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"Young highness, you need to wake up." Said the tall man wearing glasses

The butler starting to get worried, went to the window to open the curtains. Claude heard his master shift under the covers. The butler made his way to the closet, pulling out clothes for his master, Alois.

"Young highness get up now." Claude said getting agitated 

"Why? So i can see your ugly face." Alois retorted 

"No, Sebastian is coming to kill you. Ciel isnt doing it himself." The butler explained 

"You should have gotten me up earlier you piece of shit!" The blond exclaimed.

The earl sat up in his bed waiting to get dressed. Claude came over and buttoned up the boy's shirt,put his butt shorts on,and laced up his shoes. The butler suddenly jerk up hearing to the front doors slam open.

"Oh little spider" Sebastian , Ciel's butler, cooed threw the estate

"Young highness, he is here. I need you to run." Claude said looking into Alois's blue orbs.

"No! Dont leave me!" The blond yelled

Both of them suddenly turned around to hear footsteps on the stairs. Claude dragged the his master to the window. The butler opened the window, unlocking the latches. He picked up Alois, put him on the windowsill, and got ready to push him off into the bushes but is suddenly stopped. 

"Dont leave me Claude! Dont go!" The young earl said getting chocked up.

"You need to go. Just run into the forest and chant the spell i tought you. I will see you again when im done with the pest." Claude explained in a monotone voice.

Alois starting crying harder, opened his arms for a goodbye hug from his butler. Claude sighed.

"Young highness we dont have time for this." The butler said trying to looking sympathetic.

Claude gave in do to Alois and gave him a goodbye hug. The blond hugged his dearest butler with a strong bone crushing hug. The hug was suddenly stopped when the bedroom doors got kicked in.

"Run Alois, run." Claude comanded him about to push him off.

"Claude, i love you." The blond whispered in his ear.

The butler pushed up his glasses in shock. Right before he pushed his master off, Alois pecked him on the lips while crying. Alois was now falling out of the window. 

"Run! Your highness Run!" Claude yelled.

The blond landed on the bush and took off running for dear life. He shed tears while running out of his garden into the forest. The earl looked back to see his Claude in to window fightimg Ciel's butler.  The butler leaned out tne window.

"KEEP RUNNING! I LOVE YOU TOO ALOIS! KEEP RUNNING!" The butler yelled at the top of his lungs.

Aloos teared up even more. He wiped the water out of his blue orbs. The blond starts runnimg again while Claude's words echoed in his mind. The boy was running for his life in a forest getting far away from Sebastian. Alois fell face first into the ground, his foot hit a root. He quickly got up, looked around to see the estate out of sight.  The blond starts chanting the spell Claude gave him. There was a sudden bright light surrounds Alois. 

"Claude!" The young earl  shouted , but no one could hear him.

The boy shut his eyes and thought 'why me? Claude come get me. You left me alone. I love you Claude. Get me as soon as possible' Alois started crying his blue eyes out again just wanting his Claude to come and get him. The blond hugged himself while waiting for the spell to end.


"Damn, no that brat is missing." Sebastian said with an angry tone

"He loves me." Claude muttered 

"You miss your brat already." Sebastian mocked him

"Just like your brat is going to miss you." Claude said pulling out golden knives.

Sebastian didnt want to fight this time. He started running to the front entrance while dodging the knives. One managed to hit Sebastian in the sholder. Ciel's butler made it out of the estate and ran back to his own manor. Claude stood at the doorway touching his lips with wide eyes.

"He kissed me, Alois kissed me. He really loves me. I need to find him." The butler with glasses said.

Claude went back to the bedroom. Sat on the windowsill and looked out. He pushed himself off, landed on the bush, and started running to find his master.

"You wont be alone much longer Alois. Im coming to find you. I know you will be alright." Claude muttered while running.

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