Chapter 89

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We were still on the road and it was growing dark, storm clouds were rolling in as well, making our time to find shelter even shorter.

"It looks like there's going to be a bad storm." Luke says as he watched the clouds from above. I had been watching Rick walk with Derek, Sena was talking with Sasha.

"We should go in the woods, there's probably sheds or a barn... There's nothing out here." Luke says. I looked at him, he had his eyes on me probably waiting for me to respond. I nodded once I realized that he said something,

"Oh, yeah, totally." I agreed. He snickered and shook his head at me with a smile,

"What?" I didn't understand

"You're cute, you know that?" He says. I felt my face go red and my chest contract, I was surprise she had said that. I looked over at Rick who was too far away to hear what Luke had just said, but a small part of me wished that he did.

"Oh, wow, well... Thank you." I say, I never was good with compliments. Luke looked up at me and smiled,

"I hope Rick doesn't punch me for saying that." He jokes. I didn't laugh when he looked away, I started to get a little sad thinking about Rick. Even with every bone, every cell in my body that tried to hate him, it never worked- I love him and there's no changing that.

"Hey, there's something over there!" I heard Glenn call. I snapped my head back, thinking there was danger but Glenn had a smile on his face. He broke away from the group and had his gun out, we followed him.

He was leading us down the road, as we approached whatever was there, I saw that there were multiple water bottles in the middle of the road with a piece of paper in the middle. Someone must have laid these out since they looked brand new and they were randomly in the middle of the road. At once, everyone will a gun cocked it and looked around for any type of sign of danger.

"I think they're safe." Glenn says when he examines them closer.

"The note says From a Friend. Someone's been watching us."

"We can't drink them, we don't know what's in them." I say.

Just then, Tara and Eugene started to sniff the open bottles, Tara shrugged.

"Smells like water." She says.

"We shouldn't trust it anyway, who knows what could be in there." Rosita says.

"She's right. We should just stick to finding shelter before the storm clouds start...." Rick started to say but rumbling from above occurred. We all looked up, as I did, I felt a small drop of rain on my nose. Then, a downpour occurred. Buckets of rain started falling onto us, we all were relieved from the exhausting heat. Derek, Sena, and Gabriel were opening plastic containers to fill with rain, the rest of us enjoyed it. I smiled at Luke but then saw Rick standing with his head rolled back, enjoying the rain wash down his solid body. I watched as the rain stuck to his shirt, Luke snapped me out of my desires when he started talking again. I had to remove my eyes from Rick to look at Luke.

"This feels so nice... I hope I get to live long enough to take one last shower."

We then heard Rebecca call us down the road, she was looking at something in the woods.

"There's a barn or a cabin over there! We need to take cover before it gets bad." She says, we all agreed and eventually started to go into the woods to seek shelter.

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