairs to go to his house when a real sharp pain run through my stomach. "Owe." I yelled sitting on the step. August turned around and frowned. "Wassup witchu?" I shook my head getting up. "Nothing I'll walk to your house." "You sure, you don't look like nothing happened?" I shook my head. "I'm fine see you at your place." "I'm going to get some red lobster for everybody so I'll be back in 30 minutes." I got up and walked across the street and the pain kept on coming but I brushed it off. "Hey Nyla."  My mother and momma Sheila said. I scrunched up my face cause another pain came threw. I held my stomach held the bottom of my stomach as the pain passed through. I breathed in and out. "Hey guys." They looked at me concerned. "Are you okay baby?" My mother said I nodded. "Yah I think it's just some growing pains." They nodded  and I sat down on the couch in front of them. Another one came and I held my lips together to make sure that they wouldn't notice. "I'll be back." I got up and walked outside sitting on his front steps and rubbed my stomach. "Brittney can you please stop playing around in mommies tummy, your hurting her very badly, causing her a lot of pain." "If your in pain you should say something." I looked up to see August standing there. "I thought you was going to red lobster?" "Yah I was but there's a lot of traffic and why u ain't say u was in pain?" "Cause it's not that serious." "The hell it is, Nyla don't forget your taking care of two peoples life right now and it's not safe if your not taking care of yourself or taking precautions of certain things." I rolled my eyes. "Okay August." "Stop rolling your eyes." "Whatever August, can you go make some lobsters though?" "Yah okay." He walked inside and I continued what I was saying. " baby girl mommy loves you okay now please loosen up with that mess." I started singing rubbing my stomach.

August and Nyla: are we just best friends(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now