Chapter 86

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That week passed by slow and painful, like slowly ripping a bandaid off a wound.

First, Bob passed away. We buried him in the church yard. Sasha wasn't the same of course.

Secondly, Daryl showed up with urgent news, he led us into Atlanta. I remember walking down the same street I found Rick at, that hurt like hell.

The buildings were falling apart, it was sad to be reminded that civilization has gone and will be gone for as long as we live. I tried to not look at Rick who was ahead of me, I was the one who broke it off with him so I could at least have the decency to not look at the damned man.

Daryl told us that Carol had been taken by the same people Beth had been taken by. Rick made an elaborate plan with the security there to exchange one of their policemen we had taken hostage for Carol and Beth. All was well until Beth stabbed the policewoman, she shot Beth in the head, killing her. We had left with only Carol, Daryl, and a boy that had been friends with Beth in the hospital.

When we returned back to the church, Abraham was finally done with Rick's procrastination on leaving for Washington, Abraham left with some of our own like Glenn and Maggie. Maggie left because of the loss of her sister, in hopes of finding something better in Washington. Rebecca, Alvin, Carlos and Sarah left along with them. Only Nick and Pete stayed with Luke.

"I wanna see more of you soon." Abraham says to me, I hug him.

"I'll be sure of it." I told him.

Rick says that we'd leave for Washington in a few days, we needed some more supplies before we left.

Noah, the boy, had been telling us about a community he came from by Washington D.C. He wanted to go back and see if his family was still there when we left, Rick agreed when he heard that the community let people in.

A day later, we were on the road. Rick drove, I was in the back sitting with Sena, Derek, Luke and Noah. The rest were across from us or in the front. We then came to a halt, I stood up, curious as to why we were stopping.

"What the hell..." I heard Rick mutter. I then saw Abraham kneeling on the ground by their bus. Rosita was away from him and the rest. Maggie and Glenn were talking to Abraham, he looked upset. Eugene was on the ground, his face against the pavement. I walked to the door and let myself out to see what the hell was going on.

"Oh, hey, guys." Glenn says, as if everything was okay. I ran up to them.

"What the hell is going on?"

Rosita heard us and says, "Eugene had us fooled the whole time, he isn't a scientist."

I looked at Glenn and Maggie, Maggie's face said that it was true. I felt my jaw clench, I had a feeling he didn't know the cure but it pissed me off that it was actually true.

"What's the matter with him?" Rick asked about Eugene.

"Abraham knocked him out." Glenn says.

"What do we do now? Are we still going?" Derek asks.

"The road ahead is covered with walkers, I don't know if we'll be able to push through that." Glenn says

"We will. I'm still goin' to Washington if it kills me!" Abraham got up and yelled. He walked away from us and went into the RV. I was worried he was going to do something stupid but Rosita looked at us,

"He's just going to sit in there, but he will leave before dusk." She says. She then goes to Eugene and flips him over.

"I think we should still go north. Noah says there's a community, we could check it out." Rick says to Maggie and Glenn.

"There could be more people there. It's Washington, that place had to have been more protected than any other place in the U.S." Glenn says. I left the conversation to see if Eugene was alright, despite of his asshole move of telling us all a lie that led us here.

"He has no bleeding, bruising on his nose but it isn't broken. I think he's just knocked out." I say when I sat down beside him and examined his head. Rosita's energy was anxious, I asked if she was alright.

"Yeah... He just, I can't believe he lied to us the whole time." She says in disbelief. I nodded, I was about to say something to try and comfort her but Tara walked up to Rosita and began to talk to her about it. Rosita looked at me and thanked me as she walked away with Tara. I was double checking Eugene now, I was about to return to the RV when I heard someone behind me. I turned around and saw Luke. He was looking at Eugene at first but his eyes diverted to me once I looked at him.

"Hi... Can I ask what you're doing to him?" He asks shyly. I didn't know where we stood with each other now. I kissed him on the cheek a few days ago, just out of spite, it was more of a guilty compulsion that came across me. But he was nice, he has helped me in the last few weeks we've known each other. So when he sat next to me on the pavement, I held my tongue and continued examining Eugene.

"You look like you're observing him or something." He says, I snicker, it sounded strange.

"I was medical school when it all started." I told him. He looked at me with such intrigue, it made me laugh.

"You were going to be a doctor?" He asks in a surprised tone.

"A surgeon actually, why is that shocking?" I asked

He shrugged, "didn't take you as one."

"What did you take me as then?"

He laughed, "maybe something in the military."

I nudged him, laughing. I was done with Eugene so I stood up. He stood up with me,

"What were you doing before all this?" I asked him, we walked together, slowly, towards everyone else.

"Art history..."

I laughed,

"I now know how useless the major is now that I'm in the apocalypse." He joked, I laughed again.

Sena's POV

"Well, when Abraham gets his shit together, we'll be on the road in no time." I say to everyone in the circle, we were discussing what we were going to do next. But when I looked around, I saw everyone paying attention except Rick. He was looking at something, I raised my head and looked to see what he was focused on and saw max and Luke walking together. Luke was talking and max was laughing, Luke must've said something charming to make her laugh that hard. I wouldn't have been so concerned about them if Rick hadn't been staring at them. I could see that it was bothering him. I saw his fists balling up then releasing, as if he was getting ready for a fist fight. I watched him carefully.

"Rick, what do you think?" I asked, I wanted him to refocus and to let him know that I was watching him. He snapped his head back, embarrassed.

"Think? Me?" He cleared his throat, everyone looked at him, wondering why the alpha was being a complete airhead at the moment. "North. I think we should head north as soon as possible."

Everyone wrapped up their conversations and we dispersed. I stayed there with Rick to talk with him. He was again looking back at the two.

"Rick." I stated.

"Yeah?" He looked at me again. I paused,

"You okay?-"

"You should be getting back to the RV, we need to leave soon." He interrupts. I could hear the urgency and annoyance in his voice, he was irritated after seeing max and Luke like that.

"Yes, sir..." I say sarcastically, I decided to not fight it, I wanted to go take a little nap anyways.

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