Chapter 12

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"What did he tell you?" I asked Sena as she laid on the bed motionless. She stayed silent
"It's because of you that I'm still here, it's because of you that I won't ever get the chance to go peacefully out of the world-"
"You call being blown up peaceful?" I asked, she stayed silent in defeat.
"It's what I wanted."
"Whatever Rick told you must've made you want to live." I say
She glared at me and then left the room. I followed her into where the table and couch are in the camper.
"Why don't you just ask him yourself?!" She yelled. Dale looked into the rear view mirror at us, Glenn looked too. I sighed and sat down, Sena went to the bathroom, I heard her lock the door. I didn't pay any mind to it until I started to think about what she could be doing. I got up
"Sena, don't do it." I say thinking that she was going to harm herself.
"You think I'm cutting myself?!" She was about to say something else but instead she opened the door, now facing me
"Sena, I thought you were-" I say calmly but she pushed me into the wall. I looked at her with such surprise, but she had no mercy and punched me
"Woah, woah- hey there." I heard dale say in the background.
"Sena- what the fuck?!" I yelled
"You're so fucking stupid- it makes me so mad!" She yelled above me.
"Sena! Stop!" Glenn said now getting out of his seat. Sena was crying now, Glenn gently took her into his embrace to stop her from doing anything more. She cried into him, he looked at me on the ground. I got up slowly. I felt my face sting and swell. I went to the mirror in the bathroom and saw my cheek becoming darker by the minute, I swore.
"Are you alright?" Dale asked when I returned to where everyone else was. Glenn was sitting on the couch while Sena laid her head against his shoulder. I passed by them cautiously, I looked up at dale who was looking at me in the mirror. He gave me a look that said to sit down in Glenn's seat. I hesitantly sat down in it.
"What was that all about?" He asked as he drove. I saw rick's car in front of us, I looked back at dale
"Sena wanted to stay at the CDC and she wouldn't leave with me so Rick got her to leave."
He looked at me then returned to the road
"What do you think he did to make her leave?"
I shrugged
"That's what I was asking her about."
He stayed silent for a moment. He then looked back at Glenn in the mirror, he was stroking her hair as she slept against his shoulder. He didn't pay attention to us but instead stared out the window.

"Aw jeez." We hear dale mutter. I saw a cluster of cars blocking the road, just then Daryl pulled up from the front, he came to Dale's window
"See a way through?" Dale asked, Daryl nodded his head back signaling for us to pull forward, I took the map from the dash and studied it, seeing another way
"Uh, maybe we should just go back." I suggest, "there's an interstate bypass-"
"We can't spare the fuel." Dale interrupted. We kept driving forward, I looked back at Sena and Glenn. Sena was sleeping and Glenn was looking out the window. We followed Daryl
Just then, a loud bust and a clanking noise followed by steam came from the front of the camper. Dale grunted, we stopped. Dale got out, I got up, Glenn woke up Sena, she was fine until she saw me, she then gave me a glare and got out of the camper. Glen gave me a look then followed. I got out.
I saw Rick and Lori coming from the yellow car, I noticed Rick look at me then quickly look away as he walked by. Jamie then ran to me, I picked her up and hugged her
"How was the car ride?" I asked her. I heard the conversation in the back about what was wrong with the camper, it didn't interest me, so I hung out with Jamie instead.
"It was good." She said vaguely. I walked around with her in my arms still
"What are they doing?" Jamie asked looking back at everyone around the camper. I studied their expressions, Jamie got out from my hold and walked over there, I followed her
"What's going on?" I asked walking up, everyone was disbanding, I saw Daryl to my side rummaging through a station wagon trunk.
"Finding supplies, anything." Andrea said. She walked away slowly to the camper, I looked at Jamie.
"Let's go see if we can find some new clothes for you." I suggest, she smiled and grabbed my hand. We both walked over to where Rick and the others were.
I saw T siphoning gas and carol and Lori looking through clothes. I looked back and saw Glenn and Shane by a huge white truck, Shane opened the side. My mouth fell open once Shane opened a water container and water started spilling out on top of him. Glenn and Shane celebrated. Then I saw dale on the roof, keeping watch. It gave me some ease now that I knew someone was thinking.
"Hey!" I hear Jamie say from behind me. I snapped back to see her inside a truck with the door open, I run over to her and see her trying to get a pink bag from underneath a dead driver.
"Jamie." I say now getting her away from it. I didn't know whether it was a walker or just a corpse. I began to pull on the bag gently, then I took it with a hard pull. The body fell on top of me, I screamed bloody murder until I figured out that it was a corpse since it wasn't biting into my skull. I hear Jamie laughing in the back. I chuckle at my stupidity and pull the bag all the way and give it to her. I was sweating already and panting, mostly because of the scare from the corpse.
"That better be worth it." I say. She smiled and nodded, grateful I got it. Her smile was all I needed, it gave me light and hope, that maybe things will be okay.
"Come on, let's go shop for clothes." I say, patting her back. We both start walking towards the camper when Rick started running towards us.
"Lori! Under the cars." He said to her, he then saw me and gave me a look to do the same. I turn, expecting Jamie to be behind me when she wasn't. I started to panic.
"Rick! She's gone!" I hiss. He runs up to me
"What? What- who?" He asked
"Jamie! She's gone!" I say with stinging eyes. I then saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I saw through car windows, Jamie on the other side of a car, walking around. Totally oblivious. I was about to run over to her when Rick grabbed me and put us underneath a car.
"Rick! What the hell are you-"
"She's fine- Lori has her- I saw her go underneath a car-" he said into my eyes, I could feel his sweat, his hot breath and everything else in between as we laid next to each other on the sticky, hot concrete underneath a car.
"Why did you have to pick here?" I asked him, he shushed me. I know I had a huge crush on him and I should be happy we were both in tight corners hot and sweaty but not like this. I then try to find Jamie in all of this. I spot her a few cars away, she was underneath one with Lori. I saw Lori glaring at us, I swore under my breath and laid my head to the side. I admired rick's facial features. He then looked over at me
"Do you want to die?" He asked shocked that I wasn't panicking about the hundreds of walkers walking by us. I looked away to look at them, I shrugged
"They won't ever know." I say. He rolls his eyes and lays his head on the ground
"What did you tell Sena?" I asked after a few moments passing by. He looked at me as if I was the dumbest person in the world, which I probably was at this point
"N..nothing- shut up." He said hesitantly, which only confirmed that he had something to hide. He then looked away, he was looking at something. I looked in the direction and saw Lori looking at him. He then extended his hand a little in her direction, giving her a kind of reassurance. I rolled my eyes and if I could, I would've sighed. I then instead looked at how Rick's chest heaved with every quick breath he took. I kept staring at him until I heard little girl cries. I started to panic, thinking it was Jamie. I then see that it was Sophia, she ran towards the woods with two walkers chasing after her, Rick was already getting up from underneath the car and running to get her. I tried to get out and saw carol running frantically to try and chase after them. I draw my attention from them and see Jamie running up to me, Lori was walking up from behind her. She gave me a dirty look then walked past me to join carol and Rick. I knew the glare was from being with Rick but I shoved the thought out of my head when Jamie started to talk
"Is she going to be okay?" She asked with scared eyes. I take her hand in mine and lead us to where Sophia ran off to and where Carol and Lori were.
"That's my baby." Carol kept crying out. We all surrounded her, staring at the woods, helpless.
"Dale, watch Jamie-"
"No!" Jamie already knew what I was doing. I hopped the rail from the highway and landed on the grass.
"Max, don't do this." Dale said in a tired tone. Lori was staring at me, carol was still crying, in her own world.
"Max, come on- don't do it." I hear Shane say, he came up from the left and hopped the rail.
"Fine, then you come with me."
"Already ahead of ya." I hear from my very left, Daryl was already entering in the woods with his crossbow. I looked at Shane
"We have to find them." I say
"Fine." Shane said, he walked past me and led us into the woods.

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