Chapter 24

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August pov

It's been about 3 weeks and Nyla been avoiding me like crazy. Anytime I come over she'll try and find something to do or say she's going somewhere. Little does she know she can't avoid me much in this next few months cause my family is coming out here to Atlanta to spend some time. Everybody post to stay at Nyla place she just don't know yet cause I was the one to say it. Right now I was going to pick all they asses up from the airport, the only one that wasn't coming was Netia, my sister cause she got work. I got to the airport and stood outside by my car waiting for all of them to come out. One by one my mama, Travis, Jamal, Chandra, Tima, the girls, Callie, Jamal came alone so he ain't have no one. We all hugged and stuff and said our hellos and mess and got into truck. "Alright so I'mma let yall know since I somewhat lied, Nyla don't know yall here but we still gonna stay at her place cause she been distant the past few weeks." I said to them. My mother shook her head and hit me upside the head. "What I told you bout lying boy?" I rubbed my head with one hand and the other on the wheel. "Ight I'm sorry." "She probably been distant cause Jerome birthday past not to long ago, I think it was April 29th or 30th." Chandra said and I nodded. I pulled up to Nyla's place and got out. "Yall leave yall bags, go to the door first." I said and they followed behind me. "Hide right there since it's her little surprise." I said to them and they stopped and did as told. I knocked on the door and waited. Nyla sighed once she seen me. "Um hey August." She said slightly with a frown.

Nyla pov

Life for me has been a little depressing these past few weeks. Not only did Jerome's birthday past but I found out I was pregnant but miscarried 5 days ago and I was 2 and a half weeks. I can admit, I cried cause that was the same day of Jerome birthday but I guess I still have Brittney so I ain't got to worry much. I never told August I was pregnant so he doesn't know about the miscarriage either that's why I been distant. I didn't know when I was going to tell him but I didn't feel comfortable telling him all the times he came around. I was in the living room with Brittney playing on the floor when someone knocked on the door. "Mommy will be right back baby." I said getting up walking to the door, I opened it and sighed seeing August. "Um hey August." I frowned after that. "What are you doing here?" "Well to come over and I had a surprise." My frown deepened when he said that, I'm not in the mode for surprises. "What is it?" He counted to 3 and then the family came out. I lifted my brows cause I wanted it to make it seem as if I was surprised and not mad. I honestly don't want to be around a lot of people at the moment. "Hey guys." I said with a fake smile. "Wassup Nyla." They said in unison. "Um, I didn't know you guys was in town." "We in town till After you guys birthday." My eyes widened when mama said that. "Um wow, that's about 4 and a half months. Where are yall staying?" I asked and they all looked behind me. I sighed, "alright well yall can get yall stuff then come inside and I'll show you the room yall can stay in." I walked away from the door after that and to Brittney. "It looks like we have guest baby girl." I said to her and then she was taken out of my arms. I turned around and seen August holding her. "Wassup lil mama." He said playing with her stomach making her giggle. I slightly smiled and then sighed walking past him. "Alright I'll show you guys to your rooms." I said leading then upstairs. I let all of them get settled in the rooms and went to my own. I looked at the ultrasounds that was on my dresser and felt a tear but I didn't let it fall. I went to the bathroom and then downstairs cause they was being loud. I don't know how they can do it with two babies down there. Callie is like 6 months older than Britt is so she is probably 1 years old and a few months. I seen her walking it was the cutest thing. Chay, Kay and Mya walked up to me. "Auntie do you have some food, We are hungry?" Mya asked. "Um yah, I believe so what do you want?" I asked them. "Can you make use grilled cheese?" I nodded and walked to the kitchen. "How you been doing baby sis?" "I'm fine Travis." "You realize you don't have to lie to me, what's on your mind?" "Nothing, other than trying to make these grilled cheese." I said not looking his way. "August told me about what happened in New Jersey." I nodded. "Okay." "He also told me he didn't wrap up so there's a possibility your pregnant. Is that's what's on your mind, your pregnant?" I looked at him to see a smile on his face. "No I'm not pregnant." I continued making them. "Damn August shooting blanks, that's sad." He said in a laugh. "He's not." "Well then how come you not pregnant?" I sighed and was finished so I put the sandwiches on a plate. "Because I lost the baby." "Oh I'm sorry Nyla." He came and hugged me but I didn't want to cry so I held back the tears. "August knows?" "No he doesn't, didn't even know I was pregnant." "Well you need to tell him cause if you don't he's going to be mad at you." I nodded. "I will." I took the plates and brung them to the girls. "Please don't make a mess, and if you want something to drink then you can get something out the fridge I have a lot of things to drink in there." They nodded. I looked at the floor and seen Brittney crawling my way. I bent down to her leave and smiled looking at her. "You going to walk for mommy yet?" I asked in my baby voice. She just crawled to my feet and laughed. I shook my head laughing sitting down on the floor. Callie walking over with her chubby legs pointing. "Bwaybe." She said, I laughed and nodded. "Yes this is a baby." I said standing Brittney in front of her. She touched Brittneys arm and they both started laughing which caused me to smile. One day I'll have something like this. "Bwye bwye." Callie said walking away. I laughed and turned Brittney to me. "Can you say mommy for me?" I asked. She stayed silent and made bubbles. "Can you say daddy?" I asked and surprisingly she said it. "Dada." I smiled. "How about grandma and grandpa?" Some one said from behind me. I seen my parents walk in the door. I smiled at them as they got accounted with everyone. "Nyla let me speak to you for a second." August said. I got up and followed him outside to one of my patios but this one leads to the pool. "Wassup?" I asked looking at him. "Why you been so distant lately?" "Um no reason." "Alright well since you lying about that I'll ask something else." I nodded. "Did you ever go to the doctors and get a pregnancy test?" I nodded. "So your pregnant?" I shook my head. "So you telling me I'm shooting blanks, Damn that's sad." "Your not." "Then that don't make sense to why your not pregnant." "It's because I lost the baby." I seen him start to get mad. "When?" "Five days ago." "The fuck you mean five days ago, why the hell didn't you tell me?" He yelled and they was inside looking at us threw the window. "Maybe because I was to busy blaming myself like you are about to do." I yelled finally letting some tears go. He softened up and tried hugging me but I moved away. I did feel like he was going to blame me and he was real close to it. I walked inside and past everyone and stepped over Brit and to my studio. I ain't feel like walking upstairs to my room so I just walked in and locked the door. I started working on a song I been working on for the past few weeks and laid down a few tracks. I then fixed up the back ground and smoked some blunts. I actually smoked 3 and I was high and hungry. I finished up and put on my shades so no one will notice my eyes. It was 3pm so I been in here for like 2 hours. I fixed my shades on my face and walked out and to the living room. Everyone was talking and stuff so I just sat down in a chair that was a one seater and seen my phone on the table and grabbed it. I had a lot of missed calls and social media stuff. I just checked my text and texted anyone that I felt like. "Nyla why you wearing shades in the fucking house?" Jamal asked and I looked at him and shrugged. "Shorty stoned." Travis said laughing. "Oh lord, yall got the girl smoking, Jesus Christ." Mama Sheila said holding her heart. Good thing I got these glasses on cause I was rolling my eyes at Travis and Jamal. They sitting beside each other laughing up a storm and August was sitting beside them just staring at me. He looked somewhat sad but sympathetic at the same time. "Now honestly I'm not used to you being so quiet Nyla so what's going on between you two?" My mother asked motioning between us. I ain't say nothing cause I don't feel like it, so we sat quietly for 5 mins. "You that high that you can't answer me?" She asked looking my way. Like is she serious, August got a mouth as well. I still won't saying anything so it don't matter what she says. I seen Brittney trying to stand up but she was under the table and was going to hit her head. I got up and picked her up and sat her with me in my seat. I sat criss cross and let her sit between my legs. "Nyla do you have any shampoo?" Tima asked coming from downstairs. I got up and got some out of one of the hallway closets and gave it to her. "Thanks, are you high?" She asked giggling and I shrugged. "Damn you going threw it like that, we'll talk later." She said and I nodded walking back to my seat with Brittney. "So your literally not going to talk?" She asked and I just shrugged. "Where do you get that attitude from?" She asked and my dad laughed. "You honey, Chandra has it too." He said. I pushed my glasses on my face and just looked around. I was looking at some pictures I had on one of the tables beside August and I noticed a picture of two little girls but I don't remember putting that there. I put Brit on the floor and walked over to it and looked at it. "I'm sorry Nyla." August whispered in my ear. I looked at him and nodded. I took the picture and went to sit back down. I took it out its frame and read the back of it.

August and Nyla: are we just best friends(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now