Chapter 5

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I watched Glenn speed down the other street with the challenger. The alarm sound was obnoxious and worked, the walkers followed him. He sped past us as we made our way to the loading dock. He looked at us and hollered. He was having the time of his life.
Rick and I were dead silent. All of a sudden the back door to the moving truck opened, all the group piled in. I climbed back to help get their stuff. Then I saw walkers flooding out from the hall. Morales and I closed the door, afterwords, everyone sat in exhaustion. I made my way to the front, I saw Rick looking back in the rear view mirror.
"Where's Merle?" I hear after I let my guard down. I looked back, everyone was looking around.
"Fuck." I say. Rick looked stressed as he drove with his hands clenching on to the wheel. Rick swore under his breath
"It's okay, no one will miss Dixon... Except maybe Daryl." Morales said. I looked at Rick then back at morales
"Who's Daryl?" Sena asked
"Merle's brother." Andrea said
"We have to tell them that it was all an accident." I say
T-Dog laughed at the remark
"I thought you had the key?" Andrea asked T. T buried his face in his hands
"I dropped the damn key."
The whole truck was silent
When we arrived where their camp was, I hopped out ready to leave. Jamie held my hand.
"What's the plan?" Sena asked
I shrugged
"I dunno, maybe stay here for the day and leave tomorrow."
Rick hopped out. He looked back at me, it was more of a glare. I rolled my eyes and stood my ground.
"What the hell was that?" Sena asked shocked. I looked at her, she raised her eyebrows.
"I hate him, he hates me." I say
She nodded, not satisfied. She was about to say something else but then there was yelling. I snapped my head back and saw Rick running towards a small boy and then picking him up. I then saw a woman with a shocked expression hugging them both.
I knew Sena was looking at me, trying to find my expression.
"You okay?" She asked
"Yeah." I snapped angrily. I started walking down the dirt path, leaving all of them.
A few minutes later after my minor blow up, I walked back up. I saw that my group had made their way into theirs. They were all talking and laughing and hugging. I rolled my eyes at the sight, end of the world and their acting like it's a love fest.
As I walked closer, I saw a tall, buff guy with a shotgun strung over his shoulder, staring at who I assumed was Rick's wife and kid. He knew Rick since they hugged earlier on and looked as if they were catching up on things. I was startled when someone patted my shoulder from behind.
"You okay now?" It was Sena. I threw her hand off me. She stood next to me. We watched as Jamie talked and played with morales' family.
"Sure, I've been okay all day." I snapped
She laughed
"Lost your guy and your car."
As she said that, Glenn came speeding up the dirt road. The alarm was still on, drawing everyone's attention. The guy staring at ricks family ran over to the car when Glenn came out with a stupid smile.
"Turn it off!" The guy yelled
"I don't know how!" Glenn said, still high from the car's speed.
The guy lifted the car hood and pulled something that made the car stop beeping.
"Why the hell would you drive that thing up here?" The guy yelled at Glenn. Glenn's smirk quickly faded and turned serious
"I-I didn't think-"
"I don't think it's that bad," an old man stepped up, "the mountains and hills-it's hard to pinpoint the source." He explained. The guy looked at the old man
"I'm not trying to argue, and it wouldn't hurt for you to think a little before." He said, directing towards Glenn.
I looked back and saw Rick with his wife, he had his hand on her back, she was watching the scene.

"Sena, can you bandage me up again?" I asked so I could get away from the group. Her and I walked away to find someone with bandages.

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