Chapter 21

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Nyla pov

I woke up and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and then walked to the kitchen. I have no plan on talking about or ever thinking about what happened last night. I just want to move on with my life and career. Today we have that counseling session so I plan on just getting through that peacefully. I started making eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits, sausage, grits, hash browns. I added croissants and strawberries, kiwis and sliced bananas. I made 3 plates and a bottle for Brittney. I put the plates in the  microwave and went to get Brittney. I walked in her room and seen August sleep in the chair. I giggled and picked her up since she was already awake. I washed her and put on a diaper, a purple onesie that says I love my uncle August and some white and purple socks. I took her downstairs and sat down in a chair and fed her the bottle. I burped her and went to get my food. I ate and sat her on my lap while I ate. She was pulling my hair grabbing my breast. "Stop it Brit." I said laughing. She kept on doing it and laughed with that cute smile. "Brit baby stop." I said moving her hands. "Yah stop touching what daddy should be." I looked up and seen Jerome sitting down with his plate. "Well good morning, how'd u sleep?" I asked. "Good morning, good and what about you, how you sleep?" I smiled. "I'm fine." I said finishing my food. "Your lying to me, tell me the truth." He said. "No I'm not." "Yes you are." Him and August said at the same time. I seen August walking in with his food. "I'm fine leave me alone please."  I pushed my plate aside and put Brittney on the table holding her up making silly faces in her face while she laughed. "Nyla every time you lie your left eyebrow moves, you talk with a smile and a small vein pops out your neck." August and Jerome said the last part together. I furrowed my brow and looked at them frowning. "Yall some real creeps paying to much attention. Giving me X-rays and shit." I mumbled. "Brittney tell them two that mommy is okay so they can be quite." I said turning her to face them. "Brittney tell mommy stop playing games and talk." Jerome said. "Brittney tell mommy that uncle August will whoop her behind if she don't start talking." August said and I sucked my teeth. I turned Brittney back to me and started playing with her stomach. "Nyla you have to talk about what happened, it'll make you feel better." Jerome said. I ignored him and picked up Brittney and my plate and walked to the kitchen. I put my plate in the sink I walked upstairs to my room. I put in some jeans, a tee shirt and toms and then walked to Brittneys room. I put a skirt on her and took off her socks adding sandals. I sat her in her car seat and grabbed her baby bag. I walked to the basement and grabbed the security tape from last night and put it in my bag then walked to where August and Jerome was. "I'll be back." "Where u going?" Jerome asked. "Don't worry about it, I said I'll be back." I said walking out. I put her in the back strapping her in then went in the front driving off. I got to the police station and got out with Brittney walking to the front office. "Omg your Nyla." The receptionist said. I nodded and smiled. "Yas I am but I came to talk to deputy Stuckey." I said and she nodded. "He's waiting for you in his office." I nodded and walked to his office. I knew him from when I was younger. Him and my uncle was best friends and he was also a family friend. I knocked on his door and he opened it looking kind of confused. "Hello I'm deputy Stuckey, how may I help you?" He said, I laughed. "You don't recognize me do you?" He shook his head and invited me in. I sat down in one of the chairs I front of his desk and he sat in his staring at me. "You look very familiar I just can't remember your name?" He said. He never listened to music, hell he didn't even have a tv in his house whenever I went over cause he was a quiet person. "How about I help you out. I'm related to Darren Johnson." I said with a smile and he was still examining me. "Give me more info cause I still can't put a finger on it." "Um I'm Darryl and Selena's daughter." He nodded slowly. "Which one?" He asked. I'm questing he knew about that past. "The youngest." A huge smile came across his face. He got up and hugged me. "You are so grown Nyla and u look so different." He said letting me go. I smiled. "And u have a baby." He said looking at Brittney. She was looking around with a smile happy as ever. "Yah that's my baby Brittney." "Well she's gorgeous but what did you come by for? I know you asked for me but I don't know why." I sat down and so did he. "Um well I came to report an attack and also get a restraining order." He nodded. "Who was attacked?" I cleared my throat. "I was." I sai and I felt tears forming in my eyes and a knot in my throat but I swallowed it. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you know who the person was?" I nodded. "He was boyfriend a few years back and his name is Brandon Silva." I said. "Shit." He mumbled. "Is something wrong?" I asked and he shook his head. "No it's just that's my son and this is not the first time someone has said this. I'm so sorry, the last girl ended up with a few problems." I nodded. "Do u have any evidence?" I nodded and handed him the tape. He put it in his laptop and watched the first five minutes and sighed closing his laptop. "I'm so sorry, I will have some deputies go and pick him up. Most likely he will have a case and u will have to testify. Do you still have the clothes you was wearing?" I nodded. I didn't want to talk because I felt like I was going to cry. "Okay, can u bring them with you when I call you back. We are going to arrest him and ask him questions and stuff. We are then going to arrest him and call u back. We are going to Call back to make a statement and some other things. I'm guessing the first time he didn't learn his lesson, he's going to be doing some serious jail time for this." I nodded. He looked at me and then my hand. "Well I didn't know you was married congrats on that and the baby." I nodded. "Thanks, I guess I'll get going." He nodded. He got up and hugged me handing me back the tape. I took it and walked outside back to the car. I put Brittney in and got to the front seat. I just started crying while I was driving. I got home and wiped my face. I got it and got Brittney. I seen an extra car so I'm guessing the counselor was here. I walked in the living room and seen a lady with Jerome and August talking. "Hello." I said with a smile. They looked at me and she smiled but their faces looked worried. "Why was you crying?" Jerome asked. "I wasn't." He shook his head. "Your lying." "I'm not." August sucked his teeth. "Girl u better stop doing all that lying shit, you know you was crying." I looked at the lady ignoring. "Hi you are?" I asked. "Paige, nice too meet you." I shook her hand. "Nyla and nice to meet you too. I'll be back." I walked upstairs and took off my clothes and put on a tee shirt and joggers. I took Brittney out of her car seat, took off her sandals and skirt so that she only had on her onesie. I changed her diaper and we went downstairs. I sat on the couch across from them and played with Brittney. "Okay I guess I'll start for the most part I'm your marriage counselor and I'm here to help the two of you." I nodded. "Why you here August?" I asked. "You ain't married to neither one of us. He shrugged. "Cause ain't no body at my house and Imma get bored easy over there so Imma just stay here. I ain't gonna bother yall or whatever but I ain't moving either." He said. I sighed shaking my head. "Well let's get started. You two have not been married that long and are already having problems. What seems to be the cause of them?" She asked. Jerome explained all of our problems for the both of us cause I didn't feel like talking so I just played with Brittney. "So I'm seeing communication is the main problem." She said writing something down. "When was the last time yall argued?" "Two days ago." Jerome said. "Care to explain Nyla why the two of you were arguing seeing that you are very quiet." I sighed. "Um we was arguing because the night beforehand came from the studio and someone was smoking outside and came and touched Brittney while I was in the bathroom. I don't know who it was but when I got here I guess Jerome smelled it on her and got mad. The next morning he started saying some stuff like I was an unfit mother and I didn't care about her. After some time he also questioned her paternity. We both were mad and he said what he said and so did I but it ended with me leaving." I said shrugging playing with Brittney ears while she did small giggles with bubbles coming out of her mouth. I felt a year going down my face but quickly wiped it away. "I can tell that hurt you very much. Jerome how do you feel about this?" He was talking but I wasn't listening. I was more focused on Brittney than anything else going on right now. "Nyla did you hear me?" I looked up and Paige and Jerome was looking at me. "Um no what did you say?" "I was saying that maybe you and Jerome should start spending more time with each other without the baby. Like maybe have date night and things like that since it seems like most of your arguments start out being about Brittney but end up somewhere else." I nodded. "Ok." "Has something happened recently cause you look very distant from us Nyla?" I shook my head. "Um no." August sucked his teeth. "Stop putting that shut behind you and talk." He said. I felt tears form in my eyes. Why do they want me to talk about it, I said I was fine so leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it I just want to move past it. I just want to put it to the back of my mind and have it left alone . Why can't I just have that. "Care to explain what the problem is Nyla?" "There isn't one." I said. "Like hell it ain't." August said looking at his phone. "Look you dumb ass nigga if u don't feel like talking I won't, now shut the hell up." I yelled. Brittneys face started to get red so she was abut to cry. I picked her up and cradled her. After a while she stopped with that and I laid her on my lap. "Nyla you do know the only way to work threw your problems or struggles is to talk threw it." Paige said. "I don't want to talk about it, I'm perfectly fine." She chuckled. "If u was really fine u wouldn't have gotten mad at what August said. Also you would be perfectly fine with talking about it and u wouldn't even want to cry about it." She said and I just shrugged. She looked at Jerome. "Do you care to explain since she won't?" He nodded and told her everything that happened last night. I had tears going down my face while he explained. But I had my head down looking at Brittney so they couldn't see my whole face. "You know that was previous and it's not going to go away. You might push it to the back of your mind but that don't mean it's going to work. I laid Brittney on the couch since she fell asleep and walked to the bathroom locking myself in there.

August and Nyla: are we just best friends(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now