Kiss And Make Up

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Once I walked through the door of Deanna's house, I felt a throbbing sense of regret overtake me. I saw everyone from the group and Alexandria inside. I didn't want to be here, I knew Rick would--

And that's when I stopped myself. I wasn't going to let the thought of him mess with what I decided to do or not do. I regained my confidence and attitude that I once had and walked to Abraham and Rosita who were the nearest people that I knew.

"Hey." Rosita says to me and gives a smirk, I give her a quick hug. Abraham was sipping on his beer, he didn't look interested at all in the party, between the party and Rosita's ass, Rosita's ass won Abraham's attention. He finally took his eyes off her and gave me a small smile then hugged me.

"Heard you got a new house." Abraham says to me, I nod, I was about to say something but he says,

"Also heard you and Rick got in a little fight."

I held my breath, I didn't say anything because I was surprised that our scene spread around. Abraham saw my expression and added,

"Heard it from a house wife, don't worry. These people have nothin' better to talk about."

I smiled a little, glad that he said that because it made me feel a little better. I then heard Sena from behind me,


Sena pulled me to the side, separating me from Rosita and Abraham.

"I heard about you and Rick. What did he do?" She asked me. I sighed, I tried to keep my voice from shaking because I was still hurt by him,

"He... He slept with Jessie last night." I say once we found a bathroom to talk in. She paused,

"Wait, who's Jessie?"

"A girl who cuts hair here, she cut his hair and I don't know..."

"You don't know what?" She asks me, knowing that I wasn't saying what I was thinking. I looked up at her, I then had to look away once I started to talk because my eyes started to water,

"Why did he do it? I thought he loved me."

She stood there, she was a comforting presence,

"Max, you did it too and you said that you wouldn't have done it if you had control last night. He says he feels the same way, he messed up like you did."

I sniffled, she patted my arm. She then started to rummage through some drawers, I looked over to her.

"What are you doing?"

"Finding mascara so I can fix you up." She answers. I smiled a little, she then got a tube and started to fix my eyelashes by lifting my head up to where she could see my face better. After she was done, she gave me a pep talk saying that I didn't need him and if I really did need him, she would help him and I make up.

"But I need to get drunk tonight so can we postpone the making up until I'm hammered?" She asks as she grabbed her purse and grabs me by the hand and takes me out of the bathroom. I followed her to Glenn and Maggie, Derek was there too. Derek went to go get Sena and I some alcohol, I stood quietly and looked around the party to see if Rick was here. I didn't find him so I decided to just keep to myself and silently look over the crowd of people once in awhile to see if he would show up.


Sena ended up getting plastered, her whole body slumped against Derek's as he talked to Glenn and Maggie about getting together for a baby shower for Maggie. Sena was mumbling but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I was probably the only one, besides from Maggie that didn't drink. I didn't drink because I didn't want something like last night to happen again. I then realized that I hadn't seen Luke yet today-- Luke was the person I should've been nervous to see, not Rick.

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